Port variant std
Summary GNU internationalization and localization system
Package version 0.24
Keywords devel
Maintainer nobody
License GPLv3+ , LGPL21+ (multi)
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 28 FEB 2025, 23:01:01 UTC
Port created 30 MAR 2017, 23:36:34 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the gettext:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of gettext:std.
primary GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains the shared library.
asprintf GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains the asprintf library which has a runtime dependency on libstdc++.
tools GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains gettext command line programs.
bldtools GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains development and translation tools.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the gettext:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
solinks GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains symbolic links to the shared libraries, and are used when needing to link to the shared intl library.
nls This is the native language support subpackage of the gettext:std port.
man This is the man page subpackage of the gettext:std port.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the gettext:std port.
info This is the GNU Info manual page subpackage of the gettext:std port.
asprintfdev This package contains the development files for asprintf library.
aclocal This package contains the autoconf m4 files for gettext. They are typically part of the dev package, but they have been separated to better support glibc systems.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) libiconv:dev:std
Runtime (only) gettext:primary:std (tools subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:cxx_run:std (asprintf subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:libs:std (asprintf subpackage)
indexinfo:single:std (info subpackage)
gettext:primary:std (bldtools subpackage)
gettext:aclocal:std (dev subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GNU/gettext
Distribution File Information
e1620d518b26d7d3b16ac570e5018206e8b0d725fb65c02d048397718b5cf318 8314092 gettext-0.24.tar.xz
Ports that require gettext:std
ART:std Raw image processing program
ImageMagick:std Suite to create, edit, compose, or convert images
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
R-DiceDesign:std Designs of Computer Experiments
R-RobStatTM:std Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods
R-data.table:std Extension of 'data.frame'
R-expm:std Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'
R-glmnet:std Generalized Linear Models for Lasso, etc
R-gmp:std Multiple Precision Arithmetic
R-robustbase:std Basic Robust Statistics
R:std Statistical computing and graphics environment
accountsservice:std D-Bus service for user account query/manipulation
ada_spawn:std Simple API to spawn communicating processes
adwaita-icon-theme:std GNOME standard icons
alpine:std Powerful and easy to use text email/news client
appstream-glib:std Library for reading and writing AppStream metadata
appstream:std Standard for machine-readable software metadata
aqbanking:std Online banking interface and financial framework
arandr:std Another XRandR graphical user interface
argp-standalone:std Arguments parsing functions from GLIBC
aspell:std GNU spell checker
at-spi2-core:std Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atkmm16:std C++ bindings for ATK
atkmm:std C++ bindings for ATK
avahi:std Service Discovery using mDNS/DNS-SD
awesome:std Dynamic WM for X, highly configurable in Lua
babl:std Dynamic pixel format translation library
bash:std GNU Bourne Again SHell
biblesync:std Multicast shared co-nav. lib for Bible programs
binutils:std GNU binary tools
bison:std Yacc-compatible parser generator from FSF
cairo:std Vector graphics library with cross-device support
caja:std File manager for the MATE desktop
clipit:std Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
colord:std Manage profiles to accurately color I/O devices
consolekit:std Framework for defining and tracking users
coreutils:noprefix FSF core utilities (standard names)
coreutils:std FSF core utilities (prefixed with g)
cpio:std Utility that copies files to or from archives
cups-filters:std OpenPrinting CUPS filters
darktable:std Photography workflow application and raw developer
dbus-glib:std D-Bus GLib binding
dbus:std Message bus system for IPC communication
dconf-editor:std Configuration database editor for GNOME
dconf:std Configuration database system for GNOME
deadbeef:std Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
desktop-file-utils:std Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
devilutionX:std Reverse-engineered Diablo 1 engine made portable
dia:std Diagram creation program, similar to MS-Visio
diffutils:noprefix GNU diff utilities (standard names)
diffutils:std GNU diff utilities (prefixed with g)
dos2unix:std DOS/MAC to UNIX Text File Format Converter
dpkg:std Debian package maintenance system
ede:std Extremely light-weight desktop environment
emacs:desktop GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
enchant1:std Dictionary/spellchecking framework (legacy)
enchant:std Dictionary/spellchecking framework
