Port variant py37
Summary Tools to manipulate font files (PY37)
Package version 4.17.1
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py38
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 19 NOV 2020, 01:05:06 UTC
Port created 03 JAN 2020, 01:03:23 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single |Travis Build Status| |Appveyor Build status| |Coverage Status| |PyPI| |Gitter Chat| What is this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python. The project includes the TTX tool, that can convert TrueType and OpenType fonts to and from an XML text format, which is also called TTX. It supports TrueType, OpenType, AFM and to an extent Type 1 and some Mac-specific formats. The project has an `MIT open-source licence `__. | Among other things this means you can use it free of charge. [User documentation] and [developer documentation] are available at [Read the Docs]. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FontTools 4.x requires [Python] 3.6 or later. FontTools 3.x requires Python 2.7 or later. **NOTE** From August 2019, until no later than January 1 2020, the support for *Python 2.7* will be limited to only critical bug fixes, and no new features will be added to the py27 branch. You can read more [here] and [here] for the reasons behind this decision. The package is listed in the Python Package Index (PyPI), so you can install it with [pip]: Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 4.17.1 (released 2020-11-16) ---------------------------- - [colorLib] Fixed regression in 4.17.0 when building COLR v0 table; when color layers are stored in UFO lib plist, we can't distinguish tuples from lists so we need to accept either types (e5439eb9, googlefonts/ufo2ft/issues#426). 4.17.0 (released 2020-11-12) ---------------------------- - [colorLib/otData] Updated to latest draft COLR v1 spec (#2092). - [svgLib] Fixed parsing error when arc commands' boolean flags are not separated by space or comma (#2094). - [varLib] Interpret empty non-default glyphs as 'missing', if the default glyph is not empty (#2082). - [feaLib.builder] Only stash lookup location for Debg if ``Builder.buildLookups_`` has cooperated (#2065, #2067). - [varLib] Fixed bug in VarStore optimizer (#2073, #2083). - [varLib] Add designspace lib key for custom feavar feature tag (#2080). - Add HashPointPen adapted from psautohint. With this pen, a hash value of a glyph can be computed, which can later be used to detect glyph changes (#2005). 4.16.1 (released 2020-10-05) ---------------------------- - [varLib.instancer] Fixed TypeError exception when instantiating a VF with a GSUB table 1.1 in which FeatureVariations attribute is present but set to None -- indicating that optional FeatureVariations is missing (#2077). - [glifLib] Make x and y attributes of the point element required even when validation is turned off, and raise a meaningful GlifLibError message when that happens (#2075). 4.16.0 (released 2020-09-30) ---------------------------- - [removeOverlaps] Added new module and removeOverlaps function that merges overlapping contours and components in TrueType glyphs. It requires the `skia-pathops `__ module. Note that removing overlaps invalidates the TrueType hinting (#2068). - [varLib.instancer] Added ``--remove-overlaps`` command-line option. The overlap option in instantiateVariableFont now takes an OverlapMode enum: 0: KEEP_AND_DONT_SET_FLAGS, 1: KEEP_AND_SET_FLAGS (default), and 2: REMOVE. The latter is equivalent to calling removeOverlaps on the generated static instance. The option continues to accept bool value for backward compatibility. 4.15.0 (released 2020-09-21) ---------------------------- - [plistlib] Added typing annotations to plistlib module. Set up mypy static typechecker to run automatically on CI (#2061). - [ttLib] Implement private Debg table, a reverse-DNS namespaced JSON dict. - [feaLib] Optionally add an entry into the Debg table with the original
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY37 ON Build using Python 3.7 PY38 OFF Build using Python 3.8
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime python37:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/f/fonttools
Distribution File Information
7097b194babc05c8decfff6cbc81b184221fdcfbda568630fe441c63dadb3ab4 4263998
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