perl-Algorithm-AM:540 |
Classify data with Analogical Modeling (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-AdaBoost:540 |
AdaBoost learning algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-AhoCorasick:540 |
Efficient search for multiple strings (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Annotate:540 |
Represent change series in annotate form (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BIT-XS:540 |
Binary indexed trees / Fenwick trees (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BaumWelch:540 |
Hidden Markov Chain parameter estimation (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Bayesian:540 |
Bayesian Spam Filtering Algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BestChoice:540 |
Choose the best (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BinPack-2D:540 |
Efficiently pack items into rectangles (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BinPack:540 |
Efficiently pack items into bins (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BinarySearch-Vec:540 |
Binary search for vectors (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BitVector:540 |
Bit vector operations (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Bitonic-Sort:540 |
Sorting numbers with Bitonic Sort (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BloomFilter:540 |
Simple bloom filter data structure (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-BreakOverlappingRectangles:540 |
Break up overlapping rectangles (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Bucketizer:540 |
Distribute sized items to buckets (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Burg:540 |
Extrapolate time series using Burg's method (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-C3:540 |
Merge hierarchies using C3 algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-CRF:540 |
Perl binding for CRF++ (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits:540 |
Generate and test check digits (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Closest-NetworkAddress:540 |
Find closest network address (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Cluster-Thresh:540 |
Adds thresholds to hierarchical clustering (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Cluster:540 |
Perl interface to the C Clustering Library (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ClusterPoints:540 |
Find clusters inside a set of points (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics:540 |
Generation of combinatorial sequences (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-CHash:540 |
XS bindings to Consistent Hash library (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-JumpHash:540 |
Jump consistent hash algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ConsistentHash-Ketama:540 |
Ketama Consistent Hashing for Perl (XS) (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ConstructDFA-XS:540 |
C++ version of Algorithm::ConstructDFA (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ConstructDFA:540 |
Deterministic finite automaton construction (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ContextVector:540 |
Implementation based on cosine similarity (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-CouponCode:540 |
Generate and validate 'CouponCode' strings (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-CriticalPath:540 |
Critical path analysis over a Graph Object (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Cron:540 |
Abstract implementation of F scheduling (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-CurveFit:540 |
Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-DBSCAN:540 |
Density-Based Spatial Clustering (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Damm:540 |
Damm error correction check digit (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-DecisionTree:540 |
Classification of multidimensional data (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Dependency-MapReduce:540 |
Map/Reduce routines for Alg:Dep graphs (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects:540 |
Object Dependency Algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Dependency:540 |
Base class for various dependency trees (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-DependencySolver:540 |
Solve scheduling access to shared resource (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Any:540 |
Find differences between files (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Callback:540 |
Use callbacks on computed differences (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-HTMLTable:540 |
Show differences of a file as a HTML table (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff-XS:540 |
Algorithm::Diff with XS core loop (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Diff:540 |
Compute differences between two files/lists (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-DimReduction:540 |
Octave-based dimension Reduction tool (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-DistanceMatrix:540 |
Compute distance matrix for any metric (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Easing:540 |
Calculate eased translations over time (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Evolutionary-Simple:540 |
Run canonical evolutionary algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Evolutionary:540 |
Paradigm-free evolutionary algorithms (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-ExpectationMaximization:540 |
Expectation Maximization of clustering data (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-FEC:540 |
Forward Error Correction, Vandermonde (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute:540 |
Rapid generation of permutations (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-FeatureSelection:540 |
Feature selection methods for text mining (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-FloodControl:540 |
Limit event processing to count/time ratio (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Functional-BFS:540 |
Functional approach to the breadth-first (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-FuzzyCmeans:540 |
Fuzzy c-means clustering (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-GDiffDelta:540 |
Generate GDIFF format binary deltas (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-GaussianElimination-GF2:540 |
Solve linear systems of equations on GF(2) (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-GenerateSequence:540 |
Sequence generator (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Genetic-Diploid:540 |
Extensible diploid genetic algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-GooglePolylineEncoding:540 |
Google's Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Graphs-TransitiveClosure:540 |
Calculate the transitive closure (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-HITS-Lite:540 |
HITS Algorithm implementation not using PDL (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-HITS:540 |
Implementation of HITS algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-HyperLogLog:540 |
Cardinality estimation algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-IRCSRP2:540 |
IRC channel encryption algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude:540 |
Build and evaluate include/exclude lists (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix:540 |
Generate prefixes from intervals (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-KMeans:540 |
Perl Module for K-Means Clustering (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Kelly:540 |
Calculate fraction of a bankroll to bet (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-KernelKMeans:540 |
Weighted kernel k-means clusterer (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Kmeanspp:540 |
Perl implementation of K-means++ (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Knap01DP:540 |
0-1 Knapsack problem solver (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Knapsack:540 |
Brute-force solution of knapsack problem (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Kuhn-Munkres:540 |
Maximum weight perfect matching (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LBFGS:540 |
Perl extension for L-BFGS (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LUHN:540 |
Modulus 10 double add double checksum (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LatticePoints:540 |
Run code for each lattice points (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LeakyBucket:540 |
Leaky bucket rate limiting (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LibLinear:540 |
Binding for LINEAR library (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Line-Bresenham:540 |
Simple pixellated line-drawing algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LineSegments:540 |
Piecewise linear function approximation (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LinearManifoldDataClusterer:540 |
Clusters data in low dimensional manifold (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Loops:540 |
Looping constructs (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-LossyCount:540 |
Approximate frequency count (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-MarkovChain:540 |
Object oriented Markov chain generator (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Merge:540 |
Three-way merge and diff (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Metric-Chessboard:540 |
Calculate distances on a square grid (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Munkres:540 |
Matrix assignment problem solution (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-NGram:540 |
Analyze token sequences with n-grams (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-NaiveBayes:540 |