exiv2:std Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
farstream:std Audio/video communications framework
ffmpeg5:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
filezilla:std Cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS & SFTP client
findutils:noprefix GNU find utilities (standard names)
findutils:std GNU find utilities (prefixed with g)
firefox:std Mozilla web browser
fish:std Friendly Interactive SHell
flex:std Fast lexical analyzer generator
fluidsynth:std RT software synthesizer based on SoundFont2 specs
fontforge:std Outline and bitmap font editor
freetds:std Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
fuse2:std File System in Userspace (FUSE), legacy
gamin:std Monitor files and directories for changes
garcon:std Library implementing menu specs
gawk:std GNU version of Awk
gcab:std Cabinet file library and tool
gconf:std Configuration database system for GNOME
gcr3:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcr:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdb:std GNU debugger
gdbm:std GNU database manager
gdk-pixbuf-xlib:std Legacy Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf
gdk-pixbuf:std Graphic library for GIMP toolkit
gdl:std GNOME Docking Library
geany:std Fast and lightweight IDE
gegl:std Graph based image processing framework
geoclue:std D-Bus service to provide location information
gexiv2:std GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
gimp:std GNU Image Manipulation Program
git:std Distributed version control system
gjs:std Javascript bindings for GNOME
glade:std User interface builder for GTK+3
glib-networking:std Network-related giomodules for GLib
glib:std Some useful routines of C programming
glibmm24:std C++ interfaces for glib2
glibmm:std C++ interfaces for glib2
gmake:noprefix GNU make with unprefixed program name
gmake:std GNU variant of 'make' utility
gmrun:std Small GTK based 'Run application' dialog
gnatstudio:std Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnome-keyring:std Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnucash:std Financial accounting software
gnugrep:std GNU implementation of grep
gnupg:std GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnuplot:std Command-line driven graphing utility
gnutls:std GNU Transport Layer Security library
gobject-introspection:std Introspection data generator for GObject libraries
graphene:std Thin layer of graphic data types
graphviz:std Graph visualization tools
gsettings-desktop-schemas:std Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec:std GStreamer1 ATSC A/52 stream (AC-3) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-aalib:std GStreamer1 ASCII art plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-bad:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Bad" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-base:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-cairo:std GStreamer1 vector graphics plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint:std GStreamer1 audio fingerprint extracting plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-curl:std GStreamer1 CURL-based output plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread:std GStreamer1 DVD access plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faac:std GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-faad:std GStreamer1 MPEG-2/4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-flac:std GStreamer1 free lossless audio codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-flite:std GStreamer1 flite speech synthesis engine plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-gdkpixbuf:std GStreamer1 image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-gme:std GStreamer1 gaming console sound chips emulator
gstreamer1-plugins-good:std GStreamer Multimedia Framework "Good" Plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-jpeg:std GStreamer1 jpeg codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-lame:std GStreamer1 high-quality free mp3 encode plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libav:std GStreamer1 AV library plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libcaca:std GStreamer1 color ASCII art plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-libpng:std GStreamer1 png plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-modplug:std GStreamer1 decoder based on modplug egine plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-mpeg2dec:std GStreamer1 MPEG stream decode plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123:std GStreamer1 MPEG Layer 1, 2, and 3 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ogg:std GStreamer1 Ogg bitstream plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-pango:std GStreamer1 pango textoverlay plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd:std GStreamer1 DVD playback plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-sndfile:std GStreamer1 sndfile plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-soup:std GStreamer1 soup (SOAP) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-speex:std GStreamer1 speex voice plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-srt:std GStreamer1 Secure Reliable Transport plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-taglib:std GStreamer1 APEv2/ID3v2 tag plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-theora:std GStreamer1 theora plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-twolame:std GStreamer1 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly:std GStreamer1 plugins with potential dist. problems
