Port variant | v13 |
Summary | Support Proxmox API v2 (3.13) |
Package version | 2.1.0 |
Homepage | https://proxmoxer.github.io/docs/ |
Keywords | python |
Maintainer | Python Automaton |
License | Not yet specified |
Other variants | v12 |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 15 NOV 2024, 16:08:50 UTC |
Port created | 20 MAR 2023, 02:47:54 UTC |
single | ================================================ Proxmoxer: A Python wrapper for Proxmox REST API ================================================ master branch: |master_build_status| |master_coverage_status| |pypi_version| |pypi_downloads| develop branch: |develop_build_status| |develop_coverage_status| Proxmoxer is a python wrapper around the [Proxmox REST API v2]. It currently supports the Proxmox services of Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE), Proxmox Mail Gateway (PMG), and Proxmox Backup Server (PBS). It was inspired by slumber, but it is dedicated only to Proxmox. It allows not only REST API use over HTTPS, but the same api over ssh and pvesh utility. Like [Proxmoxia], it dynamically creates attributes which responds to the attributes you've attempted to reach. Full Documentation is available at https://proxmoxer.github.io/docs/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Migrating to version 2 |
Build (only) |
python313:dev:std python-pip:single:v13 autoselect-python:single:std |
Build and Runtime | python313:primary:std |
main | mirror://PYPIWHL/9b/17/b502aadc7556ba79b384da0cc506c8d8ef38e330ce9782321b1b00bcac1e |
python-netbox-proxbox:v13 | Proxmox plugin for Netbox (3.13) |