Port variant py37
Summary Composable complex class support for attrs (PY37)
Package version 1.1.1
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py38
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 31 OCT 2020, 17:04:34 UTC
Port created 03 JAN 2020, 01:03:23 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ====== cattrs ====== :alt: Documentation Status :alt: Supported Python versions ---- cattrs is an open source Python library for structuring and unstructuring data. cattrs works best with attrs classes and the usual Python collections, but other kinds of classes are supported by manually registering converters. Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples. These data types are also the lingua franca of most data serialization libraries, for formats like json, msgpack, yaml or toml. Data types like this, and mappings like dict s in particular, represent unstructured data. Your data is, in all likelihood, structured: not all combinations of field names are values are valid inputs to your programs. In Python, structured data is better represented with classes and enumerations. attrs is an excellent library for declaratively describing the structure of your data, and validating it. When you're handed unstructured data (by your network, file system, database...), cattrs helps to convert this data into structured data. When you have to convert your structured data into data types other libraries can handle, cattrs turns your classes and enumerations into dictionaries, integers and strings. Here's a simple taste. The list containing a float, an int and a string gets converted into a tuple of three ints. .. code-block:: pycon >>> import cattr >>> from typing import Tuple >>> >>> cattr.structure([1.0, 2, "3"], Tuple[int, int, int]) (1, 2, 3) cattrs works well with attrs classes out of the box. .. code-block:: pycon >>> import attr, cattr >>> >>> @attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True) # It works with normal classes too. ... class C: ... a = attr.ib() ... b = attr.ib() ... >>> instance = C(1, 'a') >>> cattr.unstructure(instance) {'a': 1, 'b': 'a'} >>> cattr.structure({'a': 1, 'b': 'a'}, C) C(a=1, b='a') Here's a much more complex example, involving attrs classes with type metadata. .. code-block:: pycon >>> from enum import unique, Enum >>> from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union >>> from cattr import structure, unstructure >>> import attr >>> >>> @unique ... class CatBreed(Enum): ... SIAMESE = "siamese" ... MAINE_COON = "maine_coon" ... SACRED_BIRMAN = "birman" ... >>> @attr.s ... class Cat: ... breed: CatBreed = attr.ib() ... names: Sequence[str] = attr.ib() ... >>> @attr.s ... class DogMicrochip: ... chip_id = attr.ib() ... time_chipped: float = attr.ib() ... >>> @attr.s ... class Dog: ... cuteness: int = attr.ib() ... chip: Optional[DogMicrochip] = attr.ib() ... >>> p = unstructure([Dog(cuteness=1, chip=DogMicrochip(chip_id=1, time_chipped=10.0)),
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY37 ON Build using Python 3.7 PY38 OFF Build using Python 3.8
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime python-attrs:single:py37
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/c/cattrs
Distribution File Information
cd7579ef6ed80993bdd0e24a806493c48576caebd47b7b6ec2cd3cfd0b9a5f72 38486 cattrs-1.1.1.tar.gz
Ports that require python-cattrs:py37
python-statmake:py37 Applies STAT Stylespace to a variable font (PY37)