gstreamer1-plugins-v4l2:std GStreamer1 video4linux2 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis:std GStreamer1 vorbis encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vpx:std GStreamer1 vp8 codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-wavpack:std GStreamer1 wavpack codec plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-webp:std GStreamer1 WebP image decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x264:std GStreamer1 H.264 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x265:std GStreamer1 H.265 video encoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-x:std GStreamer1 XImageSrc plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xshm:std GStreamer1 XvImageSink plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-xvideo:std GStreamer1 XImageSink plugin
gstreamer1:std Media applications framework
gtk-doc:std GTK+ DocBook Documentation Generator
gtk-engines:std Theme engine for the GTK-2.0 toolkit
gtk-murrine-engine:std Murrine GTK+2 theme engine
gtk2:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk3:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk4:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtkada:std Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components
gtkdatabox:std GTK+ widget to display fluctuating numerical data
gtkmm30:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+ v3
gtkmm40:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk4
gtksourceview3:std GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview4:std GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview5:std GTK4 syntax highlighting text widget
gtkspell:std Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
gts:std GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gvfs:std GNOME virtual file system
gwenhywfar:std Networking and security application library
harfbuzz:std OpenType text shaping engine
hexchat:std Graphical IRC client based on XChat
hunspell:std Most popular spellchecking library
i3:std Improved dynamic tiling window manager
inkscape:std Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
irssi:std Modular IRC client with many features
iso-codes:std Lists of country, language and currency iso names
json-glib:std JSON (RFC 4627) interface for Glib
kf6-baloo:std KF6 file indexing and file search framework
kf6-kcolorscheme:std KF6 classes to interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kconfigwidgets:std KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kcontacts:std KF6 support for vCard contacts
kf6-kdoctools:std KF6 documentation generation from docbook
kf6-kfilemetadata:std KF6 library for extracting metadata from files
kf6-ki18n:std KF6 advanced internationalization framework
kf6-kiconthemes:std KF6 icon GUI utilities
kf6-kio:std KF6 network transparent access to files and data
kf6-kparts:std KF6 plugin framework for user interface components
kf6-kpty:std KF6 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices
kf6-kservice:std KF6 advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-ktextwidgets:std KF6 Text editing widgets
kf6-kwallet:std KF6 safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
kf6-kxmlgui:std KF6 fw for managing menu and toolbar actions
kf6-purpose:std KF6 offer available actions for a specific purpose
klavaro:std Flexible touch typing tutor and trainer
kphotoalbum:std Image viewer and organizer for KDE
krb5:std MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
l3afpad:std Light-weight and simple GTK+3 text editor
leatherman:std C++ and CMake utility libraries
lensfun:std Library for fixing lens geometry distortions
lftp:std Command-line ftp client
libIDL:std Library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
libadwaita:std GTK4 building blocks for modern GNOME applications
libavif:std Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
libcaca:std Graphics library to output text instead of pixels
libcanberra:std Implementation of the XDG sound theme specs
libcroco:std CSS2 parsing library
libdbusmenu:std Library for passing menus over DBus
libexif:std Library to access EXIF files (extended JPEG files)
libexo:std Xfce application development library
libfilezilla:std C++ lib for building platform-independent programs
libfm-extra:std Extra library of PCManFM file manager
libfm-qt:std Core library of PCManFM-Qt file manager
libfm:std Core library of PCManFM file manager
libftdi1:std Library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI chips
libgee:std GObject collection library
libgepub:std GObject based epub documents handling library
libgsf:std Extensible I/O abstraction of file formats
libgtop:std GNOME library to collect system monitoring data
libgudev-devd:std GObject bindings for libudev
libgudev:std GObject bindings for libudev
libgusb:std GObject wrapper for libusb1
libgxps:std GObject-based lib for handling/rendering XPS docs
libhandy:std Library with GTK+ widgets for mobile phones
libical:std Reference implementation of the iCalendar format
libidn2:std IDNA2008 internationalized domain names library
libidn:std Internationalized Domain Name support library
libinput:std Generic input library
liblqr:std Seam-carving C/C++ library called Liquid Rescaling
libmanette:std Simple GObject game controller library
libmatekbd:std MATE keyboard management library
libmatemixer:std Mixer library for MATE
libmtp:std Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
libmypaint:std Library for making brushstrokes
libnice:std Implementation of ICE standard (RFC 5245)
libnotify:std Library for desktop notifications
libofx:std Open Financial eXchange (OFX) Library
libpeas:v12 GObject-based plugins engine (3.12)
libpeas:v13 GObject-based plugins engine (3.13)
libproxy:std Library for automatic proxy configuration mgmt
libpsl:std Library to handle the Public Suffix List
libreoffice:std Free Software Productivity Suite
librest:std Easy access to RESTful web services
librsvg:std SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
libsearpc:std Simple RPC framework based on GObject System in C
libsecret:std Library to access the secret service API
libslirp:std General purpose TCP-IP emulator for hypervisors
libsoup-2.4:std Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libsoup:std Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C
libtiger:std Text rendering library for Kate streams
libunique:std Library for single instance applications
libuuid:std Tool/Lib for generating Universally Unique IDs
libvips:loaded Threaded image processing library (more features)
libvips:std Threaded image processing library (std. options)
libvisual-plugins:std Set of plugins for the libvisual framework
libwacom:std Library to supply metadata about tablet devices
libwnck:std GNOME window navigator construction kit library
libwpd:std Import filter and tools for WordPerfect Documents
libxfce4ui:std Xfce UI library containing various GTK+ widgets
libxfce4util:std Xfce utility library for non-GUI components
libxfce4windowing:std Windowing concept abstraction lib X11 / Wayland
libxklavier:std Library providing a high-level API for XKB
libxmlb:std Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
loudmouth:std Lightweight Jabber client library
lua-lgi:lua52 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.2
lua-lgi:lua53 Bindings using gobject-introspection for Lua 5.3
luanti:std Infinite-world block sandbox game
lynx:std Text based browser for the world wide web
lyx:std Document Processor WYSIWYM Editor & Latex frontend
m17n-lib:std Multilingual text processing library
m4:noprefix GNU macro processor with unprefixed program name
marco:std Fully-fledged but low-frills WM for the MATE DE
mate-backgrounds:std Collection of backgrounds for MATE
mate-desktop:std MATE desktop common UI API library
mate-icon-theme:std MATE desktop default icon theme
mate-menus:std MATE implementation of the FreeDesktop Menu Spec
mate-polkit:std MATE frontend to the Polkit framework
mate-settings-daemon:std Settings daemon for MATE
mate-terminal:std Terminal emulator for MATE
mate-themes:std Collection of themes and icons for MATE
mate-user-guide:std MATE user guide
mcabber:std Small Jabber console client
megatools:std Command line tools for MEGA.NZ cloud drive
meld:std Visual diff and merge tool
menu-cache:std Caching mechanism for freedesktop-compliant menus
mercurial:std Scalable distributed version control system
mesa:std Mesa 3D Graphics Library
midnight-commander:desktop Free Norton Commander clone (X11)
midnight-commander:std Free Norton Commander clone
mkvtoolnix:std Matroska media files manipulation tools
mousepad:std Simple text editor for the Xfce DE
mtr:x11 Ping/Traceroute network diagnostic tool [x11]
mutt:std Powerful terminal mail client
nano:std Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced Pico clone
neon:std HTTP and WebDAV client library
neovim:std Next generation Vim
nginx-unit:std Dynamic web application server
okular:std KDE universal document viewer
openbox:std Configurable and lightweight X11 window manager
pango:std Open-source framework for rendering of i18n text
pangomm14:std C++ bindings for Pango
pangomm:std C++ bindings for Pango
parole:std Gstreamer-based media player for Xfce
pcmanfm-qt:std File manager for the LXQt desktop
pcmanfm:std Extremely fast and lightweight file manager
pcsc-lite:std Smartcard development library
perl-Locale-gettext:538 Message handling functions (v538)
perl-Locale-gettext:540 Message handling functions (v540)
php82-gettext:std PHP 8.2 extension: gettext native lang support
php83-gettext:std PHP 8.3 extension: gettext native lang support
php84-gettext:std PHP 8.4 extension: gettext native lang support
pidgin:std Multi-protocol instant messaging client
pinentry:fltk Assuan passphrase entry dialog (FLTK)
pinentry:gnome3 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (GNOME3)
pinentry:ncurses Assuan passphrase entry dialog (ncurses)
pinentry:qt5 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (Qt5)
pinentry:std Assuan passphrase entry dialog (console)
pipewire:std Low-latency audio/video router and processor
po4a:std Tools to ease the translation of documentation
polkit-qt-1:qt5 Qt5 wrapper around polkit-1
polkit-qt-1:qt6 Qt6 wrapper around polkit-1
polkit:std Framework for access control to system components
poppler:std PDF rendering library
