Port variant static
Summary LZMA compression and decompression tools (static)
Package version 5.4.1
Homepage https://tukaani.org/xz/
Keywords archivers, raven
Maintainer nobody
License PUBDOM , GPLv2+ (multi)
Other variants standard
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 16 JAN 2023, 01:03:31 UTC
Port created 29 MAR 2017, 15:37:40 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single XZ Utils is free general-purpose data compression software with a high compression ratio. XZ Utils is the successor to LZMA Utils. The core of the XZ Utils compression code is based on the LZMA SDK. The primary compression algorithm is currently LZMA2, which is used inside the .xz container format. With typical files, XZ Utils creates output 30% smaller than gzip and 15% smaller than bzip2. The XZ Utils package consists of several components: * liblzma is a compression library with an API similar to that of zlib. * xz is a command line tool with syntax similar to that of gzip. * xzdec is a decompression-only tool smaller than the full-featured xz one. * A set of shell scripts (xzgrep, xzdiff, etc.) have been adapted from gzip to ease viewing, grepping, and comparing compressed files. * Emulation of the command line tools of LZMA Utils eases transition from LZMA Utils to XZ Utils.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
STATIC ON Build static executables and/or libraries
Package Dependencies by Type
This package has no dependency requirements of any kind.
Download groups
main mirror://SF/lzmautils
Distribution File Information
e4b0f81582efa155ccf27bb88275254a429d44968e488fc94b806f2a61cd3e22 2528617 xz-5.4.1.tar.gz
Ports that require xz:static
libarchive:static Static build of libarchive
ravensys-root:dragonfly DragonFly64 system root for Ravenports build env
ravensys-root:freebsd_amd64 FreeBSD-amd64 system root for Ravenports build env
ravensys-root:linux Linux system root for Ravenports build env
ravensys-root:netbsd_amd64 NetBSD-amd64 system root for Ravenports build env
ravensys-root:sunos Solaris 10 system root for Ravenports build env