Port variant v12
Summary Automatically link across pages in MkDocs (3.12)
Package version 1.0.1
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v11
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 03 MAR 2024, 15:36:05 UTC
Port created 01 JAN 2023, 17:21:46 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single # mkdocs-autorefs [ci] [documentation] [pypi version] [conda version] [gitpod] [gitter] Automatically link across pages in MkDocs. ## Installation With `pip`: ```bash python3 -m pip install mkdocs-autorefs ``` ## Usage ```yaml # mkdocs.yml plugins: - search - autorefs ``` In one of your Markdown files (e.g. ``) create some headings: ```markdown ## Hello, world! ## Another heading Link to [Hello, World!] on the same page. ``` This is a [*normal* link to an anchor]. MkDocs generates anchors for each heading, and they can always be used to link to something, either within the same page (as shown here) or by specifying the path of the other page. But with this plugin, you can **link to a heading from any other page** on the site *without* needing to know the path of either of the pages, just the heading title itself. Let's create another Markdown page to try this, `subdir/`: ```markdown We can [link to that heading][hello-world] from another page too. This works the same as [a normal link to that heading]. ``` Linking to a heading without needing to know the destination page can be useful if specifying that path is cumbersome, e.g. when the pages have deeply nested paths, are far apart, or are moved around frequently. And the issue is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that [MkDocs supports only *relative* links between pages]. Note that this plugin's behavior is undefined when trying to link to a heading title that appears several times throughout the site. Currently it arbitrarily chooses one of the pages. In such cases, use [Markdown anchors] to add unique aliases to your headings. ### Markdown anchors The autorefs plugin offers a feature called "Markdown anchors". Such anchors can be added anywhere in a document, and linked to from any other place. The syntax is: ```md [](){#id-of-the-anchor} ``` If you look closely, it starts with the usual syntax for a link, `[] extension. It sets an HTML id to the anchor element. The autorefs plugin simply gives a meaning to such anchors with ids. Note that raw HTML anchors like `` are not supported. The `attr_list` extension must be enabled for the Markdown anchors feature to work: ```yaml # mkdocs.yml plugins: - search - autorefs markdown_extensions: - attr_list ``` Now, you can add anchors to documents: ```md Somewhere in a document. [](){#foobar-paragraph}
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY311 OFF Build using Python 3.11 PY312 ON Build using Python 3.12
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python312:dev:standard
Build and Runtime python312:primary:standard
Runtime (only) python-Markdown:single:v12
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/f6/01/d413c98335ed75d8c211afb91320811366d55fb0ef7f4b01b9ab19630eac
Distribution File Information
aacdfae1ab197780fb7a2dac92ad8a3d8f7ca8049a9cbe56a4218cd52e8da570 13444 mkdocs_autorefs-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-mkdocs-autorefs:v12
python-mkdocstrings:v12 Documentation from sources for MkDocs (3.12)