Port variant | v13 |
Summary | Magic file detection (3.13) |
Package version | 1.28 |
Homepage | https://github.com/cdgriffith/puremagic |
Keywords | python |
Maintainer | Python Automaton |
License | Not yet specified |
Other variants | v12 |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 15 NOV 2024, 16:08:50 UTC |
Port created | 03 JUL 2023, 21:37:39 UTC |
single | puremagic ========= puremagic is a pure python module that will identify a file based off it's magic numbers. |CoverageStatus| |License| |PyPi| It is designed to be minimalistic and inherently cross platform compatible. It is also designed to be a stand in for python-magic, it incorporates the functions from\_file(filename[, mime]) and from\_string(string[, mime]) however the magic\_file() and magic\_string() are more powerful and will also display confidence and duplicate matches. It does NOT try to match files off non-magic string. In other words it will not search for a string within a certain window of bytes like others might. Advantages over using a wrapper for 'file' or 'libmagic': - Faster - Lightweight - Cross platform compatible - No dependencies Disadvantages: - Does not have as many file types - No multilingual comments - Duplications due to small or reused magic numbers (Help fix the first two disadvantages by contributing!) Compatibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python 3.7+ Using github ci to run continuous integration tests on listed platforms. Install from pypy ----------------- |
Build (only) |
python313:dev:std python-pip:single:v13 autoselect-python:single:std |
Build and Runtime | python313:primary:std |
main | mirror://PYPIWHL/c5/53/200a97332d10ed3edd7afcbc5f5543920ac59badfe5762598327999f012e |
python-pspdfutils:v13 | Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents (3.13) |