postgis:std Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libversion:std Pg extension supporting version string comparison
postgresql13:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql14:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql15:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql16:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
postgresql17:std Powerful, open source object-relational database
profanity:std Console based XMPP client
python-PyGObject:v12 Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.12)
python-PyGObject:v13 Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.13)
python-dbus-python:v12 Python bindings for libdbus (3.12)
python-dbus-python:v13 Python bindings for libdbus (3.13)
python-libxml2:v12 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.12)
python-libxml2:v13 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.13)
python312:std Interpreted object-oriented programming language
python313:std Interpreted object-oriented programming language
qemu:std Fast CPU emulator and virtualizer for x86 platform
qt5-qtbase:std Qt5 - QtBase component
qt6-qtbase:std Qt6 - QtBase component
qt6-qtmultimedia:std Qt6 - QtMultimedia component
qt6-qtspeech:std Qt6 - QtSpeech component
rest:std Easy access to RESTful web services
rhash:ssl File digest utility with ssl runtime loading
rhash:std File digest library and utility
ristretto:std Light-weight image viewer for Xfce
rofi:std Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
rpm:std RPM Package Manager
rrdtool:std Round Robin Database tools
rspamd:std Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
sakura:std Simple tabbed terminal emulator using GTK+
sed:std GNU stream editor
shadow:std Password and admin tools for Linux
shared-mime-info:std MIME types database from project
smpeg:std SDL MPEG video/audio player and library
sound-theme-freedesktop:std Default sound theme based on FreeDesktop spec
sparforte:std Shell and scripting for mission-critical projects
speech-dispatcher:std Common interface to speech synthesis
subversion:std Version control system
sudo:std Allows restricted root access for specified users
surf:std Simple webkit browser adhering suckless principles
tar:noprefix GNU tape archiver without 'g' prefix
tar:std GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
tdb:std Trivial Database
tesseract:std OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine
texi2html:std Texinfo to HTML converter
texinfo:std Typeset documentation system, multiple formats
thunar:std File manager for Xfce
thunderbird:std Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
tilda:std Quake-style popup terminal
tint2:std Lightweight panel/taskbar/systray/clock
toxic:std Ncurses-based Tox client
transmission:daemon Lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon)
transmission:gtk Lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI)
transmission:qt Lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt GUI)
transmission:std Lightweight BitTorrent client (CLI client)
tumbler:std D-Bus thumbnailing service for Xfce
upower:std D-Bus daemon for power management tasks
uwsgi:std Fast, self-healing, application container server
vala:std Compiler for the GObject type system
video4linux:std Video device drivers
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
vim:std VIsual editor iMproved (basic options)
vimb:std Vim-like browser
vlc:std Qt based multimedia player and streaming server
vorbis-tools:std Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
vte:std Virtual Terminal Emulator widget
wavpack:std Hybrid lossless audio compression
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
weechat:std Fast, light and extensible chat client
wget2:std File retrieval tool using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP
wget:std Program to retrieve files via http/s and ftp
wireshark:std Network traffic analyzer
wmctrl:std Command-line tool to control X window managers
wv:std Library and tools to access MS Word files
wxWidgets30:gtk2 GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk2)
wxWidgets30:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk3)
wxWidgets:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
xfburn:std Optical Disc burning application for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder:std Application finder and launcher for Xfce
xfce4-dev-tools:std Xfce development tools
xfce4-notifyd:std Simple notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel:std Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager:std Power manager for Xfce
xfce4-screenshooter:std Screenshot utility and panel plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session:std Session manager for the Xfce DE
xfce4-settings:std Settings manager for Xfce
xfce4-terminal:std Terminal emulator for Xfce
xfconf:std Simple client-server configuration system for Xfce
xfdesktop:std Desktop manager for the Xfce DE
xfwm4:std Standard-complient window manager from Xfce
xorg-xhost:std Server access control program for X
xorg-xkeyboard-config:std X Keyboard Configuration Database
xscreensaver:std Screen saver and locker for X11
yelp:std Help browser for the GNOME desktop
zenity:std Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zim:std Desktop wiki and notekeeper