Port variant py38
Summary Distro - an OS platform information API (PY38)
Package version 1.6.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py39
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 31 JUL 2021, 01:45:12 UTC
Port created 06 JUL 2020, 18:19:31 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Distro - an OS platform information API ======================================= [CI Status] [PyPI version] [Supported Python Versions] [Code Coverage] [Is Wheel] [Latest Github Release] [![Join the chat at]]( `distro` provides information about the OS distribution it runs on, such as a reliable machine-readable ID, or version information. It is the recommended replacement for Python's original [`platform.linux_distribution`] function (removed in Python 3.8). It also provides much more functionality which isn't necessarily Python bound, like a command-line interface. Distro currently supports Linux and BSD based systems but [Windows and OS X support] is also planned. For Python 2.6 support, see ## Installation Installation of the latest released version from PyPI: `shell pip install distro ` Installation of the latest development version: ```shell pip install ``` ## Usage ```bash $ distro Name: Antergos Linux Version: 2015.10 (ISO-Rolling) Codename: ISO-Rolling $ distro -j { "codename": "ISO-Rolling", "id": "antergos", "like": "arch", "version": "16.9", "version_parts": { "build_number": "", "major": "16", "minor": "9" } } $ python >>> import distro >>> distro.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=False) ('centos', '7.1.1503', 'Core') ``` ## Documentation On top of the aforementioned API, several more functions are available. For a complete description of the API, see the [latest API documentation]. ## Background An alternative implementation became necessary because Python 3.5 deprecated this function, and Python 3.8 removed it altogether. Its predecessor function [`platform.dist`] was already deprecated since Python 2.6 and removed in Python 3.8. Still, there are many cases in which access to that information is needed. See [Python issue 1322] for more information. The `distro` package implements a robust and inclusive way of retrieving the information about a distribution based on new standards and old methods, namely from these data sources (from high to low precedence): * The os-release file `/etc/os-release` if present, with a fall-back on `/usr/lib/os-release` if needed. * The output of the `lsb_release` command, if available. * The distro release file (`/etc/*(-|_)(release|version)`), if present. * The `uname` command for BSD based distrubtions. ## Python and Distribution Support
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY38 ON Build using Python 3.8 PY39 OFF Build using Python 3.9
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:py38
Build and Runtime python38:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/b3/8d/a0a5c389d76f90c766e956515d34c3408a1e18f60fbaa08221d1f6b87490
Distribution File Information
c8713330ab31a034623a9515663ed87696700b55f04556b97c39cd261aa70dc7 19070 distro-1.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-distro:py38
python-salt:py38 Remote execution and config mgmt system (PY 38)