Port variant std
Summary Cross-platform Makefile generator
Package version 3.31.6
Keywords devel
Maintainer nobody
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 28 FEB 2025, 23:01:01 UTC
Port created 29 APR 2017, 07:02:50 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the cmake:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of cmake:std.
primary CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite sophisticated: it is possible to support complex environments requiring system configuration, pre-processor generation, code generation, and template instantiation.
man This is the man page subpackage of the cmake:std port.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the cmake:std port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) libarchive:dev:std
Build and Runtime jsoncpp:primary:std
Runtime (only) ravensys-gcc:cxx_run:std (primary subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:libs:std (primary subpackage)
Download groups
Distribution File Information
653427f0f5014750aafff22727fb2aa60c6c732ca91808cfb78ce22ddd9e55f0 11710589 cmake-3.31.6.tar.gz
Ports that require cmake:std
ART:std Raw image processing program
Imath:std C++ representation of 2D/3D vectors and matrices
R-nloptr:std R Interface to NLopt
abseil-cpp:std Abseil C++ Common Libraries
afdko:std Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType
aom:std Alliance for Open Media video codec
avrdude:std AVR Downloader Updater
awesome:std Dynamic WM for X, highly configurable in Lua
bezitopo:std Land surveying program based on Bezier splines
biblesync:std Multicast shared co-nav. lib for Bible programs
boehm_garbage_collector:redirect Garbage collection with redirected malloc
boehm_garbage_collector:std Garbage collection and memory leak detection
boehm_garbage_collector:threaded Garbage collection with posix thread support
brotli:std Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
bsdisks:std UDisks2 service implementation for FreeBSD
cbsd:std FreeBSD jails, bhyve and Xen manager
ccache:std Fast C/C++ compiler cache tool
cgal:std Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cglm:std GLM library for C
check:std Unit test framework for C
chromaprint:std AcoustID audio fingerprinting library
cjson:std Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
clamav:std Clam Anti-Virus Scanner
clang18:std C language family frontend for LLVM 18.1
clang:std C language family frontend for LLVM 19.1
clucene:std C++ port of Lucene search engine
cmark:std CommonMark parsing and rendering
compiler-rt:std Compiler runtime libraries for clang
copyq:std Qt6-based clipboard manager
cpp-hocon:std C++ port of the Typesafe Config library
cppcheck:std Static analysis tool for C/C++
ctwm:std Window manager that iterated on twm
darktable:std Photography workflow application and raw developer
devilutionX:std Reverse-engineered Diablo 1 engine made portable
dht:std Kademlia Distributed Hash Table
double-conversion:std Conversion routines for IEEE doubles
doxygen:std Source code documentation generator tool
ebook-tools:std Accesses and converts various ebook file formats
eigen:std C++ template library for linear algebra
elftoolchain:std Compilation tools and libraries for ELF
exiv2:std Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
faad2:std Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder version 2
fetch:library Library to retrieve file by URL
fetch:std Tool to retrieve file by Uniform Resource Locator
fftw:float Fast Fourier Transform library (float)
fftw:long Fast Fourier Transform library (long double)
fftw:quad Fast Fourier Transform library (quad precision)
fftw:std Fast Fourier Transform library (double)
fish:std Friendly Interactive SHell
fluent-bit18:std Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder
fluent-bit:std Fast and Lightweight Log processor and forwarder
fluidsynth:std RT software synthesizer based on SoundFont2 specs
fmt:std Open-source formatting library for C++
fontforge:std Outline and bitmap font editor
freeglut:std FOSS implementation of the GLUT library
frei0r:std Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
frozen:std Constexpr header alternative to gperf for C++14
fswatch:std Cross-platform file change monitor
gargoyle:std Graphical player for Interactive Fiction games
gdal:std Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
geos:std C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
glfw:std Library for making OpenGL applications
glm:std C++ mathematics library for graphics programming
glslang:std OpenGL & OpenGL ES shader front end and validator
gnucash:std Financial accounting software
