Port variant py38
Summary Python client for Redis key-value store (PY38)
Package version 3.5.3
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py39
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 13 DEC 2020, 19:47:07 UTC
Port created 28 AUG 2018, 14:25:25 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single redis-py ======== The Python interface to the Redis key-value store. Python 2 Compatibility Note --------------------------- redis-py 3.5.x will be the last version of redis-py that supports Python 2. The 3.5.x line will continue to get bug fixes and security patches that support Python 2 until August 1, 2020. redis-py 4.0 will be the next major version and will require Python 3.5+. Installation ------------ redis-py requires a running Redis server. See [Redis's quickstart ] for installation instructions. redis-py can be installed using `pip` similar to other Python packages. Do not use `sudo` with `pip`. It is usually good to work in a [virtualenv] or [venv] to avoid conflicts with other package managers and Python projects. For a quick introduction see [Python Virtual Environments in Five Minutes]. To install redis-py, simply: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install redis or from source: .. code-block:: bash $ python install Getting Started --------------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> import redis >>> r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) >>> r.set('foo', 'bar') True >>> r.get('foo') b'bar' By default, all responses are returned as `bytes` in Python 3 and `str` in Python 2. The user is responsible for decoding to Python 3 strings or Python 2 unicode objects. If **all** string responses from a client should be decoded, the user can specify `decode_responses=True` to `Redis.__init__`. In this case, any Redis command that returns a string type will be decoded with the `encoding` specified. Upgrading from redis-py 2.X to 3.0 ---------------------------------- redis-py 3.0 introduces many new features but required a number of backwards incompatible changes to be made in the process. This section attempts to provide an upgrade path for users migrating from 2.X to 3.0. Python Version Support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ redis-py 3.0 supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5+. Client Classes: Redis and StrictRedis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ redis-py 3.0 drops support for the legacy "Redis" client class. "StrictRedis" has been renamed to "Redis" and an alias named "StrictRedis" is provided so that users previously using "StrictRedis" can continue to run unchanged. The 2.X "Redis" class provided alternative implementations of a few commands. This confused users (rightfully so) and caused a number of support issues. To make things easier going forward, it was decided to drop support for these alternate implementations and instead focus on a single client class. 2.X users that are already using StrictRedis don't have to change the class name. StrictRedis will continue to work for the foreseeable future. 2.X users that are using the Redis class will have to make changes if they use any of the following commands: * SETEX: The argument order has changed. The new order is (name, time, value). * LREM: The argument order has changed. The new order is (name, num, value).
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY38 ON Build using Python 3.8 PY39 OFF Build using Python 3.9
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) python-pip:single:py38
Build and Runtime python38:single:standard
Download groups
main mirror://PYPIWHL/a7/7c/24fb0511df653cf1a5d938d8f5d19802a88cef255706fdda242ff97e91b7
Distribution File Information
432b788c4530cfe16d8d943a09d40ca6c16149727e4afe8c2c9d5580c59d9f24 72144 redis-3.5.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Ports that require python-redis:py38
No other ports depend on this one.