Bayesian prediction of categories (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-NeedlemanWunsch:540 |
Sequence alignment (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Networksort-Chooser:540 |
Helper utility for Algorithm::Networksort (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Networksort:540 |
Create Sorting Networks (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Nhash:540 |
Exim nhash algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Sample:540 |
Draw samples from a set (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle:540 |
Shuffle a list (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-PageRank-XS:540 |
Fast PageRank implementation (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-PageRank:540 |
Calculate PageRank (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Pair-Best2:540 |
Pairings selector (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Pair-Swiss:540 |
Generate unique pairings for tournaments (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Partition:540 |
Partition a set of integers (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Paxos:540 |
Implementation of the Paxos protocol (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Permute:540 |
Object-oriented fast permutations (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Prefixspan:540 |
Prefix-projected Sequential Pattern mining (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-QuineMcCluskey:540 |
Solve sets of boolean terms (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-RabinKarp:540 |
Implementation of Rabin-Karp rolling hash (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-RandomMatrixGeneration:540 |
Generate internal cell values for a matrix (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-RandomPointGenerator:540 |
Generates sets of random points in 2D plane (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot:540 |
Find rectangles containing a given dot (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot_XS:540 |
Fast find rectangles containing a dot (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SAT-Backtracking:540 |
Simple Backtracking SAT solver (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Scale2x:540 |
Implementation of Scale2x algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Search:540 |
Module for traversing an object (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Shape-RandomTree:540 |
Randomized plant shape object generator (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Simplex:540 |
Tucker Tableaux simplex algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SixDegrees:540 |
Find path through linked elements in a set (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SkipList:540 |
Perl implementation of skip lists (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SlopeOne:540 |
Slope One collaborative filtering (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SocialNetwork:540 |
Social Network Analysis (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Storage-Redis:540 |
Redis storage backend (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Strategy-MedianQuadTree:540 |
QuadTree splitting on bucket medians (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-SpatialIndex:540 |
Flexible 2D/3D spacial indexing (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Statistic:540 |
Different statistical algorithms library (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Step:540 |
Trace execution steps of an algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-StringHash-FromCSharp35-XS:540 |
C#'s string Hashing Algorithm in V3.5 (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-TSort:540 |
Perl extension for topological sort (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-TokenBucket:540 |
Token bucket rate limiting algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Toy-HashSC:540 |
Toy separate chain hash implementation (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-TravelingSalesman-BitonicTour:540 |
Euclidean traveling-saleman problem solver (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Tree-NCA:540 |
Constant time retrieval of I (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-VSM:540 |
Retrieves files using VSM and LSA methods (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-VectorClocks:540 |
Generates a partial ordering of events (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-Voting:540 |
Voting algorithm implementations (5.40) |
perl-Algorithm-WordLevelStatistics:540 |
Words Level Statics implementation (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild:540 |
Subclass for building Alien::modules (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Cleanse-BuildDir:540 |
Plugin to cleanse the build directiory (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab:540 |
Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-PkgConfig-PPWrapper:540 |
Plugin to support pkg-config on Windows (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Build:540 |
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN (5.40) |
perl-Alien-CFITSIO:540 |
Build and Install the CFITSIO library (5.40) |
perl-Alien-GSL:540 |
Easy installation of GNU Scientific Library (5.40) |
perl-Alien-HDF4:540 |
Encapsulate install info for HDF4 (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Libxml2:540 |
Installs libxml2 library on the system (5.40) |
perl-Alien-Role-Dino:540 |
Support for dynamic share Alien install (5.40) |
perl-Alien-cmake3:540 |
Find or download or build cmake 3 or better (5.40) |
perl-Alien-gmake:540 |
Find or build GNU Make (5.40) |
perl-Alien-patch:540 |
Find or build patch (5.40) |
perl-Alien-proj:540 |
Alien package for the PROJ library (5.40) |
perl-Alien-sqlite:540 |
Alien package for the Sqlite library (5.40) |
perl-Alien-wxWidgets:540 |
Building and using wxWidgets binaries (5.40) |
perl-Any-Moose:540 |
(DEPRECATED) use Moo instead! (5.40) |
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP-Message:540 |
AnyEvent::HTTP Request/Response objects (5.40) |
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP:540 |
Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client (5.40) |
perl-AnyEvent-I3:540 |
Communicate with the i3 window manager (5.40) |
perl-AnyEvent:540 |
Event loop programming interface (5.40) |
perl-Apache-Htpasswd:540 |
Manage Unix crypt-style password file (5.40) |
perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler:540 |
Compile a log format string to perl-code (5.40) |
perl-App-Cmd:540 |
Write command line apps with less suffering (5.40) |
perl-App-cpanminus:540 |
Get, build and install modules from CPAN (5.40) |
perl-AppConfig:540 |
Reads and parses command line arguments (5.40) |
perl-Archive-Any-Lite:540 |
Simple CPAN package extractor (5.40) |
perl-Archive-Extract:540 |
Generic archive extracting mechanism (5.40) |
perl-Archive-Zip:540 |
Provide an interface to ZIP archive files (5.40) |
perl-Array-Diff:540 |
Find the differences between two arrays (5.40) |
perl-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO:540 |
Extension for using the cfitsio library (5.40) |
perl-Astro-FITS-Header:540 |
Object-oriented interface to FITS HDUs (5.40) |
perl-Async-Interrupt:540 |
Allow C/XS to interrupt perl asynchronously (5.40) |
perl-Authen-SASL:540 |
SASL Authentication framework (5.40) |
perl-Authen-Simple:540 |
Simple Authentication (5.40) |
perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope:540 |
Execute code after scope compilation (5.40) |
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check:540 |
Wrap OP check callbacks (5.40) |
perl-BSD-Resource:540 |
BSD process resource limits and priority (5.40) |
perl-Bit-Vector:540 |
Efficient bit vector and "big int" library (5.40) |
perl-CGI-Deurl-XS:540 |
Fast decoder for URL parameter strings (5.40) |
perl-CGI:540 |
Common Gateway Interface actions (5.40) |
perl-CLI-Osprey:540 |
MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity (5.40) |
perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo:540 |
Extract distribution name and version (5.40) |
perl-CPAN-Meta-Check:540 |
Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object (5.40) |
perl-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic:540 |
Dynamic prerequisites in meta files (5.40) |
perl-Cache-FastMmap:540 |
Shared memory interprocess cache (5.40) |
perl-Cache-Memcached-Fast:540 |
Perl client for memcached, in C language (5.40) |
perl-Cache-Memcached:540 |
Client library for memory cache daemon (5.40) |
perl-Canary-Stability:540 |
Compatibility canary for schmorp's modules (5.40) |
perl-Capture-Tiny:540 |
Capture STDOUT and STDERR streams (5.40) |
perl-Carp-Clan-Share:540 |
Share Carp settings with your whole Clan (5.40) |
perl-Carp-Clan:540 |
Report errors from view of clan caller (5.40) |
perl-Class-Accessor:540 |
Automated accessor generation (5.40) |
perl-Class-Adapter:540 |
Implementation of "Adapter" Design Pattern (5.40) |
perl-Class-Data-Inheritable:540 |
Inheritable, overridable class data (5.40) |
perl-Class-Inspector:540 |
Get information about class structure (5.40) |
perl-Class-Load-XS:540 |
XS implementation of parts of Class::Load (5.40) |
perl-Class-Load:540 |
Working (require "Class::Name") and more (5.40) |
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers:540 |
Provides Moose-like method modifiers (5.40) |
perl-Class-Multimethods:540 |
Support subroutine overloading in perl (5.40) |
perl-Class-Singleton:540 |
Implementation of a "Singleton" class (5.40) |
perl-Class-Tiny:540 |
Minimalist class construction (5.40) |
perl-Class-XSAccessor:540 |
Generate fast XS accessors (5.40) |
perl-Clone-PP:540 |
Recursively copy Perl datatypes (5.40) |
perl-Clone:540 |
Recursively copy Perl datatypes (5.40) |
perl-Commandable:540 |
Utilities for commandline-based programs (5.40) |
perl-Config-Any:540 |
Load configuration from various formats (5.40) |
perl-Config-AutoConf:540 |
Module to implement some of AutoConf macros (5.40) |
perl-Config-General:540 |
Generic Config Module (5.40) |
perl-Config-INI-Tiny:540 |
Compact INI file parser (5.40) |
perl-Config-JFDI:540 |
Scans directories for matching file names (5.40) |
perl-Config-Tiny:540 |
Read/Write .ini style files efficiently (5.40) |
perl-Context-Preserve:540 |
Preserve context after subroutine call (5.40) |
perl-Convert-Color-XTerm:540 |
Indexed colors used by XTerm (5.40) |
perl-Convert-Color:540 |
Color space conversions and named lookups (5.40) |
perl-Convert-UU:540 |
Module for uuencode and uudecode (5.40) |
perl-Cookie-Baker:540 |
Cookie string generator / parser (5.40) |
perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS:540 |
Perl structure to JSON converter (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-DES:540 |
Perl DES encryption module (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES:540 |
Wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum:540 |
OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess:540 |
Guess OpenSSL include path (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA:540 |
RSA encoding/decoding using OpenSSL library (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random:540 |
Pseudo-random number generator access (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5:540 |
Interoperable MD5-based crypt functions (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-RC4:540 |
No description provided (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-Rijndael:540 |
Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption (5.40) |
perl-Crypt-URandom:540 |
Provide non blocking randomness (5.40) |
perl-CryptX:540 |
Cryptographic toolkit (5.40) |
perl-DBD-CSV:540 |
DBI driver for CSV files (5.40) |
perl-DBD-SQLite:540 |
Self Contained SQLite RDBMS in a DBI Driver (5.40) |
perl-DBI:540 |
Database independent interface for Perl (5.40) |
perl-DBIx-Simple:540 |
Object-Oriented interface to DBI (5.40) |
perl-Dancer2:540 |
Lightweight web application framework (5.40) |
perl-Data-AutoBimap:540 |
Bidirectional map for enumerated strings (5.40) |
perl-Data-Binary:540 |
Detection of binary vs text in strings (5.40) |
perl-Data-CosineSimilarity:540 |
Computes the Cosine Similarity (5.40) |
perl-Data-Dump:540 |
Pretty printing of data structures (5.40) |
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise:540 |
Compact data dumps (5.40) |
perl-Data-IEEE754:540 |
Big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles (5.40) |
perl-Data-OptList:540 |
Parse and validate name/value option pairs (5.40) |
perl-Data-Printer:540 |
Color pretty printer for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Data-Record:540 |
"split" on steroids (5.40) |
perl-Data-Section:540 |
Read multiple hunks from DATA section (5.40) |
perl-Data-Validate-IP:540 |
IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods (5.40) |
perl-Data-Visitor:540 |
Visitor style traversal of data structures (5.40) |
perl-Date-Manip:540 |
Date manipulation routines (5.40) |
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime:540 |
Parse and format time patterns (5.40) |
perl-DateTime-Locale:540 |
Localization support for (5.40) |
perl-DateTime-TimeZone:540 |
Time zone object base class and factory (5.40) |
perl-DateTime:540 |
Date and time object for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Debug-Client:540 |
Debug client side code for Padre (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Caller:540 |
Meatier version of the core caller (5.40) |
perl-Devel-CheckCompiler:540 |
Check the compiler's availability (5.40) |
perl-Devel-CheckLib:540 |
Library availability checker (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Declare:540 |
Deprecated - Adds keywords to perl in perl (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Dumpvar:540 |
Pure-OO reimplementation of (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Gladiator:540 |
Walk Perl's arena (5.40) |
perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction:540 |
Functionality of global PHASE and DESTRUCT (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Hide:540 |
Forces unavailability of specified modules (5.40) |
perl-Devel-LexAlias:540 |
Alias lexical variables (5.40) |
perl-Devel-MAT-Dumper:540 |
Write a heap dump file for later analysis (5.40) |
perl-Devel-MAT:540 |
Perl Memory Analysis Tool (5.40) |
perl-Devel-OverloadInfo:540 |
Introspect overloaded operators (5.40) |
perl-Devel-PartialDump:540 |
Partial dumping of data structures (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Refactor:540 |
Extension for refactoring Perl code (5.40) |
perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML:540 |
Displays stack trace in HTML (5.40) |
perl-Devel-StackTrace:540 |
Object representing a stack trace (5.40) |
perl-Devel-Symdump:540 |
Dump symbol names or the symbol table (5.40) |
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble:540 |
Create bubble-babble fingerprints (5.40) |
perl-Digest-HMAC:540 |
Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (5.40) |
perl-Digest-MurmurHash3-PurePerl:540 |
Pure perl implementation of MurmurHash3 (5.40) |
perl-Digest-Perl-MD5:540 |
Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Digest-SHA1:540 |
Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts:540 |
Declare version conflicts for your dist (5.40) |
perl-EV:540 |
High-performance full-featured event loop (5.40) |
perl-Email-Abstract:540 |
Unified interface to mail representations (5.40) |
perl-Email-Address-XS:540 |
Parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses (5.40) |
perl-Email-Date-Format:540 |
Produce RFC 2822 date strings (5.40) |
perl-Email-MIME-ContentType:540 |
MIME Content-Type header handling (5.40) |
perl-Email-MIME-Encodings:540 |
Interface to MIME encoding and decoding (5.40) |
perl-Email-MIME:540 |
Easy MIME message handling (5.40) |
perl-Email-MessageID:540 |
Generate world unique message-ids (5.40) |
perl-Email-Sender:540 |
Library for sending email (5.40) |
perl-Email-Simple:540 |
RFC2822 message parser (5.40) |
perl-Encode-Detect:540 |
Subclass that detects the encoding of data (5.40) |
perl-Encode-Locale:540 |
Determine the locale encoding (5.40) |
perl-Env-ShellWords:540 |
Supports arrays in env variable values (5.40) |
perl-Error:540 |
Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way (5.40) |
perl-Eval-Closure:540 |
Safely create closures via string eval (5.40) |
perl-Exception-Class:540 |
Supports real exception classes in perl (5.40) |
perl-Exporter-Easy:540 |
Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols (5.40) |
perl-Exporter-Lite:540 |
Lightweight functions and variables export (5.40) |
perl-Exporter-Tiny:540 |
Small exporter using only core modules (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-CChecker:540 |
Configuration utilities for using C headers (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-Config:540 |
Wrapper for perl's configuration (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-Depends:540 |
Build XS extensions on top of XS extensions (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-F77:540 |
Simple interface to F77 libs (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-HasCompiler:540 |
Check for the presence of a compiler (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-Helpers:540 |
Portability utilities for module builders (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths:540 |
Build.PL install path logic made easy (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile:540 |
Cpanfile support for EUMM (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig:540 |
Simplistic interface to pkg-config (5.40) |
perl-ExtUtils-XSpp:540 |
Thin layer over XS to provide C++ support (5.40) |
perl-FFI-CheckLib:540 |
Check that a library is available for FFI (5.40) |
perl-Feature-Compat-Try:540 |
Provides try/catch syntax (5.40) |
perl-File-BaseDir:540 |
Freedesktop base directory specification (5.40) |
perl-File-ConfigDir:540 |
Get directories of configuration files (5.40) |
perl-File-Copy-Recursive:540 |
Recursively copy files and directories (5.40) |
perl-File-DesktopEntry:540 |
Module to handle .desktop files (5.40) |
perl-File-Find-Object:540 |
Object oriented File::Find replacement (5.40) |
perl-File-Find-Rule:540 |
Alternative interface to File::Find (5.40) |
perl-File-HomeDir:540 |
Locate home directory on any plaform (5.40) |
perl-File-Listing:540 |
Parse directory listing (5.40) |
perl-File-Map:540 |
Memory mapping made simple and safe (5.40) |
perl-File-MimeInfo:540 |
Determine file types (5.40) |
perl-File-ReadBackwards:540 |
Read a file backwards by lines (5.40) |
perl-File-Remove:540 |
Remove files and directories (5.40) |
perl-File-Share:540 |
Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries (5.40) |
perl-File-ShareDir-Install:540 |
Install shared files (5.40) |
perl-File-ShareDir:540 |
Locate per-dist and per-module shared files (5.40) |
perl-File-Slurp-Tiny:540 |
Discouraged simple file slurper (5.40) |
perl-File-Slurp:540 |
Reading/Writing/Modifying of complete files (5.40) |
perl-File-Slurper:540 |
Read entire contents of file at once (5.40) |
perl-File-Type:540 |
Determine file type using magic (5.40) |
perl-File-Which:540 |
Implementation of which utility as an API (5.40) |
perl-File-chdir:540 |
More sensible way to change directories (5.40) |
perl-File-pushd:540 |
Change directory temporarily (5.40) |
perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple:540 |
Simple and dumb file system watcher (5.40) |
perl-Finance-Quote:540 |
Get quotes from various stock exchanges (5.40) |
perl-Font-AFM:540 |
Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files (5.40) |