graphite:std Rendering for complex non-Roman writing systems
graphviz:std Graph visualization tools
gtest:std Google Testing and Mocking Framework
hidapi:std Lib to access USB and Bluetooth HID-Class devices
highway:std Efficient and performance-portable SIMD
inkscape:std Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
ixion:std General purpose formula parser and interpreter
jasper:std Implementation JPEG-2000 standard codec
jpeg-turbo:std SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec which replaces libjpeg
json-c:std JSON implementation in C
keepassxc:std Community fork of the KeePassX password manager
kf5-extra-cmake-modules:std KF5 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
kf6-attica:std Open Collaboration Services API library
kf6-baloo:std KF6 file indexing and file search framework
kf6-breeze-icons:std Breeze icon theme for KDE
kf6-extra-cmake-modules:std KF6 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
kf6-karchive:std KF6 library for handling archive formats
kf6-kauth:std KF6 abstraction for system policy / auth features
kf6-kbookmarks:std KF6 bookmarks management library
kf6-kcalendarcore:std KF6 access to and handling of calendar data
kf6-kcodecs:std KF6 library for string manipulation
kf6-kcolorscheme:std KF6 classes to interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kcompletion:std KF6 text completion helpers and widgets
kf6-kconfig:std KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kconfigwidgets:std KF6 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf6-kcontacts:std KF6 support for vCard contacts
kf6-kcoreaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtCore
kf6-kcrash:std KF6 library for crash analysis and bug reports
kf6-kdbusaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtDBus
kf6-kded:std KF6 extensible daemon for system level services
kf6-kdoctools:std KF6 documentation generation from docbook
kf6-kfilemetadata:std KF6 library for extracting metadata from files
kf6-kglobalaccel:std KF6 lib supporting global workspace shortcuts
kf6-kguiaddons:std KF6 utilities for graphical user interfaces
kf6-ki18n:std KF6 advanced internationalization framework
kf6-kiconthemes:std KF6 icon GUI utilities
kf6-kidletime:std KF6 idle time reporting of user and system
kf6-kimageformats:std KF6 plugins for QImage extra file formats support
kf6-kio:std KF6 network transparent access to files and data
kf6-kirigami:std KF6 components for building adaptable UIs
kf6-kitemmodels:std KF6 item models extending Qt model-view framework
kf6-kitemviews:std KF6 widget add-ons for Qt Model/View
kf6-kjobwidgets:std KF6 widgets for tracking KJob instance
kf6-knotifications:std KF6 cross-platform popup notifications library
kf6-kparts:std KF6 plugin framework for user interface components
kf6-kpty:std KF6 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices
kf6-kquickcharts:std KF6 module providing high-performance charts
kf6-kservice:std KF6 advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem:std KF6 Implementation of Status Notifier Items
kf6-ktextwidgets:std KF6 Text editing widgets
kf6-kwallet:std KF6 safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
kf6-kwidgetsaddons:std KF6 add-ons to QtWidgets
kf6-kwindowsystem:std KF6 library for accessing the windowing system
kf6-kxmlgui:std KF6 fw for managing menu and toolbar actions
kf6-purpose:std KF6 offer available actions for a specific purpose
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style:std KF6 desktop style for Qt Quick Controls 2
kf6-solid:std KF6 hardware integration and detection
kf6-sonnet:std KF6 plugin-based spell checking library
kf6-threadweaver:std KF6 helper for multithreaded programming
kphotoalbum:std Image viewer and organizer for KDE
ktoblzcheck:std Check bank codes of German banks
lagrange:std Web Browser-like beautiful Gemini Client
lapack:std Linear Algebra PACKage
layer-shell-qt:std Qt lib exposing Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol
leatherman:std C++ and CMake utility libraries
lensfun:std Library for fixing lens geometry distortions
leveldb:std Fast key-value storage library
libart-trinity:std Library for high-performance 2D graphics
libavif:std Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
libblake3:std C implementation of BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash
libclc:std Required library functions for OpenCL C language
libcxx:std LLVM C++ standard library
libdbusmenu-qt:std Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
libdeflate:std Fast DEFLATE-based compression library
libdiscid:std Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
libdispatch:std Apple's Grand Central Dispatch library
