Port variant std
Summary Open-source framework for rendering of i18n text
Package version 1.56.1_1
Keywords x11_toolkits
Maintainer nobody
License GPLv2+
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 01 MAR 2025, 02:53:55 UTC
Port created 09 JUN 2017, 20:46:40 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set This is the pango:std metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of pango:std.
primary Pango provides a framework to render and control the layout of internationalized text, and is the backend for right-to-left text. Pango is an integral part of the GTK+ and GNOME projects, but its code is platform- and toolkit-independent.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the pango:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
docs This is the documents subpackage of the pango:std port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
INTROSPECTION ON Build introspection files
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) harfbuzz:dev:std
Build and Runtime harfbuzz:primary:std
Runtime (only) xorg-truetype-fonts:single:std
fontconfig:dev:std (dev subpackage)
fribidi:dev:std (dev subpackage)
cairo:dev:std (dev subpackage)
xorg-xft:dev:std (dev subpackage)
harfbuzz:dev:std (dev subpackage)
glib:dev:std (dev subpackage)
xorg-xrender:dev:std (dev subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GNOME/pango/1.56
Distribution File Information
426be66460c98b8378573e7f6b0b2ab450f6bb6d2ec7cecc33ae81178f246480 1882616 gnome2/pango-1.56.1.tar.xz
Ports that require pango:std
ART:std Raw image processing program
ImageMagick:x11 Image manipulation tool suite with X support
R:std Statistical computing and graphics environment
ada_spawn:std Simple API to spawn communicating processes
appstream-glib:std Library for reading and writing AppStream metadata
awesome:std Dynamic WM for X, highly configurable in Lua
caja:std File manager for the MATE desktop
clipit:std Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
darktable:std Photography workflow application and raw developer
dconf-editor:std Configuration database editor for GNOME
deadbeef:std Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
dia:std Diagram creation program, similar to MS-Visio
emacs:desktop GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
ffmpeg5:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:std Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
filezilla:std Cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS & SFTP client
firefox:std Mozilla web browser
fontforge:std Outline and bitmap font editor
garcon:std Library implementing menu specs
gcr3:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcr:std Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdl:std GNOME Docking Library
geany:std Fast and lightweight IDE
gegl:std Graph based image processing framework
gimp:std GNU Image Manipulation Program
glade:std User interface builder for GTK+3
gmrun:std Small GTK based 'Run application' dialog
gnatstudio:std Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnome-keyring:std Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnucash:std Financial accounting software
gnuplot:std Command-line driven graphing utility
graphviz:std Graph visualization tools
gstreamer1-plugins-pango:std GStreamer1 pango textoverlay plugin
gtk-engines:std Theme engine for the GTK-2.0 toolkit
gtk-murrine-engine:std Murrine GTK+2 theme engine
gtk2:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk3:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtk4:std Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI
gtkada:std Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components
gtkdatabox:std GTK+ widget to display fluctuating numerical data
gtkmm30:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+ v3
gtkmm40:std C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk4
gtksourceview3:std GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview4:std GTK3 syntax highlighting text widget
gtksourceview5:std GTK4 syntax highlighting text widget
gtkspell:std Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
gwenhywfar:std Networking and security application library
hexchat:std Graphical IRC client based on XChat
i3:std Improved dynamic tiling window manager
inkscape:std Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
klavaro:std Flexible touch typing tutor and trainer
l3afpad:std Light-weight and simple GTK+3 text editor
libadwaita:std GTK4 building blocks for modern GNOME applications
libcaca:std Graphics library to output text instead of pixels
libdbusmenu:std Library for passing menus over DBus
libexo:std Xfce application development library
libfm:std Core library of PCManFM file manager
libgepub:std GObject based epub documents handling library
libhandy:std Library with GTK+ widgets for mobile phones
libinput:std Generic input library
libmatekbd:std MATE keyboard management library
libnotify:std Library for desktop notifications
libpeas:v12 GObject-based plugins engine (3.12)
libpeas:v13 GObject-based plugins engine (3.13)
libreoffice:std Free Software Productivity Suite
librest:std Easy access to RESTful web services
librsvg:std SVG vector-graphic files rendering library
libtiger:std Text rendering library for Kate streams
libunique:std Library for single instance applications
libvips:loaded Threaded image processing library (more features)
libvips:std Threaded image processing library (std. options)
libvisual-plugins:std Set of plugins for the libvisual framework
libwacom:std Library to supply metadata about tablet devices
libwnck:std GNOME window navigator construction kit library
libxfce4ui:std Xfce UI library containing various GTK+ widgets
libxfce4windowing:std Windowing concept abstraction lib X11 / Wayland
marco:std Fully-fledged but low-frills WM for the MATE DE
mate-desktop:std MATE desktop common UI API library
mate-polkit:std MATE frontend to the Polkit framework
mate-settings-daemon:std Settings daemon for MATE
mate-terminal:std Terminal emulator for MATE
mate-themes:std Collection of themes and icons for MATE
meld:std Visual diff and merge tool
mousepad:std Simple text editor for the Xfce DE
mtr:x11 Ping/Traceroute network diagnostic tool [x11]
openbox:std Configurable and lightweight X11 window manager
pangomm14:std C++ bindings for Pango
pangomm:std C++ bindings for Pango
parole:std Gstreamer-based media player for Xfce
pcmanfm:std Extremely fast and lightweight file manager
pidgin:std Multi-protocol instant messaging client
pinentry:gnome3 Assuan passphrase entry dialog (GNOME3)
poppler:std PDF rendering library
postgis:std Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
qemu:std Fast CPU emulator and virtualizer for x86 platform
ristretto:std Light-weight image viewer for Xfce
rofi:std Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
rrdtool:std Round Robin Database tools
sakura:std Simple tabbed terminal emulator using GTK+
smpeg:std SDL MPEG video/audio player and library
surf:std Simple webkit browser adhering suckless principles
tesseract:std OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine
thunar:std File manager for Xfce
thunderbird:std Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
tilda:std Quake-style popup terminal
tint2:std Lightweight panel/taskbar/systray/clock
transmission:gtk Lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI)
tumbler:std D-Bus thumbnailing service for Xfce
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
vimb:std Vim-like browser
vlc:std Qt based multimedia player and streaming server
vte:std Virtual Terminal Emulator widget
webkit2:api40 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.0)
webkit2:api41 Opensource browser engine using GTK+3 (API 4.1)
webkit2:api60 Opensource browser engine using GTK4 (API 6.0)
wxWidgets30:gtk2 GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk2)
wxWidgets30:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk3)
wxWidgets:std GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
xfburn:std Optical Disc burning application for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder:std Application finder and launcher for Xfce
xfce4-notifyd:std Simple notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel:std Panel for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager:std Power manager for Xfce
xfce4-screenshooter:std Screenshot utility and panel plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session:std Session manager for the Xfce DE
xfce4-settings:std Settings manager for Xfce
xfce4-terminal:std Terminal emulator for Xfce
xfdesktop:std Desktop manager for the Xfce DE
xfwm4:std Standard-complient window manager from Xfce
xscreensaver:std Screen saver and locker for X11
yelp:std Help browser for the GNOME desktop
zenity:std Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zim:std Desktop wiki and notekeeper