Port variant standard
Summary PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.2
Package version 8.2.22
Keywords lang, www, php
Maintainer nobody
License PHP License v3.01
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 31 JUL 2024, 19:03:24 UTC
Port created 11 DEC 2022, 20:15:53 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the php82-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of php82-standard.
primary PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is modular, and object-oriented. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The language is designed to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly. This package provides PHP version 7.3.x. New feature added over version 7.2.x include: * Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntax * PCRE2 Migration * Multiple MBString Improvements * LDAP Controls Support * Improved FPM Logging * Windows File Deletion Improvements * Several Deprecations
dev This is the developer subpackage of the php82-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
man This is the man page subpackage of the php82-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
CGI ON Enable Common Gateway Interface SAPI CLI ON Enable Command Line Interface SAPI DEBUGGER ON Enable interactive debugger SAPI module support EMBED ON Build embedded SAPI library FPM ON Enable FastCGI Process Manager SAPI
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) autoconf:single:standard
Build and Runtime pcre2:primary:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PHP/distributions
Distribution File Information
8566229bc88ad1f4aadc10700ab5fbcec81587c748999d985f11cf3b745462df 12099476 php-8.2.22.tar.xz
Ports that require php82:standard
nfsen:standard Web based frontend to nfdump netflow collector
nginx-unit:standard Dynamic web application server
php82-bcmath:standard PHP 8.2 extension: bcmath (binary calculator)
php82-bz2:standard PHP 8.2 extension: bzip2 compression
php82-calendar:standard PHP 8.2 extension: calendar converter
php82-ctype:standard PHP 8.2 extension: ctype Character type checking
php82-curl:standard PHP 8.2 extension: curl Client URL library
php82-dba:standard PHP 8.2 extension: dba Berkeley DB driver
php82-dom:standard PHP 8.2 extension: dom Document Object Model
php82-enchant:standard PHP 8.2 extension: enchant spell checking
php82-exif:standard PHP 8.2 extension: exif image meta data
php82-ffi:standard PHP 8.2 extension: ffi (libxml interface)
php82-fileinfo:standard PHP 8.2 extension: fileinfo File Information
php82-filter:standard PHP 8.2 extension: filter Data filtering
php82-ftp:standard PHP 8.2 extension: ftp (file transfers)
php82-gd:standard PHP 8.2 extension: gd (image processing)
php82-gettext:standard PHP 8.2 extension: gettext native lang support
php82-gmp:standard PHP 8.2 extension: gmp arbitrary-length integers
php82-iconv:standard PHP 8.2 extension: iconv character set conversion
php82-intl:standard PHP 8.2 extension: intl Internationalization
php82-mbstring:standard PHP 8.2 extension: mbstring (Multibyte string)
php82-mysqli:standard PHP 8.2 extension: mysqli database driver
php82-odbc:standard PHP 8.2 extension: odbc database driver
php82-opcache:standard PHP 8.2 extension: opcache (shared memory cache)
php82-openssl:standard PHP 8.2 extension: openssl (encryption)
php82-pcntl:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pcntl (process control)
php82-pdo:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo (PHP Data Objects)
php82-pdo_dblib:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo_dblib database driver
php82-pdo_mysql:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo_mysql database driver
php82-pdo_odbc:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo_odbc database driver
php82-pdo_pgsql:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo_pgsql database driver
php82-pdo_sqlite:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pdo_sqlite database driver
php82-pgsql:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pgsql database driver
php82-phar:standard PHP 8.2 extension: phar PHP Archive
php82-posix:standard PHP 8.2 extension: posix functionality
php82-pspell:standard PHP 8.2 extension: pspell (spell checker)
php82-readline:standard PHP 8.2 extension: readline library interface
php82-session:standard PHP 8.2 extension: session handling (web)
php82-shmop:standard PHP 8.2 extension: shmop (shared memory ops)
php82-simplexml:standard PHP 8.2 extension: simplexml XML->object converter
php82-soap:standard PHP 8.2 extension: soap web services
php82-sockets:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sockets interface
php82-sodium:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sodium (libxml interface)
php82-sqlite3:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sqlite3 database driver
php82-sysvmsg:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sysvmsg interproc communication
php82-sysvsem:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sysvsem semaphore functions
php82-sysvshm:standard PHP 8.2 extension: sysvshm share memory functions
php82-tidy:standard PHP 8.2 extension: tidy (html correction)
php82-tokenizer:standard PHP 8.2 extension: tokenizer interface
php82-xml:standard PHP 8.2 extension: xml (libxml interface)
php82-xmlreader:standard PHP 8.2 extension: xmlreader (libxml interface)
php82-xmlwriter:standard PHP 8.2 extension: xmlwriter (libxml interface)
php82-xsl:standard PHP 8.2 extension: xsl (transformations)
php82-yaml:standard PHP 2.2 extension: yaml parser
php82-zip:standard PHP 8.2 extension: zip zip compression
php82-zlib:standard PHP 8.2 extension: zlib compression