Port variant standard
Summary Character set conversion library
Package version 1.17_1
Keywords converters, devel
Maintainer nobody
License GPLv3+
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 01 NOV 2023, 15:23:41 UTC
Port created 24 MAR 2017, 05:35:46 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
complete This is the libiconv-standard metapackage. It pulls in all subpackages of libiconv-standard.
primary This library provides an iconv() implementation, for use on systems which don't have one, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode. It can convert from any of these encodings to any other, through Unicode conversion. It has also some limited support for transliteration, i.e. when a character cannot be represented in the target character set, it can be approximated through one or several similarly looking characters. libiconv is for you if your application needs to support multiple character encodings, but that support lacks from your system.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the libiconv-standard port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
man This is the man page subpackage of the libiconv-standard port.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
ENCODINGS ON Include extra character sets
Package Dependencies by Type
This package has no dependency requirements of any kind.
Download groups
main mirror://GNU/libiconv
Distribution File Information
8f74213b56238c85a50a5329f77e06198771e70dd9a739779f4c02f65d971313 5413283 libiconv-1.17.tar.gz
Ports that require libiconv:standard
R-RCurl:standard General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface
R-XML:standard XML Parsing and generating tools
R-fs:standard Cross-platform File system operations
R-httpuv:standard HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
R-igraph:standard Network Analysis and Visualization
R-xml2:standard Interface to libxml2 for XML file parsing
R:standard Statistical computing and graphics environment
ada_language_server:standard Microsoft Language Server Protocol for Ada
apache:standard Secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server
apr-util:standard Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
apr1:standard Apache Portable Runtime library
aspell:standard GNU spell checker
bash:standard GNU Bourne Again SHell
bind:standard Berkeley Internet Name Domain (Domain Name Server)
bison:standard Yacc-compatible parser generator from FSF
boost-libraries:standard Free portable C++ source libraries
cabextract:standard Utility for extracting cabinet (.cab) archives
cdrtools:standard CD/DVD/BluRay command line recording software
cgit:standard Fast web interface for git
clamav:standard Clam Anti-Virus Scanner
clucene:standard C++ port of Lucene search engine
coreutils:noprefix FSF core utilities (standard names)
coreutils:ravensys FSF core utilities for raven sysroot (no nls)
coreutils:standard FSF core utilities (prefixed with g)
ctags:standard Tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
cups:standard Common UNIX Printing System
deadbeef:standard Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
dia:standard Diagram creation program, similar to MS-Visio
diffutils:noprefix GNU diff utilities (standard names)
diffutils:ravensys GNU diff utilities for raven sysroot (no nls)
diffutils:standard GNU diff utilities (prefixed with g)
docbook2X:standard Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
dos2unix:standard DOS/MAC to UNIX Text File Format Converter
dosfstools:standard DOS filesystem utilities
dovecot:standard Secure IMAP and POP3 server
doxygen:standard Source code documentation generator tool
dpkg:standard Debian package maintenance system
exiv2:standard Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
ffmpeg5:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg6:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
ffmpeg:standard Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
filezilla:standard Cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS & SFTP client
flac:standard Free Lossless Audio Codec
fontforge:standard Outline and bitmap font editor
freetds:standard Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
fuse2:standard File System in Userspace (FUSE), legacy
gcc11:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 11
gcc12:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 12
gcc13:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 13
gdal:standard Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
gdb:standard GNU debugger
gettext:standard GNU internationalization and localization system
ghostscript:standard Postscript and PDF Rendering Engine
gimp:standard GNU Image Manipulation Program
git:lite Distributed version control system (minimal)
git:standard Distributed version control system
glib:standard Some useful routines of C programming
gmake:noprefix GNU make with unprefixed program name
gmake:standard GNU variant of 'make' utility
gnatcoll-bindings:standard Core packages of GNAT Components Collection
gnatcoll-db:standard GNAT Components Collection - Database packages
gnatcross:FAMD64_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/AMD64 (R12)
gnatcross:FARM64_R11 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/ARM64 (R11)
gnatcross:FI386_R12 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: FreeBSD/I386 (R11)
gnatcross:MAMD64_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/AMD64 (R3)
gnatcross:MI386_R3 C/Ada cross-compiler, tgt: MidnightBSD/I386 (R3)
gnatcross:SOL10 C/Ada cross-compiler, target: Solaris 10 (x86-64)
gnatdoc:standard GNAT Documentation Generation Tool
gnatstudio:standard Multilanguage IDE for Ada, SPARK, C/C++, and more
gnupg:standard GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnuplot:lite Command-line driven graphing utility (headless)
gnuplot:standard Command-line driven graphing utility
gnustep-base:standard GNUstep Base Library
gnutls:standard GNU Transport Layer Security library
gpr-unit-provider:standard Unit provider for Libadalang
gpr2tools:standard Tools based on GPR2 library
graphviz:standard Graph visualization tools
guile:standard GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
gvfs:standard GNOME virtual file system
gwenhywfar:standard Networking and security application library
gzip:standard Popular compression utility
hspell:hunspell Hunspell Hebrew dictionary
html2text:standard Converts HTML documents into plain text
hunspell:standard Most popular spellchecking library
id3lib:standard Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