libebml:std Library for Extensible Binary Meta-Language files
libepoll-shim:std Small epoll implementation using kqueue
libfm-qt:std Core library of PCManFM-Qt file manager
libftdi1:std Library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI chips
libftdi:std Legacy library to talk to FTDI chips
libgit2:std Library providing Git core methods
libgme:std Collection of video game music chip emulators
libharu:std Cross-platform library for generating PDF files
libheif:std HEIF file format decoder and encoder
libical:std Reference implementation of the iCalendar format
libid3tag:std ID3 tag manipulation library
libjxl:std JPEG XL image format reference implementation
libkdcraw:std LibRaw interface for KDE
libkexiv2:std Exiv2 library interface for KDE
libluv:std Bare libuv bindings for lua
libmad:speed High-quality MPEG audio decoder (opt for speed)
libmad:std High-quality MPEG audio decoder (opt for accuracy)
libmatroska:std Extensible Multimedia Container Format
libmemcached:std Client library and tools for the memcached server
libnotify:std Library for desktop notifications
libobjc2:std Replacement Obj-C runtime for modern lang features
liborcus:std File import library for spreadsheet documents
libprojectm:std Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library
librsync:std Library for delta compression of streams
libsndfile:std Library for reading and writing sound files
libsoxr:std SoX Resampler library
libssh2:embed SSH2 protocol library with MBedTLS backend
libssh2:std SSH2 protocol library with OpenSSL backend
libssh:std Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libtorrent-rasterbar:std Feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
libutp:std Transport Protocol library from uTorrent
libversion:std Advanced version string comparison library
libvips:loaded Threaded image processing library (more features)
libvips:std Threaded image processing library (std. options)
libvncserver:std VNC server and client C libraries
libwebsockets:std Lightweight C library for Websockets
libyuv:std Library for freeswitch yuv graphics manipulation
libzip:std C library for manipulating ZIP archives
lld18:std Linker from the LLVM project
lld:std Linker from the LLVM project
lldb:std Linker from the LLVM project
llvm-libunwind:std LLVM version of libunwind library
llvm18:std Low Level Virtual Machine (version 18.1)
llvm:std Low Level Virtual Machine (version 19.1)
luanti:std Infinite-world block sandbox game
lxqt-build-tools:std LXQt build tools
lxqt-menu-data:std compliant menu files for LXQt
lyx:std Document Processor WYSIWYM Editor & Latex frontend
maim:std Desktop screenshot utility (make image)
mariadb1011:std Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb105:std Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb106:std Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb114:std Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb11:std Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mg:std Microscopic GNU Emacs clone
miniupnpc:std UPnP client library for Internet Gateway Devices
mold:std Faster replacement for existing Unix linkers
mosquitto:std Message broker implementing the MQTT protocol
msgpack-cxx:std MessagePack implementation for C++
msgpack:std MessagePack implementation for C
musikcube:std Terminal-based music player, server & more
mysql80:std Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql84:std Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql:std Multithreaded SQL database (server)
neovim:std Next generation Vim
nghttp3:std HTTP/3 library written in C
nlopt:std Nonlinear optimization library
norm:std NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM)
okular:std KDE universal document viewer
oniguruma:std REGEX library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
openal:std Cross-platform 3D audio API
opencl-clhpp:std OpenCL Host API C++ bindings
opencl-headers:std Open Computing Language (OpenCL) V3.0 specs
opencollada:std Library for reading and writing COLLADA files
opencv:std Open Source Computer Vision library
openexr:std High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
openjpeg:std Open-source implementation of JPEG2000 image codec
openmp:std LLVM Open Multi-Processing Runtime Library
pcmanfm-qt:std File manager for the LXQt desktop
pekwm:std Light, unobtrusive and configurable WM
perl-Alien-cmake3:538 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better (5.38)
perl-Alien-cmake3:540 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better (5.40)
pgplot:std FORTRAN/C scientific graphic library
phonon:std KDE multimedia framework
plasma-activities:std Core components for the KDE's Activities System
