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# Netbox Configuration Backup
A configuration backup system using netbox and napalm to backup devices
into a git repository
# Features
* Connects to any device that supports napalm and provides both a running
configuration and startup configuration
* Stores backups in a git repository
* Runs as a scheduled task through Django RQ
* Only displays backups with changes
* Provides both configuration download and diffs for point-in-time backups
# Future
* Allow github repositories
* Add job "discovery" based on specific criteria (napalm enabled, device
role switch, has primary ip as an example)
* Add RQ job to ensure all backups are queued
* Allow manual queueing of job
* Add API endpoint to trigger backup
* Add signal(s) to trigger backup
# Installation
1. Install from PyPI (`pip install netbox-config-backup`)
2. Edit netbox configuration:
# Other plugins here
'netbox_config_backup': {
# Parent folder must exist and be writable by your RQ worker and
readable by the WSGI process
'repository': '/path/to/git/repository',
'committer': 'User ',
'author': 'User ',
# Freqency of backups in seconds, can be anywhere 0+ (Recommended
is 1800 (30 minutes) or 3600 (1 hr)
'frequency': 3600
3. Migrate: `python3 netbox/ migrate`
4. Copy /etc/systemd/system/netbox-rq.service to
5. Edit: /etc/systemd/system/ncb-rq\@.service:
ExecStart=/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/
rqworker --name ncb@%i --with-scheduler
6. Reload systemd: `systemctl daemon-reload`
7. Enable the service with x number of workers: `systemctl enable
ncb-rq@{1..10}` (This will generate 10 worker symlinks to auto start)
8. Start the service with x number of workers: `systemctl start
ncb-rq@{1..10}` (This will start 10 workers)
9. Create your first device backup
## Logging
To enable logging, add the following to your under
'netbox_config_backup': {
'handlers': ['enter_your_handlers_here'],
'level': 'desired_log_level',
'propagate': True,