Port variant | std |
Summary | Interface to libxml2 for XML file parsing |
Package version | 1.3.7 |
Homepage | https://xml2.r-lib.org |
Keywords | cran |
Maintainer | CRAN Automaton |
License | Not yet specified |
Other variants | There are no other variants. |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 28 FEB 2025, 23:01:01 UTC |
Port created | 15 APR 2020, 06:14:40 UTC |
single | xml2: Parse XML Bindings to 'libxml2' for working with XML data using a simple, consistent interface based on 'XPath' expressions. Also supports XML schema validation; for 'XSLT' transformations see the 'xslt' package. |
Build (only) |
gmake:primary:std libiconv:dev:std R:primary:std icu:dev:std libxml2:dev:std |
Build and Runtime |
R-cli:single:std R-rlang:single:std libiconv:primary:std libxml2:primary:std |
Runtime (only) |
R:primary:std R:nls:std |
main | mirror://CRAN/src/contrib https://loki.dragonflybsd.org/cranfiles/ |
R-eddington:std | Compute a Cyclist's Eddington Number |
R-pkgdown:std | Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package |
R-roxygen2:std | In-Line Documentation for R |
R-rversions:std | Query R SVN repository for version information |
R-rvest:std | Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages |
R-tidyverse:std | Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' |
R-urlchecker:std | Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions |