Port variant v13
Summary Manipulate well-formed Roman numerals (3.13)
Package version 3.1.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 28 FEB 2025, 23:01:01 UTC
Port created 22 FEB 2025, 05:59:26 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single =============== roman-numerals =============== A library for manipulating well-formed Roman numerals. Integers between 1 and 3,999 (inclusive) are supported. Numbers beyond this range will return an OutOfRangeError. The classical system of roman numerals requires that the same character may not appear more than thrice consecutively, meaning that 'MMMCMXCIX' (3,999) is the largest well-formed Roman numeral. The smallest is 'I' (1), as there is no symbol for zero in Roman numerals. Both upper- and lower-case formatting of roman numerals are supported, and likewise for parsing strings, although the entire string must be of the same case. Numerals that do not adhere to the classical form are rejected with an InvalidRomanNumeralError. Example usage ============= Creating a roman numeral ------------------------ .. code-block:: python from roman_numerals import RomanNumeral num = RomanNumeral(16) assert str(num) == 'XVI' num = RomanNumeral.from_string("XVI") assert int(num) == 16 Convert a roman numeral to a string ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from roman_numerals import RomanNumeral num = RomanNumeral(16) assert str(num) == 'XVI' assert num.to_uppercase() == 'XVI' assert num.to_lowercase() == 'xvi' assert repr(num) == 'RomanNumeral(16)' Extract the decimal value of a roman numeral -------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from roman_numerals import RomanNumeral num = RomanNumeral(42) assert int(num) == 42 Invalid input ------------- .. code-block:: python from roman_numerals import RomanNumeral, InvalidRomanNumeralError num = RomanNumeral.from_string("Spam!") # raises InvalidRomanNumeralError num = RomanNumeral.from_string("CLL") # raises InvalidRomanNumeralError num = RomanNumeral(0) # raises OutOfRangeError num = RomanNumeral(4_000) # raises OutOfRangeError Licence ======= This project is licenced under the terms of either the Zero-Clause BSD licence or the CC0 1.0 Universal licence. See `LICENCE.rst`__ for the full text of both licences. __ ./LICENCE.rst
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12 PY313 ON Build using Python 3.13
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python313:dev:std
Build and Runtime python313:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/53/97/d2cbbaa10c9b826af0e10fdf836e1bf344d9f0abb873ebc34d1f49642d3f
Distribution File Information
9da2ad2fb670bcf24e81070ceb3be72f6c11c440d73bd579fbeca1e9f330954c 7742 python-src/roman_numerals_py-3.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-roman-numerals-py:v13
python-Sphinx:v13 Python documentation generator (3.13)