Port variant standard
Summary Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
Package version 23.0.0_2,1
Keywords www, ada
Maintainer John Marino
License GPLv3+
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 24 SEP 2023, 15:21:41 UTC
Port created 01 MAY 2017, 00:27:50 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the aws-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of aws-standard.
primary AWS stands for Ada Web Server, but it is more than just another webserver... AWS is a complete framework to develop web based applications. The main part of the framework is the embedded web server. This small yet powerful web server can be embedded into your application so your application will be able to talk with a standard web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator. Around this web server, a lot of services have been developed. The framework includes: * seb parameters module * session server * SOAP support * WSDL generation from Ada * template parser * AJAX support * HTTPS/SSL support * large server support * virtual hosting support * server push * directory browser * status page * log module * hotplug module * light communications API * configuration API * client API * web page service * SMTP support * LDAP support * Jabber support
tools This package contains tools based on the aws library.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the aws-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
examples This is the examples subpackage of the aws-standard port.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the aws-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
DEBUG OFF Build with debugging support IPV6 OFF Support IPv6 instead of IPv4 SHARED ON Build shared libraries in addition to static ones
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-Sphinx:single:v12
Build and Runtime gnatcoll-core:primary:standard
Runtime (only) libressl:primary:standard (tools subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:ada_run:standard (tools subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:ada_run:standard (primary subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GITHUB/adacore:aws:v23.0.0
tparser mirror://GITHUB/adacore:templates-parser:7b0d0f5:templates_parser
Distribution File Information
c63cec91ddf6ac55382f27e31ccd2dc17aabd7c713a70e39e2dab257a77d832c 2390842 adacore-aws-23.0.0.tar.gz 33e9fd2b08d1bd80cbc3ca146cc969ce5953a8992acf99ede2e3ddae4761b912 224466 adacore-templates-parser-7b0d0f5.tar.gz
Ports that require aws:standard
No other ports depend on this one.