Port variant v32
Summary High-level IO library for CLI (v32)
Package version 3.1.2
Keywords ruby
Maintainer Ruby Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v33 | v34
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 08 JAN 2025, 17:04:12 UTC
Port created 18 APR 2020, 06:17:19 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line interfaces. HighLine also includes a complete menu system that can crank out anything from simple list selection to complete shells with just minutes of work.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY32 ON Build using Ruby version 3.2 RUBY33 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.3 RUBY34 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.4
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby-reline:single:v32
Download groups
main mirror://RUBYGEMS/
Distribution File Information
67cbd34d19f6ef11a7ee1d82ffab5d36dfd5b3be861f450fc1716c7125f4bb4a 218624 ruby/highline-3.1.2.gem
Ports that require ruby-highline:v32
No other ports depend on this one.