Port variant std
Summary Translate Integers into English
Package version 1.2.6
Homepage No known homepage
Keywords cran
Maintainer CRAN Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 AUG 2024, 21:24:17 UTC
Port created 15 APR 2020, 07:13:19 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single english: Translate Integers into English Allow numbers to be presented in an English language version, one, two, three, ... Ordinals are also available, first, second, third, ... and indefinite article choice, "a" or "an".
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) gmake:primary:std
Runtime (only) R:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://CRAN/src/contrib
Distribution File Information
49578a39b813d3497a960cb50a78d611fb367c9d1587bb438f4372748baf76bc 103235 CRAN/english_1.2-6.tar.gz
Ports that require R-english:std
R-textclean:std Text Cleaning Tools