perl-Font-TTF:540 |
TTF font support for Perl (5.40) |
perl-FusionInventory-Agent:540 |
FusionInventory unified Agent for UNIX (5.40) |
perl-GD:540 |
Interface to the libgd graphics library (5.40) |
perl-GSSAPI:540 |
Access to the GSSAPIv2 library (5.40) |
perl-Geo-IP:540 |
IP Address location and network lookup (5.40) |
perl-Geography-Countries:540 |
Country codes in various formats (5.40) |
perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive:540 |
Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful (5.40) |
perl-Getopt-Usaginator:540 |
Usage function creator for applications (5.40) |
perl-Graph-Convert:540 |
Convert between Graph and Graph::Easy (5.40) |
perl-Graph-Easy-As_svg:540 |
Converts Graph::Easy object to SVG text (5.40) |
perl-Graph-Easy-Manual:540 |
HTML manual for Graph::Easy (5.40) |
perl-Graph-Easy:540 |
Converts or renders graphs (5.40) |
perl-Graph-RandomPath:540 |
Find random path between 2 graph vertices (5.40) |
perl-Graph:540 |
Graph data structures and algorithms (5.40) |
perl-Graphics-GnuplotIF:540 |
Dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot (5.40) |
perl-Guard:540 |
Safe cleanup blocks (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Element-Extended:540 |
Enhanced HTML::Element classes (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Formatter:540 |
Base class for HTML formatters (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Parser:540 |
HTML parser class (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Selector-XPath:540 |
CSS Selector to XPath compiler (5.40) |
perl-HTML-TableExtract:540 |
HTML table information extractor (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Tagset:540 |
Data tables useful in parsing HTML (5.40) |
perl-HTML-Tree:540 |
Work with HTML in a DOM-like tree structure (5.40) |
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath:540 |
Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Body:540 |
HTTP Body Parser (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-CookieJar:540 |
Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Cookies:540 |
HTTP cookie jars (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Daemon:540 |
Simple http server class (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Date:540 |
HTTP::Date - date conversion routines (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser:540 |
PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Headers-Fast:540 |
Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Message:540 |
HTTP style message (base class) (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-MultiPartParser:540 |
HTTP MultiPart Parser (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Negotiate:540 |
Choose a variant to serve (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Proxy:540 |
Pure Perl HTTP proxy (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen:540 |
Authentication plugin for HTTP (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple:540 |
Lightweight HTTP server (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-XSCookies:540 |
Fast XS cookie mangling for Perl (5.40) |
perl-HTTP-XSHeaders:540 |
Fast XS Header library (5.40) |
perl-Hash-FieldHash:540 |
Nimble field hash for inside-out objects (5.40) |
perl-Hash-Merge-Simple:540 |
Recursively merge two or more hashes (5.40) |
perl-Hash-MultiValue:540 |
Store multiple values per key (5.40) |
perl-Hash-Ordered:540 |
Fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class (5.40) |
perl-Heap:540 |
Extension for keeping data partially sorted (5.40) |
perl-Hook-LexWrap:540 |
Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers (5.40) |
perl-IO-All:540 |
IO::All to Larry Wall! (5.40) |
perl-IO-Capture:540 |
Base Class for modules to capture output (5.40) |
perl-IO-Compress-Brotli:540 |
Read/write Brotli buffers/streams (5.40) |
perl-IO-HTML:540 |
Open HTML file with auto charset detection (5.40) |
perl-IO-Socket-INET6:540 |
Interface AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets (5.40) |
perl-IO-Socket-SSL:540 |
Nearly ransparent SSL encapsulation (5.40) |
perl-IO-Socket-Timeout:540 |
IO::Socket with read/write timeout (5.40) |
perl-IO-String:540 |
Emulate file interface for in-core strings (5.40) |
perl-IO-Stringy:540 |
I/O on core strings and arrays (5.40) |
perl-IO-Tee:540 |
Multiplex output to multiple output handles (5.40) |
perl-IO-TieCombine:540 |
Produce tied separate, combined variables (5.40) |
perl-IO-Tty:540 |
Pseudo ttys and constants (5.40) |
perl-IP-Country-DB_File:540 |
IPv4 and IPv6 to country translation (5.40) |
perl-IP-Country:540 |
Country code lookup from IP addresses (5.40) |
perl-IPC-Run3:540 |
Run subprocess with input/ouput redirection (5.40) |
perl-IPC-Run:540 |
System() and background processes (5.40) |
perl-IPC-System-Simple:540 |
Run commands with detailed diagnostics (5.40) |
perl-Image-ExifTool:540 |
Read and write meta information (5.40) |
