Port variant v26
Summary Package management framework for Ruby (v2.6)
Package version 3.2.31
Keywords ruby, devel
Maintainer nobody
License MIT , RUBY (dual)
Other variants v27 | v30
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 05 DEC 2021, 18:00:58 UTC
Port created 22 SEP 2017, 21:56:43 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (in a self-contained format called a "gem"), a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them. The interface for RubyGems is a command-line tool called gem which can install libraries and manage RubyGems.[1] RubyGems integrates with Ruby run-time loader to help find and load installed gems from standardized library folders. Though it is possible to use a private RubyGems repository, the public repository is most commonly used for gem management. The public repository helps users find gems, resolve dependencies and install them.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY26 ON Build using Ruby version 2.6 RUBY27 OFF Build using Ruby version 2.7 RUBY30 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.0
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby26:primary:standard
Download groups
Distribution File Information
7c2623aeed99eb30fd38ec1ae81776d6dce33039ebcd94f763a4ab3d45c23fcb 1271401 ruby/rubygems-3.2.31.tgz
Ports that require ruby-rubygems:v26
ruby-actioncable:v26 WebSocket framework for Rails (v26)
ruby-actionmailbox:v26 Inbound email handling framework (v26)
ruby-actionmailer:v26 Email support on Rails (v26)
ruby-actionpack:v26 MVC web applications on Rails (v26)
ruby-actiontext:v26 Rich text framework (v26)
ruby-actionview:v26 Web page conventions and helpers (v26)
ruby-activejob:v26 Job framework with pluggable queues (v26)
ruby-activemodel:v26 Support for attributes, callbacks + (v26)
ruby-activerecord:v26 Database mapper for Rails (v26)
ruby-activestorage:v26 Local and cloud file storage framework (v26)
ruby-activesupport:v26 Rails support for multibyte strings + (v26)
ruby-addressable:v26 URI Implementation (v26)
ruby-arel:v26 SQL AST manager for Ruby (v26)
ruby-arr-pm:v26 RPM reader and writer library (v26)
ruby-asciidoctor:v26 AsciiDoc to HTML5/DocBook5 converter (v26)
ruby-avro:v26 Apache Avro for Ruby (v26)
ruby-backports:v26 Backports of Ruby features for older Ruby (v26)
ruby-bcrypt:v26 Wrapper for handling passwords via bcrypt (v26)
ruby-builder:v26 Builders for MarkUp (v26)
ruby-cabin:v26 Structured and contextual logging (v26)
ruby-carrierwave:v26 Ruby file upload library (v26)
ruby-childprocess:v26 Controls external background programs (v26)
ruby-clamp:v26 Minimal framework for command-line utilities (v26)
ruby-concurrent-ruby:v26 Concurrency tools like futures, promises + (v26)
ruby-connection_pool:v26 Generic connection pool for Ruby (v26)
ruby-crass:v26 Pure ruby CSS Level 3 parser (v26)
ruby-csv:v26 CSV Reading and Writing (v26)
ruby-daemons:v26 Allows existing scripts to be daemonized (v26)
ruby-dbm:v26 Database Manager Library wrapper (v26)
ruby-deep_merge:v26 Merge Deeply Nested Hashes (v26)
ruby-delayed_job:v26 Asynchronous execution of background tasks (v26)
ruby-devise:v26 Flexible authentication for Rails/Warden (v26)
ruby-diff-lcs:v26 Longest Common Sequence algorithm (v26)
ruby-domain_name:v26 Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby (v26)
ruby-dotenv:v26 Loads environment variables from `.env` (v26)
ruby-elasticsearch-api:v26 Ruby API for Elasticsearch (v26)
ruby-elasticsearch-transport:v26 Ruby client for Elasticsearch (v26)
ruby-elasticsearch:v26 Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch (v26)
ruby-erubi:v26 Small ERB Implementation (v26)
ruby-erubis:v26 Embedded Ruby implementation (v26)
ruby-eventmachine:v26 Ruby/EventMachine library (v26)
ruby-execjs:v26 Run JavaScript code from Ruby (v26)
ruby-facter:v26 Facter, a system inventory tool (v26)
ruby-faraday-em_http:v26 Faraday adapter for Em::Http (v26)
ruby-faraday-em_synchrony:v26 Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony (v26)
ruby-faraday-excon:v26 Faraday adapter for Excon (v26)
ruby-faraday-httpclient:v26 Faraday adapter for HTTPClient (v26)
ruby-faraday-net_http:v26 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP (v26)
ruby-faraday-net_http_persistent:v26 Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent (v26)
ruby-faraday-patron:v26 Faraday adapter for Patron (v26)
ruby-faraday-rack:v26 Faraday adapter for Rack (v26)
ruby-faraday:v26 HTTP/REST API client library (v26)
ruby-fast_gettext:v26 Good, threadsafe implementation of GetText (v26)
ruby-ffi:v26 Foreign Function Interface library (v26)
ruby-fpm:v26 Fpm - package building and mangling (v26)
ruby-gdbm:v26 Ruby extension for GNU dbm (v26)
ruby-gettext-setup:v26 Sets up i18n localization for Ruby projects (v26)
ruby-gettext:v26 L10N localization library and tools (v26)
ruby-git:v26 Wraps system calls to the git library (v26)
ruby-globalid:v26 URIs to pass model references (v26)
ruby-haml:v26 HTML Abstraction Markup Language (v26)
ruby-hashie:v26 Your friendly neighborhood hash library (v26)
ruby-hiera:v26 Light weight hierarchical data store (v26)
ruby-highline:v26 High-level IO library for CLI (v26)
ruby-hocon:v26 HOCON Config Library (v26)
ruby-hpricot:v26 Swift, liberal HTML parser (v26)
ruby-http-accept:v26 Parse Accept and Accept-Language headers (v26)
ruby-http-cookie:v26 Handles RFC 6265 HTTP cookies (v26)
ruby-httpclient:v26 HTTP accessing library (v26)
ruby-i18n:v26 New wave Internationalization support (v26)
ruby-image_processing:v26 High-level wrapper for processing images (v26)
ruby-insist:v26 Block-driven assertion library (v26)
ruby-jquery-rails:v26 Use jQuery with Rails 4+ (v26)
ruby-json:v26 JSON Implementation for Ruby (v26)
ruby-json_pure:v26 JSON Implementation for Ruby (v26)
ruby-kaminari-actionview:v26 Kaminari Action View adapter (v26)
ruby-kaminari-activerecord:v26 Kaminari Active Record adapter (v26)
ruby-kaminari-core:v26 Kaminari's core pagination library (v26)
ruby-kaminari:v26 Sophisticated paginator for Rails 4+ (v26)
ruby-locale:v26 Library for basic APIs of localization (v26)
ruby-loofah:v26 HTML/XML transformation library (v26)
ruby-mail:v26 Really Ruby mail handler (v26)
ruby-marcel:v26 Simple MIME type detection (v26)
ruby-method_source:v26 Retrieve the sourcecode for a method (v26)
ruby-mime-types-data:v26 MIME media type definitions (v26)
ruby-mime-types:v26 MIME content type and registry library (v26)
ruby-mimemagic:v26 Fast mime detection by extension or content (v26)
ruby-mini_magick:v26 Memory-efficient image manipulation (v26)
ruby-mini_mime:v26 Lightweight mime type lookup toy (v26)
ruby-mini_portile2:v26 Simplistic port-like solution for developers (v26)
ruby-minitest:v26 Comple suite of testing facilities (v26)
ruby-msgpack:v26 Binary-based object serialization library (v26)
ruby-multi_json:v26 Common interface to multiple JSON libraries (v26)
ruby-multipart-post:v26 Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP (v26)
ruby-mustache:v26 Logic-free view renderer (v26)
ruby-mysql2:v26 Bindings for libmysql (v26)
ruby-net-http-persistent:v26 Manages persistent HTTP connections (v26)
ruby-net-scp:v26 Implementation of the SCP client protocol (v26)
