Subpackage Descriptions
single |
formatR: Format R Code Automatically
Provides a function tidy_source() to format R source code. Spaces and
indent will be added to the code automatically, and comments will be
preserved under certain conditions, so that R code will be more
human-readable and tidy. There is also a Shiny app as a user interface in
this package (see tidy_app()).
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
This port has no build options.
Package Dependencies by Type
Distribution File Information
4ebaab2c3f8527871655246b62abd060bc75dae1cec7f962ca4752b8080f474c 96077 CRAN/formatR_1.14.tar.gz
Ports that require R-formatR:std
No other ports depend on this one. |