Port variant 528
Summary Use fallback versions of XS (5.28)
Package version 1.004002
Keywords perl
Maintainer Perl Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants 530
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 17 MAY 2020, 01:48:35 UTC
Port created 14 JUN 2017, 04:26:08 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single This module first checks to see if either Cpanel::JSON::XS or JSON::XS is already loaded, in which case it uses that module. Otherwise it tries to load Cpanel::JSON::XS, then JSON::XS, then JSON::PP in order, and either uses the first module it finds or throws an error. It then exports the encode_json and decode_json functions from the loaded module, along with a JSON constant that returns the class name for calling new on.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PERL_528 ON Build using Perl 5.28 PERL_530 OFF Build using Perl 5.30
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS:single:528
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/ID:E/ET/ETHER
Distribution File Information
3b8e2fdc3b36d0c5edbc78121840dced63798ad49cabcf875d5c5e32336d77b5 22555 JSON-MaybeXS-1.004002.tar.gz
Ports that require perl-JSON-MaybeXS:528
perl-Dancer2:528 Lightweight web application framework (5.28)
perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser:528 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser (5.28)
perl-MooX-Options:528 Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class (5.28)