Port variant | v30 |
Summary | Local and cloud file storage framework (v30) |
Package version | 7.1.3 |
Homepage | https://rubyonrails.org |
Keywords | ruby |
Maintainer | Ruby Automaton |
License | Not yet specified |
Other variants | v31 | v32 |
Ravenports | Buildsheet | History |
Ravensource | Port Directory | History |
Last modified | 23 JAN 2024, 01:51:59 UTC |
Port created | 10 APR 2018, 12:12:42 UTC |
single | Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications. |
Build and Runtime |
ruby-activesupport:single:v30 ruby-actionpack:single:v30 ruby-activejob:single:v30 ruby-activerecord:single:v30 ruby-marcel:single:v30 ruby-rubygems:single:v30 |
main | mirror://RUBYGEMS/ |
ruby-actionmailbox:v30 | Inbound email handling framework (v30) |
ruby-actiontext:v30 | Rich text framework (v30) |
ruby-rails:v30 | Full-stack web application framework (v30) |