Port variant v26
Summary Job framework with pluggable queues (v26)
BROKEN [all] Does not meet minimum Ruby version requirements
Package version 7.0.0
Keywords ruby
Maintainer Ruby Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v27 | v30
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 23 DEC 2021, 12:42:05 UTC
Port created 04 OCT 2017, 17:11:24 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Declare job classes that can be run by a variety of queuing backends.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY26 ON Build using Ruby version 2.6 RUBY27 OFF Build using Ruby version 2.7 RUBY30 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.0
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby-activesupport:single:v26
Download groups
main mirror://RUBYGEMS/
Distribution File Information
dfd0e1d050b2adda91158db1061b9f28835740c84cbc9b009617f4b240922dbb 32768 ruby/activejob-7.0.0.gem
Ports that require ruby-activejob:v26
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