Port variant | std |
Summary | Dynamic links to the latest installed perl |
Package version | 7 |
Homepage | No known homepage |
Keywords | lang |
Maintainer | nobody |
License | ISCL |
Other variants | There are no other variants. |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 09 AUG 2024, 21:24:17 UTC |
Port created | 27 JUN 2018, 02:49:29 UTC |
single | This package provides:
bin/perl bin/instmodsh bin/pl2pm bin/ptar
bin/perl5 bin/json_pp bin/pod2html bin/ptardiff
bin/corelist bin/libnetcfg bin/pod2man bin/ptargrep
bin/cpan bin/perlbug bin/pod2text bin/shasum
bin/enc2xs bin/perldoc bin/pod2usage bin/splain
bin/encguess bin/perlivp bin/podchecker bin/xsubpp
bin/h2ph bin/perlthanks bin/podselect bin/zipdetails
bin/h2xs bin/piconv bin/prove
It automatically selects the latest version of perl available.
For example, if perl 5.26 and perl 5.28 are both installed,
bin/perl executes bin/perl5.28 with the same arguments. If
perl 5.28 is then deinstalled, the linkage will automatically
adjust to perl 5.26.
The priority check can be overridden by setting AUTOPERL= |
This package has no dependency requirements of any kind. |
This port does not download anything. |
perl-5.38:std | Practical Extraction and Report Language |
perl-5.40:std | Practical Extraction and Report Language |