Port variant 540
Summary Uniform Resource Identifiers (5.40)
Package version 5.29
Keywords perl
Maintainer Perl Automaton
License Not yet specified
Other variants 538
Ravenports Buildsheet | History
Ravensource Port Directory | History
Last modified 07 SEP 2024, 17:00:23 UTC
Port created 12 JUN 2017, 01:19:57 UTC
Subpackage Descriptions
single Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
Configuration Switches (platform-specific settings discarded)
PERL_538 OFF Build using Perl 5.38 PERL_540 ON Build using Perl 5.40
Package Dependencies by Type
Build and Runtime perl-MIME-Base32:single:540
Download groups
main mirror://CPAN/ID:O/OA/OALDERS
Distribution File Information
a34b9f626c3ff1e20c0d4a23ec5c8b7ae1de1fb674ecefed7e46791388137372 128686 URI-5.29.tar.gz
Ports that require perl-URI:540
perl-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild:540 Subclass for building Alien::modules (5.40)
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab:540 Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab (5.40)
perl-Alien-CFITSIO:540 Build and Install the CFITSIO library (5.40)
perl-Alien-cmake3:540 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better (5.40)
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP:540 Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client (5.40)
perl-CGI:540 Common Gateway Interface actions (5.40)
perl-Cookie-Baker:540 Cookie string generator / parser (5.40)
perl-Dancer2:540 Lightweight web application framework (5.40)
perl-Finance-Quote:540 Get quotes from various stock exchanges (5.40)
perl-FusionInventory-Agent:540 FusionInventory unified Agent for UNIX (5.40)
perl-HTML-Parser:540 HTML parser class (5.40)
perl-HTTP-Message:540 HTTP style message (base class) (5.40)
perl-Mail-DMARC:540 Perl implementation of DMARC (5.40)
perl-Mail-SPF:540 Sender Policy Framework implemenation (5.40)
perl-Mozilla-PublicSuffix:540 Search Mozilla Public Suffix List (5.40)
perl-Net-HTTP:540 Low-level HTTP connection (client) (5.40)
perl-Padre:540 Perl Application Dev. and Refactoring Env (5.40)
perl-Plack:540 Glue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (5.40)
perl-Razor2-Client-Agent:540 UI routines for razor agents (5.40)
perl-URI-cpan:540 URLs that refer to things on the CPAN (5.40)
perl-WWW-RobotRules:540 Database of robots.txt-derived permissions (5.40)
perl-Web-Scraper:540 Web Scraping Toolkit (5.40)
perl-libwww-perl:540 World-Wide Web library for Perl (5.40)