cython2:v13 |
Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.13) |
libpeas:v13 |
GObject-based plugins engine (3.13) |
meson:v13 |
High performance build system (py 3.13) |
python-Automat:v13 |
Self-service finite-state machines (3.13) |
python-Babel:v13 |
Internationalization utilities (3.13) |
python-ConfigArgParse:v13 |
Drop-in replacement for argparse (3.13) |
python-Cython:v13 |
Compiler to write C extensions for Python (3.13) |
python-Deprecated:v13 |
Implements @deprecated decorator (3.13) |
python-Django:v13 |
High-level Python Web framework (3.13) |
python-Flask-Cors:v13 |
Cross Origin Resource Sharing extension (3.13) |
python-Flask-RESTful:v13 |
Simple framework for creating REST APIs (3.13) |
python-Flask:v13 |
Lightweight WSGI web application framework (3.13) |
python-FormEncode:v13 |
HTML form validation and generation package (3.13) |
python-Genshi:v13 |
Web output generation toolkit (3.13) |
python-GitPython:v13 |
Python Git Library (3.13) |
python-Jinja2:v13 |
Fully featured template engine (3.13) |
python-Mako:v13 |
Super-fast template library (3.13) |
python-Markdown:v13 |
John Gruber's Markdown implementation (3.13) |
python-MarkupSafe:v13 |
Jinja2.Markup string implementation module (3.13) |
python-Pillow:v13 |
Python Imaging Library (Fork) (3.13) |
python-PyAudio:v13 |
Bindings for PortAudio v19 (3.13) |
python-PyDriller:v13 |
Framework for MSR (3.13) |
python-PyGObject:v13 |
Python bindings for GObject Introspection (3.13) |
python-PyJWT:v13 |
JSON Web Token implementation in Python (3.13) |
python-PyNaCl:v13 |
Binding to NaCl Cryptography library (3.13) |
python-PyYAML:v13 |
YAML parser and emitter for Python (3.13) |
python-Pygments:v13 |
Syntax highlighting package (3.13) |
python-SQLAlchemy:v13 |
Database Abstraction Library (3.13) |
python-Sphinx:v13 |
Python documentation generator (3.13) |
python-Twisted:v13 |
Asynchronous networking framework (3.13) |
python-Werkzeug:v13 |
Comprehensive WSGI web application library (3.13) |
python-acme-tiny:v13 |
Issue and renew Let's Encrypt TLS certs (3.13) |
python-aiohappyeyeballs:v13 |
Happy Eyeballs for asyncio (3.13) |
python-aiohttp:v13 |
Async http client/server framework (3.13) |
python-aiosignal:v13 |
List of registered asynchronous callbacks (3.13) |
python-aiostream:v13 |
Asynchronous iteration operators (3.13) |
python-alabaster:v13 |
Light, configurable Sphinx theme (3.13) |
python-amqp:v13 |
Low-level AMQP client (3.13) |
python-aniso8601:v13 |
Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings (3.13) |
python-annotated-types:v13 |
Reusable constraint types (3.13) |
python-ansible-core:v13 |
Radically simple IT automation (3.13) |
python-ansible:v13 |
Radically simple IT automation (3.13) |
python-anyio:v13 |
Layer built on asyncio or trio libraries (3.13) |
python-appdirs:v13 |
Determines platform-specific directores (3.13) |
python-asgiref:v13 |
ASGI specs, helper code, and adapters (3.13) |
python-asn1:v13 |
Simple ASN.1 encoder and decoder (3.13) |
python-asn1crypto:v13 |
Performant ASN.1 handling library (3.13) |
python-astroid:v13 |
Abstract syntax tree with inference support (3.13) |
python-async-timeout:v13 |
Asyncio-compatible timeout context manager (3.13) |
python-atomicwrites:v13 |
Atomic file writes (3.13) |
python-attrs:v13 |
Classes Without Boilerplate (3.13) |
python-autopep8:v13 |
Automatic Python code formatter (3.13) |
python-backports.entry-points-selectable:v13 |
Compatibility shim for importlib_metadata (3.13) |
python-backports_abc:v13 |
Containers Base Classes backported fixes (3.13) |
python-bcrypt:v13 |
Modern password hashing based on blowfish (3.13) |
python-beautifulsoup4:v13 |
Screen-scraping library (3.13) |
python-beniget:v13 |
Python static analyzer (3.13) |
python-billiard:v13 |
Multiprocessing Pool Extensions (3.13) |
python-black:v13 |
Uncompromising code formatter (3.13) |
python-bleach:v13 |
Easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool (3.13) |
python-blinker:v13 |
Fast object/object and broadcast signaling (3.13) |
python-booleanOperations:v13 |
Boolean operations on paths (3.13) |
python-borgbackup:v13 |
Deduplicated, encrypted, compressed backups (3.13) |
python-boto3:v13 |
AWS SDK for Python (3.13) |
python-botocore:v13 |
Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3 (3.13) |
python-bottle:v13 |
WSGI-framework for small web applications (3.13) |
python-breathe:v13 |
Sphinx Doxygen renderer (3.13) |
python-build:v13 |
Simple, correct Python build frontend (3.13) |
python-cached-property:v13 |