plasma-wayland-protocols:std Plasma-specific protocols for Wayland
png:std Library for manipulating PNG images
podofo:std Library to work with the PDF file format
polkit-qt-1:qt5 Qt5 wrapper around polkit-1
polkit-qt-1:qt6 Qt6 wrapper around polkit-1
poppler:std PDF rendering library
precomp:std Further compress some already compressed files
proj:std Cartographic Projections Library
projectm-eval:std Portable expression evaluation library
protobuf321:std Google's data interchange format
protobuf:std Google's data interchange format
pugixml:std Simple C++ XML processing lib with XPath support
python-cmake:v12 Wrapper for the cmake software builder (3.12)
python-cmake:v13 Wrapper for the cmake software builder (3.13)
python-ninja:v12 Small build system with a focus on speed (3.12)
python-ninja:v13 Small build system with a focus on speed (3.13)
python-pyzmq:v12 Python bindings for 0MQ (3.12)
python-pyzmq:v13 Python bindings for 0MQ (3.13)
qca:qt5 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt 5
qca:qt6 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt 6
qpdf:std Command-line tools for transforming PDF files
qrencode:std C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
qt6-qt5compat:std Qt6 - Qt5Compat component
qt6-qtbase:std Qt6 - QtBase component
qt6-qtdeclarative:std Qt6 - QtDeclarative component
qt6-qtmultimedia:std Qt6 - QtMultimedia component
qt6-qtquick3d:std Qt6 - QtQuick3D component
qt6-qtquicktimeline:std Qt6 - QtQuickTimeLine component
qt6-qtshadertools:std Qt6 - QtShadertools component
qt6-qtspeech:std Qt6 - QtSpeech component
qt6-qtsvg:std Qt6 - QtSvg component
qt6-qttools:std Qt6 - QtTools component
qt6-qttranslations:std Qt6 - QtTranslations component
qt6-qtwayland:std Qt6 - QtWayland component
qt6ct:std Qt6 Configuration Tool
quassel:std Cross-platform distributed IRC client
quazip:qt5 Qt/C++ wrapper for Minizip (Qt5)
quazip:qt6 Qt/C++ wrapper for Minizip (Qt6)
ravensys-utils:prevdbsd System root tools for previous DragonFly
ravensys-utils:prevfbsd System root tools for previous FreeBSD
ravensys-utils:prevlinux System root tools for previous Linux
ravensys-utils:std Consistent tools for Ravenports system root
robin-map:std Fast hash map and hash set
rpm:std RPM Package Manager
rspamd:std Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
rust:std Systems programming language from Mozilla
sakura:std Simple tabbed terminal emulator using GTK+
scribus:std Page Layout and Desktop Publishing
sdl3:std Cross-platform multimedia development API
sfcgal:std C++ wrapper library around CGAL
sfml:std Simple Fast Multimedia Library
shadowsocks-libev:std Secure socks5 proxy
slim:std Simple desktop-independent login manager for X11
slop:std Query for a selection and print to stdout
snappy:std Fast compressor/decompressor library
spatialindex:std Library for spatial indexing and querying
spdlog:std Super fast C++ logging library
spirv-llvm-translator:std LLVM to SPIRV Translator
spirv-tools:std API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
sqlitebrowser:std Visual tool to manage SQLite databases
srt:std Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Protocol
taglib:std Library for reading and editing audio meta data
taskwarrior:std Feature-rich command-line todo list manager
texstudio:std Featureful LaTeX editor/IDE
tidy:std Console app to correct and clean up HTML and XML
tiff:std TIFF image format library and tools
tint2:std Lightweight panel/taskbar/systray/clock
tinyxml2:std Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
tinyxml:std Simple, small, C++ XML parser
toxcore:std Tox chat protocol library
transmission:daemon Lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon)
transmission:gtk Lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI)
transmission:qt Lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt GUI)
transmission:std Lightweight BitTorrent client (CLI client)
uchardet:std Universal charset detection
upx:std Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
utf8proc:std UTF-8 processing library
utox:std Lightweight Tox client
vte:std Virtual Terminal Emulator widget
vulkan-headers:std Headers for the Vulkan graphics API
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
weechat:std Fast, light and extensible chat client
wireshark:std Network traffic analyzer
woff2:std Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation
x265:std Library for encoding h.265/HEVC video streams
yajl:std Yet Another JSON Library (YAJL)
yaml-cpp:std YAML parser and emitter in C++
zig:std Programming language
znc:std Advanced IRC bouncer
zziplib:std Provide transparent read access to zipped data