R-DiagrammeR:std |
Graph/Network Visualization |
R-RSQLite:std |
SQLite Interface for R |
R-blob:std |
Binary object data S3 class |
R-broom:std |
Convert statistical analysis into Tidy tibbles |
R-bslib:std |
Custom Bootstrap and Sass themes |
R-cachem:std |
Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning |
R-clock:std |
Date-Time Types and Tools |
R-conflicted:std |
Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy |
R-cowplot:std |
Streamlined Plot Themes and Annotations |
R-dbplyr:std |
'dplyr' Back End for Databases |
R-devtools:std |
Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier |
R-dials:std |
Tools for Creating Tuning Parameter Values |
R-doBy:std |
Groupwise statistics and other utilities |
R-downlit:std |
Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking |
R-dplyr:std |
Grammar of Data Manipulation |
R-dtplyr:std |
Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr' |
R-ellipsis:std |
Tools for detecting function extension problems |
R-fontawesome:std |
Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons |
R-forcats:std |
Tools for Working with Categorical Variables |
R-furrr:std |
Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures |
R-gargle:std |
Utilities for Working with Google APIs |
R-ggforce:std |
Accelerating 'ggplot2' |
R-ggmap:std |
Spatial Visualization with ggplot2 |
R-ggplot2:std |
Data visualizations using Grammar of Graphics |
R-ggraph:std |
Grammar of Graphics implementation |
R-ggrepel:std |
Positions non-overlapping text labels on gpplot2 |
R-ggvis:std |
Interactive Grammar of Graphics |
R-gh:std |
'GitHub' 'API' |
R-googledrive:std |
Interface to Google Drive |
R-googlesheets4:std |
Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4 |
R-gtable:std |
Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables |
R-hardhat:std |
Construct Modeling Packages |
R-haven:std |
Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files |
R-hms:std |
Pretty Time of Day |
R-htmltools:std |
Tools for HTML |
R-httr2:std |
Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses |
R-igraph:std |
Network Analysis and Visualization |
R-infer:std |
Tidy Statistical Inference |
R-janitor:std |
Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data |
R-later:std |
Event loop scheduling utilities |
R-lifecycle:std |
Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions |
R-memoise:std |
'Memoisation' of Functions |
R-modeldata:std |
Data Sets Useful for Modeling Examples |
R-modelenv:std |
Register tools for tidymodels package |
R-modelr:std |
Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe |
R-odbc:std |
DBI-compatible interface to ODBC databases |
R-padr:std |
Quickly Get Datetime Data Ready for Analysis |
R-parsnip:std |
Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions |
R-patchwork:std |
Composer of Plots |
R-pillar:std |
Coloured Formatting for Columns |
R-pkgdown:std |
Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package |
R-pkgload:std |
Simulate Package Installation and Attach |
R-plotly:std |
Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js' |
R-profvis:std |
Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code |
R-promises:std |
Promise-based asynchronous programing abstracts |
R-purrr:std |
Functional Programming Tools |
R-readr:std |
Read Rectangular Text Data |
R-recipes:std |
Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices |
R-reprex:std |
Prepare Reproducible Example Code via Clipboard |
R-riingo:std |
R Interface to the 'Tiingo' Stock Price API |
R-roxygen2:std |
In-Line Documentation for R |
R-rsample:std |
General Resampling Infrastructure |
R-rvest:std |
Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages |
R-sass:std |
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass') |
R-scales:std |
Scale Functions for Visualization |
R-sfd:std |
Space-Filling Design Library |
R-shiny:std |
Web Application Framework for R |
R-slider:std |
Sliding Window Functions |
R-sparsevctrs:std |
Sparse Vectors for Use in Data Frames |
R-stringr:std |
Consistent wrappers for common string Operations |
R-syuzhet:std |
Extracts sentiment-derived plot arcs from text |
R-testthat:std |
Unit Testing for R |
R-tibble:std |
Simple Data Frames |
R-tidygraph:std |
Tidy API for Graph Manipulation |
R-tidymodels:std |
Easily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages |
R-tidyquant:std |
Tidy Quantitative Financial Analysis |
R-tidyr:std |
Tidy Messy Data |
R-tidyselect:std |
Select from a Set of Strings |
R-tidytext:std |
Text mining tool |
R-tidyverse:std |
Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' |
R-timetk:std |
Tool Kit for Working with Time Series |
R-tune:std |
Tidy Tuning Tools |
R-tweenr:std |
Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations |
R-usethis:std |
Automate Package and Project Setup |
R-vctrs:std |
Vector Helpers |
R-vroom:std |
Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly |
R-waldo:std |
Find Differences Between R Objects |
R-workflows:std |
Modeling Workflows |
R-workflowsets:std |
Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows |
R-xml2:std |
Interface to libxml2 for XML file parsing |
R-yardstick:std |
Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance |