Port variant | std |
Summary | Modeling Workflows |
Package version | 1.1.4 |
Homepage | https://github.com/tidymodels/workflows |
Keywords | cran |
Maintainer | CRAN Automaton |
License | Not yet specified |
Other variants | There are no other variants. |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 09 AUG 2024, 21:24:17 UTC |
Port created | 22 SEP 2023, 22:57:13 UTC |
single | workflows: Modeling Workflows Managing both a 'parsnip' model and a preprocessor, such as a model formula or recipe from 'recipes', can often be challenging. The goal of 'workflows' is to streamline this process by bundling the model alongside the preprocessor, all within the same object. |
main | mirror://CRAN/src/contrib https://loki.dragonflybsd.org/cranfiles/ |
R-tidymodels:std | Easily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages |
R-tune:std | Tidy Tuning Tools |
R-workflowsets:std | Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows |