Port variant minimal
Summary X.Org minimal distribution meta-port
Package version 7.7
Homepage https://www.x.org/
Keywords x11
Maintainer nobody
License Not yet specified
Other variants std
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 11 AUG 2024, 22:51:45 UTC
Port created 03 APR 2018, 19:29:51 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single This meta-package installs most of the available X.Org packages.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
MINIMAL ON Minimal distribution variant NEST OFF Install nesting X server STANDARD ON Install standard X server VIRTUAL OFF Install virtual framebuffer X server XEPHYR OFF Install kdrive X server
Package Dependencies by Type
Runtime (only) xorg-server:primary:std
Download groups
This port does not download anything.
Distribution File Information
This port does not contain distinfo information.
Ports that require xorg:minimal
No other ports depend on this one.