Port variant v13
Summary Composable complex class support for attrs (3.13)
Package version 24.1.2
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v12
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 15 NOV 2024, 16:08:50 UTC
Port created 04 JAN 2020, 01:03:23 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single # *cattrs*: Flexible Object Serialization and Validation *Because validation belongs to the edges.* [Documentation] [![License: MIT]]( [PyPI] [Supported Python Versions] [Downloads] [Coverage] --- **cattrs** is a Swiss Army knife for (un)structuring and validating data in Python. In practice, that means it converts **unstructured dictionaries** into **proper classes** and back, while **validating** their contents. ## Example _cattrs_ works best with [_attrs_] classes, and [dataclasses] where simple (un-)structuring works out of the box, even for nested data, without polluting your data model with serialization details: ```python >>> from attrs import define >>> from cattrs import structure, unstructure >>> @define ... class C: ... a: int ... b: list[str] >>> instance = structure({'a': 1, 'b': ['x', 'y']}, C) >>> instance C(a=1, b=['x', 'y']) >>> unstructure(instance) {'a': 1, 'b': ['x', 'y']} ``` Have a look at [*Why *cattrs*?*] for more examples! ## Features ### Recursive Unstructuring - _attrs_ classes and dataclasses are converted into dictionaries in a way similar to `attrs.asdict()`, or into tuples in a way similar to `attrs.astuple()`. - Enumeration instances are converted to their values. - Other types are let through without conversion. This includes types such as integers, dictionaries, lists and instances of non-_attrs_ classes. - Custom converters for any type can be registered using `register_unstructure_hook`. ### Recursive Structuring Converts unstructured data into structured data, recursively, according to your specification given as a type. The following types are supported: - `typing.Optional[T]` and its 3.10+ form, `T | None`. - `list[T]`, `typing.List[T]`, `typing.MutableSequence[T]`, `typing.Sequence[T]` convert to a lists. - `tuple` and `typing.Tuple` (both variants, `tuple[T, ...]` and `tuple[X, Y, Z]`). - `set[T]`, `typing.MutableSet[T]`, and `typing.Set[T]` convert to a sets. - `frozenset[T]`, and `typing.FrozenSet[T]` convert to a frozensets. - `dict[K, V]`, `typing.Dict[K, V]`, `typing.MutableMapping[K, V]`, and `typing.Mapping[K, V]` convert to a dictionaries. - [`typing.TypedDict`], ordinary and generic. - [`typing.NewType`] - [PEP 695 type aliases] on 3.12+ - _attrs_ classes with simple attributes and the usual `__init__`[^simple]. - All _attrs_ classes and dataclasses with the usual `__init__`, if their complex attributes have type metadata. - Unions of supported _attrs_ classes, given that all of the classes have a unique field. - Unions of anything, if you provide a disambiguation function for it. - Custom converters for any type can be registered using `register_structure_hook`. [^simple]: Simple attributes are attributes that can be assigned unstructured data, like numbers, strings, and collections of unstructured data. ### Batteries Included _cattrs_ comes with pre-configured converters for a number of serialization libraries, including JSON (standard library, [_orjson_], [UltraJSON]), [_msgpack_], [_cbor2_], [_bson_], [PyYAML], [_tomlkit_] and [_msgspec_]
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY312 OFF Build using Python 3.12 PY313 ON Build using Python 3.13
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python313:dev:std
Build and Runtime python313:primary:std
Runtime (only) python-attrs:single:v13
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/c8/d5/867e75361fc45f6de75fe277dd085627a9db5ebb511a87f27dc1396b5351
Distribution File Information
67c7495b760168d931a10233f979b28dc04daf853b30752246f4f8471c6d68d0 66446 python-src/cattrs-24.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-cattrs:v13
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