idnkit:standard Library to handle internationalized domain names
intltool:standard Tools to internationalize various kinds of data
joe:standard Joe's Own Editor
lal-refactor:standard Collection of Ada source code refactoring tools
lame:standard Fast MP3 encoder kit
langkit_support:standard Support files for Ada Langkit
lftp:standard Command-line ftp client
libadalang-tools:standard Development tools based on libadalang
libadalang:standard High-performance semantic engine for Ada
libass:standard Library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering
libcddb:standard CDDB access library
libcdio-paranoia:standard Accurately read audio from Compact Discs
libcdio:standard Compact Disk input and control library
libconfuse:standard Configuration file parser library
libcupsfilters:standard Library for developing printing filters
libfilezilla:standard C++ lib for building platform-independent programs
libgpg-error:standard Common error values for all GnuPG components
libgpr2:standard Parser for GPR Project files
libidn2:standard IDNA2008 internationalized domain names library
libidn:standard Internationalized Domain Name support library
libisofs:standard Lib for creating ISO9660 FS, supporting extensions
liblangtag:standard Library to access tags for language identification
libofx:standard Open Financial eXchange (OFX) Library
libpsl:standard Library to handle the Public Suffix List
libunistring:standard Unicode string library
libwmf:standard Library for converting Windows Metafile Format
libxslt:standard XSLT C library for GNOME
lynx:standard Text based browser for the world wide web
lyx:standard Document Processor WYSIWYM Editor & Latex frontend
mariadb1011:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb105:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb106:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb11:standard Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mate-icon-theme:standard MATE desktop default icon theme
mcabber:standard Small Jabber console client
midnight-commander:desktop Free Norton Commander clone (X11)
midnight-commander:standard Free Norton Commander clone
minetest:standard Infinite-world block sandbox game
mkvtoolnix:standard Matroska media files manipulation tools
mpv:standard Advanced general-purpose multimedia player
mutt:standard Powerful terminal mail client
netpbm:standard Toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
nfsen:standard Web based frontend to nfdump netflow collector
nginx:loaded HTTP and reverse proxy server (all options)
nginx:standard HTTP and reverse proxy server (basic options)
nvi:standard Berkeley nvi with additional features
opencollada:standard Library for reading and writing COLLADA files
openjdk:standard OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21)
perl-XML-LibXML:538 Interface to Gnome xml2 library (5.38)
perl-XML-LibXML:540 Interface to Gnome xml2 library (5.40)
perl-mod_perl:538 Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.38)
perl-mod_perl:540 Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.40)
php81-iconv:standard PHP 8.1 extension: iconv character set conversion
php82-iconv:standard PHP 8.2 extension: iconv character set conversion
php83-iconv:standard PHP 8.3 extension: iconv character set conversion
pidgin:standard Multi-protocol instant messaging client
popt:standard Command line option parsing library
postgis:standard Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL
python-libxml2:v11 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.11)
python-libxml2:v12 Python bindings for libxml2 (3.12)
python-pycups:v11 Python bindings for libcups (3.11)
python-pycups:v12 Python bindings for libcups (3.12)
qrencode:standard C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
qt5-qtbase:standard Qt5 - QtBase component
qt6-qtbase:standard Qt6 - QtBase component
raptor:standard RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
ravensys-gcc:standard GNU Compiler collection (GCC), Series 13
rdesktop:standard RDP client - Windows NT/2000/2003 Terminal Server
recoll:standard Full text search tool based on Xapian backend
rsync:standard Network file distribution/synchronization utility
sdl1:standard Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl1_ttf:standard SDL1 TrueType font rendering library
sdl2:standard Cross-platform multimedia development API
serf:standard High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
slang:standard S-Lang is a powerful interpreted language
tar:noprefix GNU tape archiver without 'g' prefix
tar:standard GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
testdisk:standard Powerful free data recovery software
texinfo:standard Typeset documentation system, multiple formats
thunderbird:standard Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
tig:standard Text-mode interface for git
transmission:daemon Lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon)
transmission:gtk Lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI)
transmission:qt Lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt GUI)
transmission:standard Lightweight BitTorrent client (CLI client)
unixODBC:standard ODBC library suite for Unix
unrtf:standard Convert Rich Text Format to HTML, LaTeX, etc
unzip:chinese Chinese extraction utility for .zip archives
unzip:korean Korean extraction utility for .zip archives
unzip:russian Russian extraction utility for .zip archives
uwsgi:standard Fast, self-healing, application container server
veracrypt:standard Strong disk encryption based on TrueCrypt
vim:loaded VIsual editor iMproved (all options + X)
vim:standard VIsual editor iMproved (basic options)
vorbis-tools:standard Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
w3m:standard Pager/text-based WWW browser
wavpack:standard Hybrid lossless audio compression
weechat:standard Fast, light and extensible chat client
wget2:standard File retrieval tool using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP
wget:standard Program to retrieve files via http/s and ftp
wxWidgets30:gtk2 GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk2)
wxWidgets30:standard GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings (gtk3)
wxWidgets:standard GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
xclip:standard Command line interface to the X11 clipboard
xerces-c:standard Validating XML parser written in portable C++
xorg-luit:standard Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
xorg-xwininfo:standard Window information utility for X
znc:standard Advanced IRC bouncer
zsh:standard Interactive Z Shell