Port variant std
Summary Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
Package version 1.2.12
Keywords audio
Maintainer nobody
License LGPL21+
Other variants There are no other variants.
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 09 AUG 2024, 21:24:17 UTC
Port created 22 JAN 2020, 18:47:07 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
set Subpackage description undefined (port maintainer error).
primary The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. ALSA has the following significant features: * Efficient support for all types of audio interfaces, from consumer sound cards to professional multichannel audio interfaces. * Fully modularized sound drivers. * SMP and thread-safe design. * User space library (alsa-lib) to simplify application programming and provide higher level functionality. * Support for the older Open Sound System (OSS) API, providing binary compatibility for most OSS programs.
tools This package contains the aserver tool based on ALSA.
dev This is the developer subpackage of the alsa-lib:std port. It may contain headers, pc files, static and PIC libraries and SO links.
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
LINUX OFF Indicates built for Linux
Package Dependencies by Type
Build (only) gmake:primary:std
Runtime (only) alsa-lib:primary:std (tools subpackage)
Download groups
main mirror://GITHUB/alsa-project:alsa-lib:v1.2.12
Distribution File Information
f067dbba9376e5bbbb417b77751d2a9f2f277c54fb3a2b5c023cc2c7dfb4e3c1 860668 alsa-project-alsa-lib-1.2.12.tar.gz
Ports that require alsa-lib:std
flite:std Small run-time speech synthesis engine
gimp:std GNU Image Manipulation Program
libmatemixer:std Mixer library for MATE
musikcube:std Terminal-based music player, server & more
openjdk:std OpenJDK Java Development Kit (version 21)
qt6-qtmultimedia:std Qt6 - QtMultimedia component
zesarux:std Emulator of ZX Spectrum & more Z80-based computers