R-DT:std |
Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables' |
R-Quandl:std |
API Wrapper for Quandl.com |
R-alphavantager:std |
Lightweight Interface to the Alpha Vantage API |
R-bslib:std |
Custom Bootstrap and Sass themes |
R-covr:std |
Test Coverage for Packages |
R-credentials:std |
Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials |
R-crosstalk:std |
Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets |
R-gargle:std |
Utilities for Working with Google APIs |
R-ggvis:std |
Interactive Grammar of Graphics |
R-gh:std |
'GitHub' 'API' |
R-googleVis:std |
R Interface to Google Charts |
R-googledrive:std |
Interface to Google Drive |
R-htmlwidgets:std |
HTML Widgets for R |
R-httr:std |
Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP |
R-pkgdown:std |
Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package |
R-plotly:std |
Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js' |
R-quantmod:std |
Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework |
R-repr:std |
Serializable Representations |
R-rgl:std |
3D Visualization Using OpenGL |
R-riingo:std |
R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price API |
R-rmarkdown:std |
Dynamic Documents for R |
R-servr:std |
Simple HTTP server - static and dynamic files |
R-shiny:std |
Web Application Framework for R |
R-shinyjs:std |
Javascript operations for Shiny apps |
R-systemfonts:std |
System Native Font Finding |
R-testthat:std |
Unit Testing for R |
R-tidyverse:std |
Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' |
R-tseries:std |
Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance |
R-usethis:std |
Automate Package and Project Setup |
R-visNetwork:std |
Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library |
R-webshot:std |
Take Screenshots of Web Pages |