Port variant v13
Summary Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (3.13)
Package version 4.0.2
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 21 FEB 2025, 19:12:19 UTC
Port created 21 FEB 2025, 19:12:19 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ![AFDKO Test Suite] [Coverage] [PyPI] [![Join the chat at]]( Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO) =============================================== The AFDKO is a set of tools for building OpenType font files from PostScript and TrueType font data. This repository contains the data files, Python scripts, and sources for the command line programs that comprise the AFDKO. The project uses the [Apache 2.0 Open Source license]. Please note that the AFDKO makes use of several dependencies, listed in the requirements.txt file, which will automatically be installed if you install AFDKO with `pip`. Most of these dependencies are BSD or MIT license, with the exception of `tqdm`, which is [MPL 2.0]. Please refer to the [AFDKO Overview] for a more detailed description of what is included in the package. Please see the [wiki] for additional information, such as links to reference materials and related projects. 📣 Recent News ------------ **The Python port of psautohint was (re)integrated into the AFDKO repository as "otfautohint"** More information can be found in [docs/] Installation ------------ The AFDKO requires [Python] 3.9 or later. It should work with any Python > 3.9, but occasionally tool-chain components and dependencies don't keep pace with major Python releases, so there might be some lag time while they catch up. Releases are available on the [Python Package Index] (PyPI) and can be installed with [pip]. Note for macOS users: we recommend that you do **not** use the system Python. Among other reasons, some versions of macOS ship with Python 2 and the latest version of the AFDKO is only available for Python 3. You can find instructions for using Brew to install Python 3 on macOS here: [Installing Python 3 on Mac OS X]. Also: [pyenv] is a great tool for installing and managing multiple Python versions on macOS. Note for all users: we **STRONGLY** recommend the use of a Python virtual environment ([`venv`]) and the use of `python -m pip install ` to install all packages (not just AFDKO). Calling `pip install` directly can result in the wrong `pip` being called, and the package landing in the wrong location. The combination of using a `venv` + `python -m pip install` helps to ensure that pip-managed packages land in the right place. Note for Linux users (and users of other platforms that are not macOS or Windows): When there is not a pre-built "wheel" for your platform `pip` will attempt to build the C and C++ portions of the package from source. This process will only succeed if both the C and C++ development tools and libuuid are installed. See [build from source] below. ### Installing **Option 1 (Recommended)** - Create a virtual environment: ```sh python -m venv afdko_env ``` - Activate the virtual environment: - macOS & Linux ```sh source afdko_env/bin/activate ``` - Windows ```sh afdko_env\Scripts\activate.bat ``` - Install [afdko]:
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12 PY313 ON Build using Python 3.13
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-setuptools-scm:single:v13
Build and Runtime python313:primary:std
Runtime (only) afdko:single:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/a/afdko
Distribution File Information
e1a31e871e83dd022635b852297c433c8e9c9d9d4f0c0f634e8d55dde28ad930 17804422 python-src/afdko-4.0.2.tar.gz
Ports that require python-afdko:v13
python-cffsubr:v13 CFF subroutinizer based on AFDKO tx tool (3.13)