Port variant standard
Summary Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 6
Package version 6.2.38_1
Homepage https://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db/db.html
Keywords databases, java
Maintainer nobody
License AGPLv3
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 20 FEB 2023, 23:14:15 UTC
Port created 06 APR 2017, 17:51:30 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the db6-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of db6-standard.
primary Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source embeddable databases that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability. Note that Berkeley DB 6 changed license to the Affero GNU General Public License v3 (AGPL v3).
dev Subpackage description undefined (port maintainer error).
tools This package contains tools that manipulate Berkeley DB6 databases.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the db6-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
CRYPTO ON Cryptography support JAVA OFF Java platform support TCL OFF Tcl scripting language support
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) gmake:primary:standard
Runtime (only) db6:primary:standard (tools subpackage)
ravensys-gcc:cxx_run:standard (primary subpackage)
Download groups
main http://mirror.umd.edu/gentoo/distfiles/
Distribution File Information
99ccd944ffcccc88c0f404b4f3d8cb10747e1e3dfe9ec566f518725f986ca2fd 41298311 bdb/db-6.2.38.tar.gz
Ports that require db6:standard
No other ports depend on this one.