Port variant v12
Summary Package to manage versions by scm tags (3.12)
Package version 8.0.4
Homepage No known homepage
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 OCT 2023, 04:40:21 UTC
Port created 20 APR 2020, 15:00:59 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single # setuptools_scm [github ci] [Documentation Status] [![tidelift]]( ## about [setuptools-scm] extracts Python package versions from `git` or `hg` metadata instead of declaring them as the version argument or in an SCM managed file. Additionally, [setuptools-scm] provides setuptools with a list of files that are managed by the SCM
(i.e. it automatically adds **all of** the SCM-managed files to the sdist).
Unwanted files must be excluded via ``. ## `pyproject.toml` usage The preferred way to configure [setuptools-scm] is to author settings in a `tool.setuptools_scm` section of `pyproject.toml`. This feature requires setuptools 60 or later. First, ensure that [setuptools-scm] is present during the project's build step by specifying it as one of the build requirements. ```toml [build-system] requires = [ "setuptools>=60", "setuptools-scm>=8.0"] ``` That will be sufficient to require [setuptools-scm] for projects that support [PEP 518] like [pip] and [build]. [pip]: [build]: [PEP 518]: To enable version inference, you need to set the version dynamically in the `project` section of `pyproject.toml`: ```toml title="pyproject.toml" [project] # version = "0.0.1" # Remove any existing version parameter. dynamic = ["version"] [tool.setuptools_scm] ``` Additionally, a version file can be written by specifying: ```toml title="pyproject.toml" [tool.setuptools_scm] version_file = "pkg/" ``` Where `pkg` is the name of your package. If you need to confirm which version string is being generated or debug the configuration, you can install [setuptools-scm] directly in your working environment and run: ```console $ python -m setuptools_scm # To explore other options, try: $ python -m setuptools_scm --help ``` For further configuration see the [documentation]. [setuptools-scm]: [documentation]: ## Interaction with Enterprise Distributions Some enterprise distributions like RHEL7 ship rather old setuptools versions. In those cases its typically possible to build by using an sdist against `setuptools_scm<2.0`. As those old setuptools versions lack sensible types for versions, modern [setuptools-scm] is unable to support them sensibly. It's strongly recommended to build a wheel artifact using modern Python and setuptools, then installing the artifact instead of trying to run against old setuptools versions. ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the [setuptools-scm] project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the [PSF Code of Conduct]. [PSF Code of Conduct]: ## Security Contact
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11 PY312 ON Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python312:dev:standard
Build and Runtime python312:primary:standard
Runtime (only) python-packaging:single:v12
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/0e/a3/b9a8b0adfe672bf0df5901707aa929d30a97ee390ba651910186776746d2
Distribution File Information
b47844cd2a84b83b3187a5782c71128c28b4c94cad8bfb871da2784a5cb54c4f 42137 setuptools_scm-8.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
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