Port variant v30
Summary Manages persistent HTTP connections (v30)
Package version 4.0.2
Keywords ruby
Maintainer Ruby Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v31 | v32
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 02 APR 2023, 18:43:58 UTC
Port created 17 APR 2020, 06:17:19 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting to multiple hosts. Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over. Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not make setting up a single persistent connection or managing multiple connections easy. Net::HTTP::Persistent wraps Net::HTTP and allows you to focus on how to make HTTP requests.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
RUBY30 ON Build using Ruby version 3.0 RUBY31 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.1 RUBY32 OFF Build using Ruby version 3.2
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime ruby-connection_pool:single:v30
Download groups
main mirror://RUBYGEMS/
Distribution File Information
03f827a33857b1d56b4e796957ad19bf5b58367d853fd0a224eb70fba8d02a44 26624 ruby/net-http-persistent-4.0.2.gem
Ports that require ruby-net-http-persistent:v30
ruby-faraday-net_http_persistent:v30 Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent (v30)