Port variant v11
Summary Interfaces for Python (3.11)
Package version 6.2
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 18 FEB 2024, 19:59:47 UTC
Port created 28 FEB 2021, 16:29:36 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ==================== ``zope.interface`` ==================== :alt: Latest Version :alt: Supported Python versions :alt: Documentation Status This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python project. It is maintained by the [Zope Toolkit project ]. This package provides an implementation of "object interfaces" for Python. Interfaces are a mechanism for labeling objects as conforming to a given API or contract. So, this package can be considered as implementation of the `Design By Contract`_ methodology support in Python. .. _Design By Contract: For detailed documentation, please see ========= Changes ========= 6.2 (2024-02-16) ================ - Add preliminary support for Python 3.13 as of 3.13a3. - Add support to use the pipe (``|``) syntax for ``typing.Union``. (`#280 `_) 6.1 (2023-10-05) ================ - Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.12. - Add support for Python 3.12. - Fix building of the docs for non-final versions. 6.0 (2023-03-17) ================ - Build Linux binary wheels for Python 3.11. - Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6. - Fix test deprecation warning on Python 3.11. - Add preliminary support for Python 3.12 as of 3.12a5. - Drop: + `zope.interface.implements` + `zope.interface.implementsOnly` + `zope.interface.classProvides` 5.5.2 (2022-11-17) ================== - Add support for building arm64 wheels on macOS. 5.5.1 (2022-11-03) ================== - Add support for final Python 3.11 release. 5.5.0 (2022-10-10) ================== - Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11 (as of 3.11.0rc2). - Add missing Trove classifier showing support for Python 3.9. - Add some more entries to ``zope.interface.interfaces.__all__``. - Disable unsafe math optimizations in C code. See [pull request 262 ]. 5.4.0 (2021-04-15) ================== - Make the C implementation of the __providedBy__ descriptor stop ignoring all errors raised when accessing the instance's __provides__. Now it behaves like the Python version and only catches AttributeError. The previous behaviour could lead to crashing the interpreter in cases of recursion and errors. See [issue 239]. - Update the ``repr() and str()`` of various objects to be shorter and more informative. In many cases, the ``repr()`` is now something that can be evaluated to produce an equal object. For example, what was previously printed as `` is now shown as classImplements(list, IMutableSequence, IIterable)``. See [issue 236].
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 ON Build using Python 3.11 PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-setuptools:single:v11
Build and Runtime python-setuptools:single:v11
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/z/zope.interface
Distribution File Information
3b6c62813c63c543a06394a636978b22dffa8c5410affc9331ce6cdb5bfa8565 247528 zope.interface-6.2.tar.gz
Ports that require python-zope.interface:v11
python-Twisted:v11 Asynchronous networking framework (3.11)