Port variant py37
Summary Alternate implementation of JSON Schema (PY37)
Package version 3.2.0
Keywords python
Maintainer Python Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants py38
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 08 AUG 2020, 00:24:11 UTC
Port created 20 MAY 2018, 23:40:09 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single ========== jsonschema ========== |PyPI| |Pythons| |Travis| |AppVeyor| |Codecov| |ReadTheDocs| jsonschema is an implementation of [JSON Schema] for Python (supporting 2.7+ including Python 3). :alt: Open Live Demo Online demo Notebook will look similar to this: .. image:: :alt: Open Live Demo :width: 480 px Release Notes ------------- v3.1 brings support for ECMA 262 dialect regular expressions throughout schemas, as recommended by the specification. Big thanks to @Zac-HD for authoring support in a new `js-regex `_ library. Running the Test Suite ---------------------- If you have tox installed (perhaps via pip install tox or your package manager), running tox in the directory of your source checkout will run jsonschema's test suite on all of the versions of Python jsonschema supports. If you don't have all of the versions that jsonschema is tested under, you'll likely want to run using tox's ``--skip-missing-interpreters`` option. Of course you're also free to just run the tests on a single version with your favorite test runner. The tests live in the ``jsonschema.tests`` package. Benchmarks ---------- jsonschema's benchmarks make use of [pyperf ]. Running them can be done via ``tox -e perf``, or by invoking the pyperf commands externally (after ensuring that both it and jsonschema itself are installed):: $ python -m pyperf jsonschema/benchmarks/ --hist --output results.json To compare to a previous run, use:: $ python -m pyperf compare_to --table reference.json results.json See the pyperf documentation for more details. Community --------- There's a [mailing list] for this implementation on Google Groups. Please join, and feel free to send questions there. Contributing ------------ I'm Julian Berman. jsonschema is on [GitHub]. Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, it'd be most welcome! You can also generally find me on Freenode (nick: tos9) in various channels, including ``#python``. If you feel overwhelmingly grateful, you can also woo me with beer money via Google Pay with the email in my GitHub profile. And for companies who appreciate jsonschema and its continued support and growth, jsonschema is also now supportable via [TideLift ].
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PY37 ON Build using Python 3.7 PY38 OFF Build using Python 3.8
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime python-setuptools-scm:single:py37
Download groups
main mirror://PYPI/j/jsonschema
Distribution File Information
c8a85b28d377cc7737e46e2d9f2b4f44ee3c0e1deac6bf46ddefc7187d30797a 167226 jsonschema-3.2.0.tar.gz
Ports that require python-jsonschema:py37
python-swagger-spec-validator:py37 Validation of Swagger specifications (PY37)