Port variant py37
Summary SSH2 protocol library (PY37)
Package version 2.7.2
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py38
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 01 SEP 2020, 20:26:53 UTC
Port created 05 FEB 2019, 15:55:37 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single This is a library for making SSH2 connections (client or server). Emphasis is on using SSH2 as an alternative to SSL for making secure connections between python scripts. All major ciphers and hash methods are supported. SFTP client and server mode are both supported too. To install the development version, ``pip install -e git+``.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY37 ON Build using Python 3.7 PY38 OFF Build using Python 3.8
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime python-bcrypt:single:py37
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/p/paramiko
Distribution File Information
7f36f4ba2c0d81d219f4595e35f70d56cc94f9ac40a6acdf51d6ca210ce65035 1069537 paramiko-2.7.2.tar.gz
Ports that require python-paramiko:py37
python-scp:py37 Scp module for paramiko (PY37)