Port variant v32
Summary Binding for vips image processor (v32)
Package version 2.2.1
Keywords ruby
Maintainer Ruby Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v31 | v33
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 24 FEB 2024, 23:39:51 UTC
Port created 22 AUG 2019, 16:51:45 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ruby-vips is a binding for the libvips image processing library. It is fast and it can process large images without loading the whole image in memory.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY31 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.1 RUBY32 ON Build using Ruby version 3.2 RUBY33 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.3
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby-ffi:single:v32
Download groups
main mirror://RUBYGEMS/
Distribution File Information
a29841d601c5cfcad9b152964fe83ac8fc60dd94cf8d1fc5e69cfb90fe57cc7b 69632 ruby/ruby-vips-2.2.1.gem
Ports that require ruby-ruby-vips:v32
ruby-image_processing:v32 High-level wrapper for processing images (v32)