Port variant std
Summary Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
Package version 2.0.19
Homepage https://sebkrantz.github.io/collapse/
Keywords cran
Maintainer CRAN Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 10 JAN 2025, 01:34:25 UTC
Port created 23 FEB 2022, 02:10:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single collapse: Advanced and Fast Data Transformation A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical computing in R that is extremely fast, class-agnostic, robust and programmer friendly. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and weighted statistical functions for vectors, matrices and data frames, which provide efficient low-level vectorizations, OpenMP multithreading, and skip missing values by default. These are integrated with fast grouping and ordering algorithms (also callable from C), and efficient data manipulation functions. The package also provides a flexible and rigorous approach to time series and panel data in R. It further includes fast functions for common statistical procedures, detailed (grouped, weighted) summary statistics, powerful tools to work with nested data, fast data object conversions, functions for memory efficient R programming, and helpers to effectively deal with variable labels, attributes, and missing data. It is well integrated with base R classes, 'dplyr'/'tibble', 'data.table', 'sf', 'units', 'plm' (panel-series and data frames), and 'xts'/'zoo'.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) gmake:primary:std
Build and Runtime R-Rcpp:single:std
Runtime (only) R:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://CRAN/src/contrib
Distribution File Information
1eb92b4ce0f7a333a0f0ff21be2cca6ec8e7a5f4e0151f2f7a698a52e3212d8c 1563561 CRAN/collapse_2.0.19.tar.gz
Ports that require R-collapse:std
R-plm:std Linear Models for Panel Data