Port variant py38
Summary Manage versions by SCM tags (PY 38)
Package version 3.5.0
Keywords python, devel, sysutils
Maintainer nobody
License MIT
Other variants py37
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 16 FEB 2020, 03:06:30 UTC
Port created 30 MAY 2017, 20:17:50 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single setuptools_scm: the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags setuptools_scm handles managing your python package versions in scm metadata instead of declaring them as the version argument or in a scm managed file. It also handles file finders for the supported scms.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY37 OFF Build using Python 3.7 PY38 ON Build using Python 3.8
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime python38:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/s/setuptools_scm
Distribution File Information
5bdf21a05792903cafe7ae0c9501182ab52497614fa6b1750d9dbae7b60c1a87 46272 setuptools_scm-3.5.0.tar.gz
Ports that require python-setuptools_scm:py38
python-acme-tiny:py38 Issue and renew Let's Encrypt TLS certs (PY 38)
python-black:py38 Uncompromising code formatter (PY 38)
python-booleanOperations:py38 Boolean operations on paths (PY 38)
python-borgbackup:py38 Deduplicated, encrypted, authenticated and (PY 38)
python-cu2qu:py38 Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion (PY 38)
python-importlib_metadata:py38 Read metadata from Python packages (PY 38)
python-jsonschema:py38 Alternate implementation of JSON Schema (PY 38)
python-psautohint:py38 Python wrapper for Adobe's PostScript auto (PY 38)
python-pyocr:py38 Python wrapper for OCR engines (Tesseract, (PY 38)
python-pytest-runner:py38 Scripts to add test support (PY 38)
python-python-dateutil:py38 Extensions to the standard Python datetime (PY 38)
python-setuptools_scm_git_archive:py38 Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives (PY 38)
python-skia-pathops:py38 Python access to operations on paths using (PY 38)
python-ufo2ft:py38 Bridge between UFOs and FontTools (PY 38)
python-ufoLib2:py38 UfoLib2 is a UFO font processing library (PY 38)
python-vdirsyncer:py38 Synchronize calendars and contacts (PY 38)
python-wheel:py38 Built-package format for Python (PY 38)