Port variant py310
Summary Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.10)
Package version 3.18.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 04 AUG 2023, 13:04:35 UTC
Port created 15 AUG 2018, 15:32:35 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
[image] [Release] [License] [![PyPI - Version]]( [![PyPI - Status]]( [![PyPI - Format]]( ##### Generate RFCs and IETF drafts from document source in XML according to the IETF xml2rfc v2 and v3 vocabularies
- [Changelog] - [Installation] - [Usage] - [Contributing] - [Getting Started] - [Git Cloning Tips] - [Docker Dev Environment] - [Release Procedure] --- ### Introduction The [IETF] uses a specific format for the standards and other documents it publishes as [RFCs], and for the draft documents which are produced when developing documents for publications. There exists a number of different tools to facilitate the formatting of drafts and RFCs according to the existing rules, and this tool, **xml2rfc**, is one of them. It takes as input an xml file that contains the text and meta-information about author names etc., and transforms it into suitably formatted output. The input xml file should follow the grammars in [RFC7749] *(for v2 documents)* or [RFC7991] *(for v3 documents)*. Note that the grammar for v3 is still being refined, and changes will eventually be captured in the [bis draft for 7991]. Changes not yet captured can be seen in the xml2rfc source [v3.rng], or in the [documentation xml2rfc produces] with its `--doc` flag. **xml2rfc** provides a variety of output formats. See the command line help for a full list of formats. It also provides conversion from v2 to v3, and can run the [preptool] on its input. ### Installation Installation of the python package is done as usual with `pip install xml2rfc`, using appropriate switches. #### Installation of support libraries for the PDF-formatter In order to generate PDFs, **xml2rfc** uses the [WeasyPrint] module, which depends on external libraries that must be installed as native packages on your platform, separately from the **xml2rfc** install. 1. First, install the **Pango**, and other required libraries on your system. See installation instructions on the [WeasyPrint Docs]. 2. Next, install WeasyPrint python modules using pip. ```sh pip install 'weasyprint==55.0' ``` 3. Finally, install the full **Noto Font** and **Roboto Mono** packages: * Download the full font file from: * Follow the installation instructions at * Go to, and download the font. Follow the installation instructions above, as applied to this download. * Go to, and download the font. Follow the installation instructions above, as applied to this download. With these installed and available to **xml2rfc**, the `--pdf` switch will be enabled. ### Usage **xml2rfc** accepts a single XML document as input and outputs to one or more conversion formats. #### Basic Usage ```sh xml2rfc SOURCE [options] FORMATS... ``` Run `xml2rfc --help` for a full listing of command-line options. ### Getting Started This project is following the standard **Git Feature Workflow** development model. Learn about all the various steps of the development workflow, from creating a fork to submitting a pull request, in the [Contributing] guide. > Make sure to read the [Styleguides] section to ensure a cohesive code format across the project.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY310 ON Build using Python 3.10 PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-setuptools:single:py310
Build and Runtime python-platformdirs:single:py310
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/x/xml2rfc
Distribution File Information
0ac1098bdef7301c123f0d9a923c97f20db26b5d2821a4cc091fb66ed5481caa 2645674 xml2rfc-3.18.0.tar.gz
Ports that require python-xml2rfc:py310
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