Port variant v24
Summary Package management framework for Ruby (v2.4)
Package version 3.0.6
Keywords ruby, devel
Maintainer nobody
License MIT , RUBY (dual)
Other variants v25 | v26
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 26 NOV 2019, 05:40:10 UTC
Port created 22 SEP 2017, 21:56:43 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (in a self-contained format called a "gem"), a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them. The interface for RubyGems is a command-line tool called gem which can install libraries and manage RubyGems.[1] RubyGems integrates with Ruby run-time loader to help find and load installed gems from standardized library folders. Though it is possible to use a private RubyGems repository, the public repository is most commonly used for gem management. The public repository helps users find gems, resolve dependencies and install them.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY24 ON Build using Ruby version 2.4 RUBY25 OFF Build using Ruby version 2.5 RUBY26 OFF Build using Ruby version 2.6
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby24:primary:standard
Download groups
Distribution File Information
fd6785ac24728bd5bf8f0883d197fe0cea4df37d485c5353c93fbe573b8941b1 887156 ruby/rubygems-3.0.6.tgz
Ports that require ruby-rubygems:v24
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ruby-arel:v24 Arel Really Exasperates Logicians Arel is a (v24)
ruby-arr-pm:v24 RPM reader and writer library (v24)
ruby-backports:v24 Backports of Ruby features for older Ruby (v24)
ruby-bcrypt:v24 OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorith (v24)
ruby-builder:v24 Builders for MarkUp (v24)
ruby-cabin:v24 Experiments in structured and contextual log (v24)
ruby-childprocess:v24 Simple and reliable solution for controlling (v24)
ruby-clamp:v24 Minimal framework for command-line utilities (v24)
ruby-concurrent-ruby:v24 Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired (v24)
ruby-crass:v24 CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 s (v24)
ruby-dbm:v24 Provides a wrapper for the UNIX-style Databa (v24)
ruby-deep_merge:v24 Merge Deeply Nested Hashes (v24)
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ruby-dotenv:v24 Loads environment variables from `.env` (v24)
ruby-elasticsearch-api:v24 Ruby API for Elasticsearch (v24)
ruby-elasticsearch-transport:v24 Ruby client for Elasticsearch (v24)
ruby-elasticsearch:v24 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (v24)
ruby-erubi:v24 Small ERB Implementation (v24)
ruby-erubis:v24 Fast and extensible eRuby implementation whi (v24)
ruby-execjs:v24 Run JavaScript code from Ruby (v24)
ruby-faraday:v24 HTTP/REST API client library (v24)
ruby-fast_gettext:v24 Simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsaf (v24)
ruby-ffi:v24 Ruby FFI (v24)
ruby-fpm:v24 Package building and mangling (v24)
ruby-gdbm:v24 Ruby extension for GNU dbm (v24)
ruby-gettext-setup:v24 Gem to ease internationalization with fast_g (v24)
ruby-gettext:v24 Pure Ruby libary and tools to localize messa (v24)
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ruby-hashie:v24 Your friendly neighborhood hash library (v24)
ruby-hiera:v24 Light weight hierarchical data store (v24)
ruby-hocon:v24 HOCON Config Library (v24)
ruby-i18n:v24 New wave Internationalization support for Ru (v24)
ruby-image_processing:v24 Set of higher-level helper methods for image (v24)
ruby-insist:v24 Simple block-driven assertion library for bo (v24)
ruby-json:v24 JSON Implementation for Ruby (v24)
ruby-json_pure:v24 JSON Implementation for Ruby (v24)
ruby-kaminari-core:v24 Kaminari's core pagination library (v24)
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ruby-loofah:v24 General library for manipulating and transfo (v24)
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ruby-marcel:v24 Simple mime type detection using magic numbe (v24)
ruby-method_source:v24 Retrieve the sourcecode for a method (v24)
ruby-mime-types-data:v24 Mime-types-data provides a registry for info (v24)
ruby-mime-types:v24 Mime-types library provides a library and re (v24)
ruby-mimemagic:v24 Fast mime detection by extension or content (v24)
ruby-mini_magick:v24 Manipulate images with minimal use of memory (v24)
ruby-mini_mime:v24 Lightweight mime type lookup toy (v24)
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ruby-mini_portile:v24 Simplistic port-like solution for developers (v24)
ruby-minitest:v24 Minitest provides a complete suite of testin (v24)
ruby-multi_json:v24 Common interface to multiple JSON libraries (v24)
ruby-multipart-post:v24 Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP (v24)
ruby-mustache:v24 Framework-agnostic way to render logic-free (v24)
ruby-nio4r:v24 New IO for Ruby (v24)
ruby-nokogiri:v24 Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Rea (v24)
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ruby-rspec-mocks:v24 Rspec-mocks-3.9.0 (v24)
ruby-rspec-support:v24 Rspec-support-3.9.0 (v24)
ruby-rspec:v24 Rspec-3.9.0 (v24)
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