Port variant v12
Summary Drop-in replacement for argparse (3.12)
Package version 1.7
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants v13
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 15 NOV 2024, 16:08:50 UTC
Port created 08 SEP 2020, 00:38:32 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ConfigArgParse -------------- Overview ~~~~~~~~ Applications with more than a handful of user-settable options are best configured through a combination of command line args, config files, hard-coded defaults, and in some cases, environment variables. Python's command line parsing modules such as argparse have very limited support for config files and environment variables, so this module extends argparse to add these features. Available on PyPI: Features ~~~~~~~~ - command-line, config file, env var, and default settings can now be defined, documented, and parsed in one go using a single API (if a value is specified in more than one way then: command line > environment variables > config file values > defaults) - config files can have .ini or .yaml style syntax (eg. key=value or key: value) - user can provide a config file via a normal-looking command line arg (eg. -c path/to/config.txt) rather than the argparse-style @config.txt - one or more default config file paths can be specified (eg. ['/etc/bla.conf', '~/.my_config'] ) - all argparse functionality is fully supported, so this module can serve as a drop-in replacement (verified by argparse unittests). - env vars and config file keys & syntax are automatically documented in the -h help message - new method :code:`print_values()` can report keys & values and where they were set (eg. command line, env var, config file, or default). - lite-weight (no 3rd-party library dependencies except (optionally) PyYAML) - extensible (:code:`ConfigFileParser` can be subclassed to define a new config file format) - unittested by running the unittests that came with argparse but on configargparse, and using tox to test with Python 3.5+ Example ~~~~~~~ **: Script that defines 4 options and a positional arg and then parses and prints the values. Also, it prints out the help message as well as the string produced by :code:`format_values()` to show what they look like. .. code:: py import configargparse p = configargparse.ArgParser(default_config_files=['/etc/app/conf.d/*.conf', '~/.my_settings']) p.add('-c', '--my-config', required=True, is_config_file=True, help='config file path') p.add('--genome', required=True, help='path to genome file') # this option can be set in a config file because it starts with '--' p.add('-v', help='verbose', action='store_true') p.add('-d', '--dbsnp', help='known variants .vcf', env_var='DBSNP_PATH') # this option can be set in a config file because it starts with '--' p.add('vcf', nargs='+', help='variant file(s)') options = p.parse_args() print(options) print("----------") print(p.format_help()) print("----------") print(p.format_values()) # useful for logging where different settings came from *config.txt:* Since the script above set the config file as required=True, lets create a config file to give it: .. code:: py # settings for genome = HCMV # cytomegalovirus genome dbsnp = /data/dbsnp/variants.vcf *command line:* Now run the script and pass it the config file: .. code:: bash DBSNP_PATH=/data/dbsnp/variants_v2.vcf python --my-config config.txt f1.vcf f2.vcf *output:*
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY312 ON Build using Python 3.12 PY313 OFF Build using Python 3.13
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python312:dev:std
Build and Runtime python312:primary:std
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/6f/b3/b4ac838711fd74a2b4e6f746703cf9dd2cf5462d17dac07e349234e21b97
Distribution File Information
d249da6591465c6c26df64a9f73d2536e743be2f244eb3ebe61114af2f94f86b 25489 python-src/ConfigArgParse-1.7-py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-ConfigArgParse:v12
python-xml2rfc:v12 Request For Comment authoring with XML (3.12)