Decorator for caching properties in classes (3.13) |
python-cachetools:v13 |
Extensible memoizing collections (3.13) |
python-cattrs:v13 |
Composable complex class support for attrs (3.13) |
python-celery:v13 |
Distributed Task Queue (3.13) |
python-certifi:v13 |
Collection of SSL Root Certificates (3.13) |
python-cffi:v13 |
Foreign Function Interface, C (3.13) |
python-chardet:v13 |
Universal character encoding detector (3.13) |
python-charset-normalizer:v13 |
Charset Detection, for Everyone (3.13) |
python-click-didyoumean:v13 |
Enables git-like did-you-mean feature (3.13) |
python-click-log:v13 |
Logging integration for Click (3.13) |
python-click-plugins:v13 |
Registers external CLI commands (3.13) |
python-click-repl:v13 |
REPL plugin for Click (3.13) |
python-click-threading:v13 |
Multithreaded Click apps made easy (3.13) |
python-click:v13 |
Optparse wrapper for CLI capabilities (3.13) |
python-colorama:v13 |
Cross-platform colored terminal text (3.13) |
python-commonmark:v13 |
Parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec (3.13) |
python-compreffor:v13 |
CFF subroutinizer for fontTools (3.13) |
python-configobj:v13 |
Config file reading, writing and validation (3.13) |
python-constantly:v13 |
Symbolic constants in Python (3.13) |
python-coreapi:v13 |
Python client library for Core API (3.13) |
python-coreschema:v13 |
Core Schema (3.13) |
python-coverage:v13 |
Code coverage measurement for Python (3.13) |
python-croniter:v13 |
Iteration for datetime object like cron (3.13) |
python-crontab:v13 |
Parse and use crontab schedules in Python (3.13) |
python-cryptography:v13 |
Cryptographic recipes and primitives (3.13) |
python-css-html-js-minify:v13 |
CSS HTML JS Minifier (3.13) |
python-cssmin:v13 |
YUI compression algorithm (3.13) |
python-cssselect:v13 |
CSS3 Selector parser and XPath translater (3.13) |
python-cssutils:v13 |
Cascading Style Sheets library (3.13) |
python-cu2qu:v13 |
Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion (3.13) |
python-ddt:v13 |
Data-Driven/Decorated Tests (3.13) |
python-decorator:v13 |
Decorators for Humans (3.13) |
python-deepdiff:v13 |
Deep difference and search of any object (3.13) |
python-defusedxml:v13 |
XML bomb protection for stdlib modules (3.13) |
python-deprecation:v13 |
Library to handle automated deprecations (3.13) |
python-dictdiffer:v13 |
Library to diff and patch dictionaries (3.13) |
python-dill:v13 |
Serialize all of Python (3.13) |
python-distlib:v13 |
Distribution utilities (3.13) |
python-distro:v13 |
Distro - an OS platform information API (3.13) |
python-django-appconf:v13 |
Django configure defaults helper class (3.13) |
python-django-bootstrap3:v13 |
Bootstrap 3 for Django (3.13) |
python-django-celery:v13 |
Old django celery integration project (3.13) |
python-django-colorful:v13 |
Django color field database (3.13) |
python-django-compressor:v13 |
Django CSS/JS cache and compressor (3.13) |
python-django-cors-headers:v13 |
Django handler for CORS server headers (3.13) |
python-django-debug-toolbar:v13 |
Debug info of current request/response (3.13) |
python-django-downloadview:v13 |
Serve files with Django and reverse-proxies (3.13) |
python-django-extensions:v13 |
Extensions for Django (3.13) |
python-django-filter:v13 |
Django dynamic filter of querysets (3.13) |
python-django-formtools:v13 |
Set of abstractions for Django forms (3.13) |
python-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar:v13 |
Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE (3.13) |
python-django-htmx:v13 |
Extensions for using Django with htmx (3.13) |
python-django-js-asset:v13 |
Django forms.Media script tag (3.13) |
python-django-model-utils:v13 |
Django model mixins and utilities (3.13) |
python-django-mptt:v13 |
Django Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (3.13) |
python-django-pglocks:v13 |
Advisory lock context for PostgreSQL (3.13) |
python-django-prometheus:v13 |
Django app monitor with (3.13) |
python-django-redis:v13 |
Redis cache backend for Django (3.13) |
python-django-rich:v13 |
Extensions for using Rich with Django (3.13) |
python-django-rq:v13 |
Django integration of Redis Queue (3.13) |
python-django-solo:v13 |
Djanjo manipulator of database singletons (3.13) |
python-django-stronghold:v13 |
Django app requiring login for all views (3.13) |
python-django-suit:v13 |
Modern theme for Django admin interface (3.13) |
python-django-tables2:v13 |
Table/data-grid framework for Django (3.13) |
python-django-tagging:v13 |
Generic tagging application for Django (3.13) |
python-django-taggit:v13 |
Reusable Django app for simple tagging (3.13) |
python-django-timezone-field:v13 |
Django app that provides timezone info (3.13) |
python-django-tree-queries:v13 |
Tree queries with explicit opt-in (3.13) |
python-django-widget-tweaks:v13 |
Django template form field customizer (3.13) |
python-djangorestframework:v13 |
Web APIs for Django, made easy (3.13) |
python-dnspython:v13 |
DNS toolkit for Python (3.13) |
python-docutils:v13 |
Python Documentation Utilities (3.13) |
python-drf-spectacular-sidecar:v13 |
Swagger UI and Redoc builds for Django (3.13) |
python-drf-spectacular:v13 |
OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST (3.13) |
python-drf-yasg:v13 |
Django Swagger/OpenAPI spec generator (3.13) |
python-dulwich:v13 |
Python Git Library (3.13) |
python-e3-core:v13 |
Adacore testing and building tools (3.13) |
python-easysnmp:v13 |
Library based on official Net-SNMP bindings (3.13) |
python-et-xmlfile:v13 |
Low memory library for large XML files (3.13) |
python-evdev:v13 |
Linux input handling subsystem bindings (3.13) |
python-exceptiongroup:v13 |
Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) (3.13) |
python-exhale:v13 |
C++ library API documentation generator (3.13) |
python-eyed3:v13 |
Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3) (3.13) |
python-fasteners:v13 |
Python package that provides useful locks (3.13) |
python-feedparser:v13 |
Universal feed parser: RSS, CDF, Atom (3.13) |
python-filelock:v13 |
Platform independent file lock (3.13) |
python-filetype:v13 |
Infer file and MIME type of file or buffer (3.13) |
python-flake8-builtins:v13 |
Python builtins validation tool (3.13) |
python-flake8-import-order:v13 |
Import order validation tool (3.13) |
python-flake8-quotes:v13 |
Flake8 lint for quotes (3.13) |
python-flake8:v13 |
Source code checker wrapper (3.13) |
python-flask-swagger:v13 |
Extract swagger specs from flask project (3.13) |
python-flex:v13 |
Swagger Schema validation (3.13) |
python-fontMath:v13 |
Perform math operations on font data (3.13) |
python-fonttools:v13 |
Tools to manipulate font files (3.13) |
python-freetype-py:v13 |
Freetype python bindings (3.13) |
python-freezegun:v13 |
Let your Python tests travel through time (3.13) |
python-frozenlist:v13 |
Mutable lists until Freeze set (3.13) |
python-fs:v13 |
Python's filesystem abstraction layer (3.13) |
python-funcsigs:v13 |
Signature functions backport from 3.3 (3.13) |
python-funcy:v13 |
Fancy and practical functional tools (3.13) |
python-furl:v13 |
URL manipulation made simple (3.13) |
python-fusepy:v13 |
Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE (3.13) |
python-future:v13 |
Compatibility layer for python 2 apps (3.13) |
python-gast:v13 |
Generic Abstract Syntax Tree (3.13) |
python-ghp-import:v13 |
Copies docs directly to gh-pages branch (3.13) |
python-gi-docgen:v13 |
Documentation tool for GObject-based libs (3.13) |
python-gitdb:v13 |
Git Object Database (3.13) |
python-google-i18n-address:v13 |
Address validation for Google's i18n DB (3.13) |
python-graphene-django:v13 |
Graphene Django integration (3.13) |
python-graphene:v13 |
GraphQL Framework for Python (3.13) |
python-graphql-core:v13 |
GraphQL implementation (3.13) |
python-graphql-relay:v13 |
Relay library for graphql-core (3.13) |
python-graphviz:v13 |
Simple Python interface for Graphviz (3.13) |
python-greenlet:v13 |
Lightweight concurrent programming (3.13) |
python-gunicorn:v13 |
WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX (3.13) |
python-h11:v13 |
HTTP/1.1 implementation (3.13) |
python-html5lib:v13 |
HTML parser based on WHATWG specification (3.13) |
python-htmlmin:v13 |
HTML Minifier with seatbelts (3.13) |
python-httpcore:v13 |
Minimal low-level HTTP client (3.13) |
python-httplib2:v13 |
Comprehensive HTTP client library (3.13) |
python-humanize:v13 |
Python humanize utilities (3.13) |
python-hyperlink:v13 |
Featureful, immutable, and correct URL (3.13) |
python-idna:v13 |
Int. Domain Names in Applications (3.13) |
python-imagesize:v13 |
Size utility for jpeg/png/gif images (3.13) |
python-importlib-metadata:v13 |
Read metadata from Python packages (3.13) |
python-importlib-resources:v13 |
Read resources from Python packages (3.13) |
python-incremental:v13 |
Library for versioning python projects (3.13) |
python-inflection:v13 |
Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python (3.13) |
python-installer:v13 |
Library for installing Python wheels (3.13) |
python-intervaltree:v13 |
Editable interval tree data structure (3.13) |
python-invoke:v13 |
Pythonic task execution (3.13) |
python-ioflo:v13 |
Flow Programming Automated Reasoning Engine (3.13) |
python-ipaddress:v13 |
IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library (3.13) |
python-isort:v13 |
Utility library to sort Python imports (3.13) |
python-itsdangerous:v13 |
Trusted data handlers for unsafe env (3.13) |
python-itypes:v13 |
Simple immutable types for python (3.13) |
python-jedi:v13 |
Static analysis and autocompletion library (3.13) |
python-jmespath:v13 |
JSON Matching Expressions (3.13) |
python-json2html:v13 |
JSON to HTML Table Representation (3.13) |
python-jsonargparse:v13 |
JSON argument and config file parser (3.13) |
python-jsonpickle:v13 |
Serialize arbitrary object graph into JSON (3.13) |
python-jsonpointer:v13 |
Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (3.13) |
python-jsonschema-specifications:v13 |
JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies (3.13) |
python-jsonschema:v13 |
Alternate implementation of JSON Schema (3.13) |
python-junos-eznc:v13 |
Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers (3.13) |
python-kani-fork-pynetbox:v13 |
NetBox API client library (3.13) |
python-kitchen:v13 |
Cornucopia of useful code (3.13) |
python-kombu:v13 |
Messaging library for Python (3.13) |
python-lazy-object-proxy:v13 |
Fast and thorough lazy object proxy (3.13) |
python-legacy-cgi:v13 |
Copy of dropped cgi and cgitb modules (3.13) |
python-libnacl:v13 |
Python bindings for libsodium (3.13) |
python-libversion:v13 |
Python bindings for libversion (3.13) |
python-libxml2:v13 |
Python bindings for libxml2 (3.13) |
python-lizard:v13 |
Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer (3.13) |
python-loguru:v13 |
Python logging made (stupidly) simple (3.13) |
python-lxml:v13 |
Binding to libxml2 and libxslt libraries (3.13) |
python-macaddress:v13 |
MAC hardware identifier module (3.13) |
python-markdown-include:v13 |
Include extension for Markdown (3.13) |
python-markdown-it-py:v13 |
Port of Markdown-it, markdown done right (3.13) |
python-markdown2:v13 |
Complete implementation of Markdown (3.13) |
python-maturin:v13 |
Build and publish python rust packages (3.13) |
python-mccabe:v13 |
McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 (3.13) |
python-mdit-py-plugins:v13 |
Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py (3.13) |
python-mdurl:v13 |
Markdown URL utilities (3.13) |
python-meraki-netbox-plugin-pdu:v13 |
Power Distribution Unit plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-mergedeep:v13 |
Deep merge function for 🐍 (3.13) |
python-meson-python:v13 |
Meson Python build backend (PEP 517) (3.13) |
python-mkdocs-autorefs:v13 |
Automatically link across pages in MkDocs (3.13) |
python-mkdocs-get-deps:v13 |
List dependencies from by mydocs.yml file (3.13) |
python-mkdocs-material-extensions:v13 |
MkDocs extension for Markdown (3.13) |
python-mkdocs-material:v13 |
Documentation that simply works (3.13) |
python-mkdocs:v13 |
Project documentation with Markdown (3.13) |
python-mkdocstrings:v13 |
Documentation from sources for MkDocs (3.13) |
python-mock:v13 |
Rolling backport of standard mock library (3.13) |
python-more-itertools:v13 |
Iterable routine tools (3.13) |
python-msgpack:v13 |
MessagePack serializer (3.13) |
python-multidict:v13 |
Multidict implementation (3.13) |
python-mutagen:v13 |
Read and write audio tags for many formats (3.13) |
python-mwparserfromhell:v13 |
Parser for MediaWiki wikicode (3.13) |
python-mypy-extensions:v13 |
Experimental extensions of mypy typechecker (3.13) |
python-mypy:v13 |
Optional static typing for Python (3.13) |
python-myst-parser:v13 |
Extended commonmark compliant parser (3.13) |
python-n2g:v13 |
Need To Graph (3.13) |
python-napalm:v13 |
Vendor-agnostic router interaction libary (3.13) |
python-nb-service:v13 |
Netbox plugin for ITSM service mapping (3.13) |
python-nb2an:v13 |
Netbox to Ansible config comparison tool (3.13) |
python-ncclient:v13 |
Python library for NETCONF clients (3.13) |
python-netaddr:v13 |
Network address manipulation library (3.13) |
python-netbox-acls:v13 |
NetBox plugin for Access List management (3.13) |
python-netbox-agent:v13 |
NetBox agent for server (3.13) |
python-netbox-app-systems:v13 |
Application systems plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-bgp:v13 |
BGP related stuff (3.13) |
python-netbox-config-backup:v13 |
NetBox Switch Configuration Backup Plugin (3.13) |
python-netbox-ddns:v13 |
Dynamic DNS Connector for NetBox (3.13) |
python-netbox-disk:v13 |
Netbox Disk Plugin (3.13) |
python-netbox-dns:v13 |
Domain Name Services plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-fusioninventory-plugin:v13 |
Fusion inventory agent device import plugin (3.13) |
python-netbox-gateways:v13 |
Manage simple prefix default gateways (3.13) |
python-netbox-inventory:v13 |
Inventory asset management in NetBox (3.13) |
python-netbox-is-risks:v13 |
Info Security risk plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-lists:v13 |
IP list generator for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-maintenancecontract-plugin:v13 |
Manage Maintenance Contracts Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-napalm-plugin:v13 |
NetBox plugin for Napalm (3.13) |
python-netbox-network-importer:v13 |
Tool to import network into Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-proxbox:v13 |
Proxmox plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-qrcode:v13 |
QR Code generation for netbox objects (3.13) |
python-netbox-secretstore:v13 |
Netbox Secret Store (3.13) |
python-netbox-slm:v13 |
Software Lifecycle Management Netbox Plugin (3.13) |
python-netbox-static-routes-plugin:v13 |
Manage static routes in Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-users-and-computers:v13 |
Netbox plugin to manage Active Directory (3.13) |
python-netbox-vpn-plugin:v13 |
Manage VPN Connections in Netbox (3.13) |
python-netbox-vrf-context:v13 |
VRF Context plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-netdoc:v13 |
Network documentation plugin for NetBox (3.13) |
python-netifaces2:v13 |
Portable network interface information (3.13) |
python-netifaces:v13 |
Portable network interface information (3.13) |
python-netmiko:v13 |
Simplify CLI connections to network devices (3.13) |
python-netutils:v13 |
Network automation helper functions (3.13) |
python-nextbox-ui-plugin:v13 |
Topology visualization plugin for Netbox (3.13) |
python-nh3:v13 |
Leverage ammonia HTML sanitization library (3.13) |
python-node-semver:v13 |
Port of node-semver (3.13) |
python-nornir-netbox:v13 |
Netbox plugin for Nornir (3.13) |
python-nornir-netmiko:v13 |
Netmiko's plugins for Nornir (3.13) |
python-nornir-rich:v13 |
Pretty display functions for nornir (3.13) |
python-nornir-utils:v13 |
Collection of simple plugins for nornir (3.13) |
python-nornir:v13 |
Automation framework to manage devices (3.13) |
python-nose:v13 |
Extends unittest to make testing easier (3.13) |
python-ntc-templates:v13 |
TextFSM Templates for network devices (3.13) |
python-numpy:v13 |
Array computing for Python (3.13) |
python-oauthlib:v13 |
Spec-compliant OAuth implementation (3.13) |
python-openapi-codec:v13 |
OpenAPI codec for Core API (3.13) |
python-openpyxl:v13 |
Read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files (3.13) |
python-ordered-set:v13 |
Custom MutableSet that stays in order (3.13) |
python-orderedmultidict:v13 |
Ordered Multivalue Dictionary (3.13) |
python-orderly-set:v13 |
Multiple Ordered Set implementations (3.13) |
python-orjson:v13 |
Fast, correct Python JSON library (3.13) |
python-ouilookup:v13 |
MAC lookup from OUI source at (3.13) |
python-packaging:v13 |
Core utilities for Python packages (3.13) |
python-paginate:v13 |
Divides large result sets into pages (3.13) |
python-pandas:v13 |
Data structures for time series, statistics (3.13) |
python-paramiko:v13 |
SSH2 protocol library (3.13) |
python-parso:v13 |
Python Parser (3.13) |
python-passlib:v13 |
Comprehensive password hashing framework (3.13) |
python-patch-ng:v13 |
Library to parse and apply unified diffs (3.13) |
python-patchman:v13 |
Django based patch status monitoring tool (3.13) |
python-pathspec:v13 |
Library for git file pattern matching (3.13) |
python-pbr:v13 |
Python Build Reasonableness (3.13) |
python-pep8:v13 |
Python style guide checker (3.13) |
python-phonebox-plugin:v13 |
Phone numbers management plugin for NetBox (3.13) |
python-pika:v13 |
Pika Python AMQP Client Library (3.13) |
python-pip:v13 |
Tool for installing python packages (3.13) |
python-pipdeptree:v13 |
Utility to show package dependency tree (3.13) |
python-pkgconfig:v13 |
Interface Python with pkg-config (3.13) |
python-platformdirs:v13 |
Finds platform-specific directories (3.13) |
python-pluginbase:v13 |
Development basis of flexible plugins (3.13) |
python-ply:v13 |
Python Lex & Yacc (3.13) |
python-polib:v13 |
Library to manipulate gettext files (3.13) |
python-premailer:v13 |
Turns CSS blocks into style attributes (3.13) |
python-progressbar:v13 |
Text progress bar library for Python (3.13) |
python-prometheus-client:v13 |
Client for Prometheus monitoring system (3.13) |
python-promise:v13 |
Promises/A+ implementation for Python (3.13) |
python-prompt-toolkit:v13 |
Builds powerful interactive command lines (3.13) |
python-propcache:v13 |
Accelerated property cache (3.13) |
python-protobuf:v13 |
Protocol Buffers (3.13) |
python-proxmoxer:v13 |
Support Proxmox API v2 (3.13) |
python-psautohint:v13 |
Wrapper for Adobe's PostScript autohinter (3.13) |
python-psutil:v13 |
Process utilities module (3.13) |
python-psutils:v13 |
Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents (3.13) |
python-psycopg-c:v13 |
C-optimized PostgreSQL database adapter (3.13) |
python-psycopg-pool:v13 |
Connection Pool for Psycopg (3.13) |
python-psycopg2:v13 |
Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter (3.13) |
python-psycopg:v13 |
PostgreSQL database adapter for Python (3.13) |
python-puremagic:v13 |
Magic file detection (3.13) |
python-pyaml:v13 |
Produce readable YAML-serialized data (3.13) |
python-pyasn1:v13 |
ASN.1 types and codecs (3.13) |
python-pybind11:v13 |
Seamless operability with C++11 (3.13) |
python-pycairo:v13 |
Bindings for cairo graphics library (3.13) |
python-pyclipper:v13 |
Cython wrapper for the AJ Clipper library (3.13) |
python-pycodestyle:v13 |
Python style guide checker (3.13) |
python-pycountry:v13 |
ISO country and language databases (3.13) |
python-pycparser:v13 |
C parser in Python (3.13) |
python-pycryptodome:v13 |
Cryptographic library for Python (3.13) |
python-pycryptodomex:v13 |
Cryptographic library for Python (3.13) |
python-pycups:v13 |
Python bindings for libcups (3.13) |
python-pydantic-core:v13 |
Core module for pydantic (3.13) |
python-pydantic:v13 |
Data validation using Python type hints (3.13) |
python-pyeapi:v13 |
Python Client for eAPI (3.13) |
python-pyflakes:v13 |
Passive checker of Python programs (3.13) |
python-pygit2:v13 |
Python bindings for libgit2 (3.13) |
python-pylint:v13 |
Python code static checker (3.13) |
python-pymdown-extensions:v13 |
Extension pack for Python Markdown (3.13) |
python-pymemcache:v13 |
Pure Python memcached client (3.13) |
python-pynetbox:v13 |
NetBox API client library (3.13) |
python-pyocr:v13 |
Wrapper for OCR engines (Tesseract, etc) (3.13) |
python-pyparsing:v13 |
Defines and executes parsing grammers (3.13) |
python-pypdf:v13 |
PDF transformation library (3.13) |
python-pypng:v13 |
Native library for handling PNG images (3.13) |
python-pyproject-metadata:v13 |
PEP 621 metadata parsing (3.13) |
python-pyproject_hooks:v13 |
Pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks (3.13) |
python-pyquery:v13 |
Jquery-like library for python (3.13) |
python-pyrsistent:v13 |
Persistent, Immutable data structures (3.13) |
python-pyserial:v13 |
Python Serial Port Extension (3.13) |
python-pytest-runner:v13 |
Scripts to add test support (3.13) |
python-python-dateutil:v13 |
Extension to the standard datetime module (3.13) |
python-python-debian:v13 |
Debian package related modules (3.13) |
python-python-dotenv:v13 |
Sets environment from .env file (3.13) |
python-python-gnupg:v13 |
Wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard library (3.13) |
python-python-magic:v13 |
File type identification using libmagic (3.13) |
python-python-memcached:v13 |
Pure python memcached client (3.13) |
python-python-netbox:v13 |
Python NetBox Client (3.13) |
python-python-slugify:v13 |
Unicode-capable slug generator (3.13) |
python-python-sql:v13 |
Library to write SQL queries (3.13) |
python-python-stdnum:v13 |
Handles standardized numbers and codes (3.13) |
python-python3-openid:v13 |
OpenID support for servers and consumers (3.13) |
python-pythran:v13 |
Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels (3.13) |
python-pytidylib:v13 |
Wrapper around HTML Tidy (3.13) |
python-pytz:v13 |
World timezone definitions (3.13) |
python-pyudev:v13 |
Libudev binding (3.13) |
python-pyvmomi:v13 |
VMware vSphere Python SDK (3.13) |
python-pywikibot:v13 |
Python MediaWiki Bot Framework (3.13) |
python-pyxdg:v13 |
Implementation of standards (3.13) |
python-pyyaml-env-tag:v13 |
YAML tag for environment variables (3.13) |
python-pyzmq:v13 |
Python bindings for 0MQ (3.13) |
python-qrcode:v13 |
QR Code image generator (3.13) |
python-raet:v13 |
Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport (3.13) |
python-rcssmin:v13 |
CSS Minifier (3.13) |
python-readtime:v13 |
Texing reading time calculator (3.13) |
python-recommonmark:v13 |
Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark (3.13) |
python-redis:v13 |
Redis database and key-value store client (3.13) |
python-referencing:v13 |
JSON Referencing + Python (3.13) |
python-regex:v13 |
Alternative regular expression module (3.13) |
python-relatorio:v13 |
Templating library for odt and pdf files (3.13) |
python-reportlab:v13 |
Library for generating PDFs and graphics (3.13) |
python-requests-cache:v13 |
Persistent cache for python requests (3.13) |
python-requests-oauthlib:v13 |
Authentication support for Requests (3.13) |
python-requests-toolbelt:v13 |
Utilities collection for Requests (3.13) |
python-requests:v13 |
Python HTTP for Humans (3.13) |
python-resolvelib:v13 |
Abstract dependencies resolver library (3.13) |
python-rfc3987:v13 |
Parsing and validation of URIs and IRIs (3.13) |
python-rich:v13 |
Rich text library (3.13) |
python-rjsmin:v13 |
Javascript Minifier (3.13) |
python-rlPyCairo:v13 |
Plugin for (3.13) |
python-rpds-py:v13 |
Bindings to Rust persistent data structures (3.13) |
python-rq-scheduler:v13 |
Job scheduling capabilities to Redis Queue (3.13) |
python-rq:v13 |
Library for procesing background jobs (3.13) |
python-ruamel.yaml.clib:v13 |
C based yaml reader/scanner and emitter (3.13) |
python-ruamel.yaml:v13 |
YAML 1.2 parser/emitter (3.13) |
python-rubymarshal:v13 |
Read and write Ruby-marshalled data (3.13) |
python-s3transfer:v13 |
Amazon S3 Transfer Manager (3.13) |
python-salt:v13 |
Remote execution and config mgmt system (3.13) |
python-scikit-build-core:v13 |
Build backend for CMake based projects (3.13) |
python-scipy:v13 |
Scientific library for Python (3.13) |
python-scour:v13 |
Scour SVG Optimizer (3.13) |
python-scp:v13 |
Scp module for paramiko (3.13) |
python-semantic-version:v13 |
Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme (3.13) |
python-sentry-sdk:v13 |
Sentry client (3.13) |
python-setuptools-git-ls-files:v13 |
Invokes git to list all files (3.13) |
python-setuptools-git:v13 |
Revision control system plugin for Git (3.13) |
python-setuptools-rust:v13 |
Setuptools Rust extension plugin (3.13) |
python-setuptools-scm-git-archive:v13 |
Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives (3.13) |
python-setuptools-scm:v13 |
Package to manage versions by scm tags (3.13) |
python-setuptools:v13 |
Python package development process library (3.13) |
python-sgmllib3k:v13 |
Py3k port of sgmllib (3.13) |
python-sh:v13 |
Python subprocess replacement (3.13) |
python-simpleeval:v13 |
Single expression evaluator library (3.13) |
python-simplejson:v13 |
Fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder (3.13) |
python-singledispatch:v13 |
Backport of single-dispatch functions (3.13) |
python-sip:v13 |
Bindings generator for C/C++ libraries (3.13) |
python-six:v13 |
Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities (3.13) |
python-smartypants:v13 |
Python with the SmartyPants (3.13) |
python-smmap:v13 |
Sliding window memory map manager (3.13) |
python-sniffio:v13 |
Determine which async library is used (3.13) |
python-snowballstemmer:v13 |
Snowball stemming library collection (3.13) |
python-social-auth-app-django:v13 |
Social authentication for Django (3.13) |
python-social-auth-core2:v13 |
Social authentication/registration (3.13) |
python-social-auth-core:v13 |
Python social authentication made simple (3.13) |
python-sortedcontainers:v13 |
Sorted List, Dict, and Set containers (3.13) |
python-soupsieve:v13 |
Modern CSS selector implementation (3.13) |
python-sphinx-rtd-theme:v13 |
Read the Docs theme for Sphinx (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-adadomain:v13 |
Sphinx "adadomain" extension (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp:v13 |
Sphinx extension: apple help books (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp:v13 |
Sphinx extension: Devhelp documents (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp:v13 |
Sphinx extension: Help support via HTML (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-jquery:v13 |
Use jQuery for newer Sphinx releases (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath:v13 |
Sphinx extension: Math via javascript (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp:v13 |
Sphinx extension: QtHelp documents (3.13) |
python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml:v13 |
Sphinx extension: HTML serialization (3.13) |
python-spin:v13 |
Developer tool for scientific libraries (3.13) |
python-sqlparse:v13 |
Non-validating SQL parser (3.13) |
python-statmake:v13 |
Applies STAT Stylespace to a variable font (3.13) |
python-stevedore:v13 |
Dynamic plugins for Python applications (3.13) |
python-strawberry-graphql-django:v13 |
Strawberry GraphQL Django extension (3.13) |
python-strawberry-graphql:v13 |
Library for creating GraphQL APIs (3.13) |
python-strict-rfc3339:v13 |
Lightweight RFC 3399 timestamp functions (3.13) |
python-svgwrite:v13 |
Python library to create SVG drawings (3.13) |
python-swagger-spec-validator:v13 |
Validation of Swagger specifications (3.13) |
python-tablib:v13 |
Format-agnostic tabular dataset library (3.13) |
python-tenacity:v13 |
Retry code until it succeeds (3.13) |
python-text-unidecode:v13 |
Most basic Text::Unidecode port (3.13) |
python-textfsm:v13 |
Module for parsing semi-structured text (3.13) |
python-toml:v13 |
Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language (3.13) |
python-tomli:v13 |
Lil' TOML parser (3.13) |
python-tomlkit:v13 |
Style preserving TOML library (3.13) |
python-tornado:v13 |
Web framework and asynchronous networking (3.13) |
python-tqdm:v13 |
Fast, Extensible Progress Meter (3.13) |
python-transitions:v13 |
Extensible state machine implementation (3.13) |
python-tryton:v13 |
Tryton desktop client (3.13) |
python-trytond-account-asset:v13 |
Tryton module for assets management (3.13) |
python-trytond-account-de-skr03:v13 |
German chart of accounts SKR03 module (3.13) |
python-trytond-account-invoice-stock:v13 |
Tryton module to link stock and invoice (3.13) |
python-trytond-account-invoice:v13 |
Tryton module for invoicing (3.13) |
python-trytond-account-product:v13 |
Tryton module to add accounting on product (3.13) |
python-trytond-account:v13 |
Tryton module for accounting (3.13) |
python-trytond-company:v13 |
Tryton module with companies and employees (3.13) |
python-trytond-country:v13 |
Tryton module with countries (3.13) |
python-trytond-currency:v13 |
Tryton module with currencies (3.13) |
python-trytond-party:v13 |
Tryton module with parties and addresses (3.13) |
python-trytond-product:v13 |
Tryton module with products (3.13) |
python-trytond-purchase:v13 |
Tryton module for purchase (3.13) |
python-trytond-stock:v13 |
Tryton module for stock and inventory (3.13) |
python-trytond:v13 |
Tryton server (3.13) |
python-ttp-templates:v13 |
Template Text Parser Templates collections (3.13) |
python-ttp:v13 |
Template Text Parser (3.13) |
python-types-pytz:v13 |
Typing stubs for pytz (3.13) |
python-typing-extensions:v13 |
Backported type hints for Python 3.5+ (3.13) |
python-typogrify:v13 |
Filters to enhance web typography (3.13) |
python-tzdata:v13 |
Provider of IANA time zone data (3.13) |
python-ufoLib2:v13 |
UfoLib2 is a UFO font processing library (3.13) |
python-uritemplate:v13 |
Implementation of RFC 6570 URI Templates (3.13) |
python-url-normalize:v13 |
URL normalization for Python (3.13) |
python-urllib3:v13 |
Powerful HTTP client library (3.13) |
python-uuid:v13 |
UUID object and generation function (3.13) |
python-validate_email:v13 |
E-mail format and existence checks (3.13) |
python-vcversioner:v13 |
Extract version from version control tag (3.13) |
python-vdirsyncer:v13 |
Synchronize calendars and contacts (3.13) |
python-version-utils:v13 |
Library to compare package versions (3.13) |
python-versioneer:v13 |
VCS-based management of version strings (3.13) |
python-vine:v13 |
Python promises (3.13) |
python-virtualenv:v13 |
Virtual Python Environment builder (3.13) |
python-vobject:v13 |
Parser for iCalendar and vCard files (3.13) |
python-voluptuous:v13 |
Python data validation library (3.13) |
python-watchdog:v13 |
Filesystem events monitoring (3.13) |
python-wcwidth:v13 |
Measures number of terminal column cells (3.13) |
python-webencodings:v13 |
Legacy web character encoding aliases (3.13) |
python-wheel:v13 |
Built-package format for Python (3.13) |
python-wrapt:v13 |
Decorators, wrappers and monkey patching (3.13) |
python-xdg:v13 |
XDG Base Directory variables (3.13) |
python-xml2rfc:v13 |
Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.13) |
python-xmltodict:v13 |
Makes XML feel like JSON (3.13) |
python-xxhash:v13 |
Python binding for xxHash (3.13) |
python-yamlordereddictloader:v13 |
Ordered YAML loader and dump for PyYAML (3.13) |
python-yapf:v13 |
Formatter for Python code (3.13) |
python-yarl:v13 |
Yet another URL library (3.13) |
python-zipp:v13 |
Backport of pathlib wrapper for zip files (3.13) |
python-zope.interface:v13 |
Interfaces for Python (3.13) |
python-zstandard:v13 |
Zstandard bindings for Python (3.13) |