Port variant 528
Summary Minimal try/catch with preservation of $@ (5.28)
Package version 0.30
Keywords perl
Maintainer Perl Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants 530
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 26 APR 2020, 21:07:42 UTC
Port created 12 JUN 2017, 01:19:57 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PERL_528 ON Build using Perl 5.28 PERL_530 OFF Build using Perl 5.30
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime perl-5.28:primary:standard
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/ID:E/ET/ETHER
Distribution File Information
da5bd0d5c903519bbf10bb9ba0cb7bcac0563882bcfe4503aee3fb143eddef6b 34395 Try-Tiny-0.30.tar.gz
Ports that require perl-Try-Tiny:528
perl-Algorithm-Paxos:528 Implementation of the Paxos protocol (5.28)
perl-Class-Load:528 Working (require "Class::Name") and more (5.28)
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime:528 Parse and format time patterns (5.28)
perl-DateTime-TimeZone:528 Time zone object base class and factory (5.28)
perl-DateTime:528 Date and time object for Perl (5.28)
perl-Module-Implementation:528 Multiple module implementation loader (5.28)
perl-Moose:528 Postmodern object system for Perl 5 (5.28)
perl-MooseX-Getopt:528 Role for processing command line options (5.28)
perl-PPIx-EditorTools:528 PPI base class and utility methods (5.28)
perl-Package-Pkg:528 Handy package munging utilities (5.28)
perl-Plack:528 Glue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (5.28)
perl-Redis:528 Perl binding for Redis database (5.28)
perl-Specio:528 Type constraints and coercions for Perl (5.28)
perl-Test-Class:528 Create xUnit/JUnit-style test classes (5.28)
perl-Test-Fatal:528 Helpers for testing code with exceptions (5.28)
perl-libwww-perl:528 World-Wide Web library for Perl (5.28)