ruby-net-ssh:v26 Implementation of the SSH2 client protocol (v26)
ruby-netrc:v26 Library to read and write netrc files (v26)
ruby-nio4r:v26 New IO for Ruby (v26)
ruby-nokogiri:v26 HTML/XML/SAX/Reader parser (v26)
ruby-orm_adapter:v26 Wrapper for supporting multiple ORMs (v26)
ruby-pg:v26 Interface to PostgreSQL servers (v26)
ruby-pleaserun:v26 Startup and service script generator (v26)
ruby-polyamorous:v26 Extraction from Ransack/Squeel (v26)
ruby-public_suffix:v26 Domain name parser and decomposer (v26)
ruby-puppet-resource_api:v26 Native resource creator for Puppet (v26)
ruby-puppet:v26 Aautomated configuration management tool (v26)
ruby-racc:v26 Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator (v26)
ruby-rack-test:v26 Simple testing API built on Rack (v26)
ruby-rack:v26 Modular Ruby webserver interface (v26)
ruby-rails-dom-testing:v26 Nokogiri DOM comparison tool (v26)
ruby-rails-html-sanitizer:v26 HTML sanitization for Rails applications (v26)
ruby-rails:v26 Full-stack web application framework (v26)
ruby-railties:v26 Rails bootup, plugins and other internals (v26)
ruby-rainbow:v26 Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals (v26)
ruby-rake:v26 Make-like program implemented in Ruby (v26)
ruby-ransack:v26 Creation of advanced search forms for Rails (v26)
ruby-rchardet:v26 Character encoding auto-detection (v26)
ruby-rdiscount:v26 Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown (v26)
ruby-red-datasets:v26 Common datasets such as Iris and CIFAR-100 (v26)
ruby-responders:v26 Set of reponders for Rails (v26)
ruby-rest-client:v26 Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby (v26)
ruby-rexml:v26 XML toolkit for Ruby (v26)
ruby-ronn:v26 Builds manuals (v26)
ruby-rspec-core:v26 Rspec-core-3.10.1 (v26)
ruby-rspec-expectations:v26 Rspec-expectations-3.10.1 (v26)
ruby-rspec-mocks:v26 Rspec-mocks-3.10.2 (v26)
ruby-rspec-support:v26 Rspec-support-3.10.3 (v26)
ruby-rspec:v26 Behavior-driven development for Ruby (v26)
ruby-ruby-augeas:v26 Ruby bindings for augeas (v26)
ruby-ruby-vips:v26 Binding for vips image processor (v26)
ruby-ruby-xz:v26 Bindings for liblzma compression library (v26)
ruby-ruby2_keywords:v26 Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords (v26)
ruby-rubyzip:v26 Zip file reading and creation library (v26)
ruby-scanf:v26 Ruby implementation of scanf (v26)
ruby-searchkick:v26 Intelligent search (Rails + Elasticsearch) (v26)
ruby-semantic_puppet:v26 Puppet Semantic Version comparison tool (v26)
ruby-simple_form:v26 Forms made easy! (v26)
ruby-sprockets-rails:v26 Sprockets Rails integration (v26)
ruby-sprockets:v26 Rack-based asset packaging system (v26)
ruby-sqlite3:v26 Interface with SQLite3 database engine (v26)
ruby-ssrf_filter:v26 Server-side request forgery prevention (v26)
ruby-stud:v26 Stud - common code techniques (v26)
ruby-temple:v26 Template compilation framework in Ruby (v26)
ruby-text:v26 Collection of text algorithms (v26)
ruby-thor:v26 Command-line interface toolkit (v26)
ruby-tilt:v26 Generic interface to template engines (v26)
ruby-tzinfo:v26 Time Zone Library (v26)
ruby-unf:v26 Unicode Normalization Form support (v26)
ruby-unf_ext:v26 Unicode Normalization Form support/CRuby (v26)
ruby-warden:v26 Rack Authentication libary (v26)
ruby-webrick:v26 HTTP server toolkit (v26)
ruby-websocket-driver:v26 Pluggable I/O WebSocket protocol handler (v26)
ruby-websocket-extensions:v26 Extension manager for WebSocket connections (v26)
ruby-yard:v26 Document generation tool for Ruby (v26)
ruby-zeitwerk:v26 Implements constant autoloading (v26)