Port variant v13
Summary QR Code image generator (3.13)
Package version 8.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 15 NOV 2024, 16:08:50 UTC
Port created 08 JAN 2023, 04:18:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ============================= Pure python QR Code generator ============================= Generate QR codes. A standard install uses pypng_ to generate PNG files and can also render QR codes directly to the console. A standard install is just:: pip install qrcode For more image functionality, install qrcode with the pil dependency so that pillow_ is installed and can be used for generating images:: pip install "qrcode[pil]" .. _pypng: .. _pillow: What is a QR Code? ================== A Quick Response code is a two-dimensional pictographic code used for its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of any kind of data (e.g., binary, alphanumeric, or Kanji symbols) Usage ===== From the command line, use the installed qr script:: qr "Some text" > test.png Or in Python, use the make shortcut function: .. code:: python import qrcode img = qrcode.make('Some data here') type(img) # qrcode.image.pil.PilImage"some_file.png") Advanced Usage -------------- For more control, use the QRCode class. For example: .. code:: python import qrcode qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data('Some data') qr.make(fit=True) img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white") The version parameter is an integer from 1 to 40 that controls the size of the QR Code (the smallest, version 1, is a 21x21 matrix). Set to None and use the fit parameter when making the code to determine this automatically. fill_color and back_color can change the background and the painting color of the QR, when using the default image factory. Both parameters accept RGB color tuples. .. code:: python img = qr.make_image(back_color=(255, 195, 235), fill_color=(55, 95, 35)) The error_correction parameter controls the error correction used for the QR Code. The following four constants are made available on the qrcode package: ERROR_CORRECT_L About 7% or less errors can be corrected. ERROR_CORRECT_M (default) About 15% or less errors can be corrected. ERROR_CORRECT_Q About 25% or less errors can be corrected. ERROR_CORRECT_H. About 30% or less errors can be corrected. The box_size parameter controls how many pixels each "box" of the QR code is. The border parameter controls how many boxes thick the border should be (the default is 4, which is the minimum according to the specs). Other image factories =====================
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12 PY313 ON Build using Python 3.13
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python313:dev:std
Build and Runtime python313:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/74/ab/df8d889fd01139db68ae9e5cb5c8f0ea016823559a6ecb427582d52b07dc
Distribution File Information
9fc05f03305ad27a709eb742cf3097fa19e6f6f93bb9e2f039c0979190f6f1b1 45710 python-src/qrcode-8.0-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-qrcode:v13
python-netbox-qrcode:v13 QR Code generation for netbox objects (3.13)