perl-Image-Info:540 |
Extract meta information from image files (5.40) |
perl-Import-Into:540 |
Import packages into other packages (5.40) |
perl-Importer:540 |
Alternative interface for symbol export (5.40) |
perl-Inline-C:540 |
C Language Support for Inline (5.40) |
perl-Inline:540 |
Write Perl subroutines in other languages (5.40) |
perl-JSON-Any:540 |
Deprecated JSON wrapper class (5.40) |
perl-JSON-MaybeXS:540 |
Use fallback versions of XS (5.40) |
perl-JSON-Parse:540 |
Convert JSON into perl (5.40) |
perl-JSON-XS:540 |
Correct and fast JSON (de)serialising (5.40) |
perl-JSON:540 |
JavaScript Object Notation encoder/decoder (5.40) |
perl-LWP-MediaTypes:540 |
Guess media type for a file or a URL (5.40) |
perl-LWP-Protocol-https:540 |
Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent (5.40) |
perl-Lchown:540 |
Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl (5.40) |
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect:540 |
Convert singular to plural |
perl-List-AllUtils:540 |
Combines several list utilities (5.40) |
perl-List-Compare:540 |
Compare elements of two or more lists (5.40) |
perl-List-MoreUtils-XS:540 |
Provide XS-base list utilities (5.40) |
perl-List-MoreUtils:540 |
Provide the stuff missing in List::Util (5.40) |
perl-List-SomeUtils:540 |
Provide the stuff missing in List::Util (5.40) |
perl-List-UtilsBy:540 |
Higher-order list utility functions (5.40) |
perl-Locale-Msgfmt:540 |
Compile .po files to .mo files (5.40) |
perl-Locale-gettext:540 |
Message handling functions (v540) |
perl-Log-Any:540 |
Bringing loggers and listeners together (5.40) |
perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate:540 |
Log to Files that Archive/Rotate Themselves (5.40) |
perl-Log-Dispatch:540 |
Dispatches messages to one or more outputs (5.40) |
perl-Log-Log4perl:540 |
Log4j implementation for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Logic-Minimizer:540 |
Parent class for Logic minimizers (5.40) |
perl-MIME-Base32:540 |
Base32 encoder and decoder (5.40) |
perl-MIME-Charset:540 |
Charset Information for MIME (5.40) |
perl-MIME-Types:540 |
Definition of MIME types (5.40) |
perl-MRO-Compat:540 |
MRO::* interfaces for Perls < 5.9.5 (5.40) |
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults:540 |
Authentication-Results headers (5.40) |
perl-Mail-DKIM:540 |
Handles internet mail DKIM signatures (5.40) |
perl-Mail-DMARC:540 |
Perl implementation of DMARC (5.40) |
perl-Mail-IMAPClient:540 |
IMAP4 client library (5.40) |
perl-Mail-SPF:540 |
Sender Policy Framework implemenation (5.40) |
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin:540 |
Extensible mail filter that identifies spam (5.40) |
perl-MailTools:540 |
Various ancient e-mail related modules (5.40) |
perl-Math-Base-Convert:540 |
Very fast base to base conversion (5.40) |
perl-Math-Big:540 |
Routines (cos, sin, etc.) with big numbers (5.40) |
perl-Math-BigInt-GMP:540 |
Replacement library for Math::BigInt::Calc (5.40) |
perl-Math-Cephes:540 |
Perl interface to the math cephes library (5.40) |
perl-Math-Combinatorics:540 |
Perform list combinations and permutations (5.40) |
perl-Math-GSL-Alien:540 |
Easy installation of the GSL shared library (5.40) |
perl-Math-GSL:540 |
Interface to the GNU Scientific Library (5.40) |
perl-Math-Int128:540 |
Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl (5.40) |
perl-Math-Int64:540 |
Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl (5.40) |
perl-Math-MatrixReal:540 |
Manipulate NxN matrices of real numbers (5.40) |
perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS:540 |
C implementation of ISAAC PRNG algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Math-Random:540 |
Random Number Generators (5.40) |
perl-Math-Symbolic:540 |
Symbolic calculations (5.40) |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Common:540 |
Common MaxMind DB functions (5.40) |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS:540 |
Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader (5.40) |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader:540 |
Read MaxMind DB files for IP address lookup (5.40) |
perl-Mixin-Linewise:540 |
Supports linewise code for handles (5.40) |
perl-Mock-Config:540 |
Temporarily set Config or XSConfig values (5.40) |
perl-Module-Build-Tiny:540 |
Tiny replacement for Module::Build (5.40) |
perl-Module-Build-XSUtil:540 |
Module::Build class for building XS modules (5.40) |
perl-Module-Build:540 |
Build and install Perl modules (5.40) |
perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse:540 |
Generate Kwalitee ratings for distribution (5.40) |
perl-Module-CPANfile:540 |
Parse cpanfile (5.40) |
perl-Module-Compile:540 |
Perl Module Compilation (5.40) |
perl-Module-ExtractUse:540 |
Find out what modules are used (5.40) |
perl-Module-Find:540 |
Find installed modules in a (sub)category (5.40) |
perl-Module-Implementation:540 |
Multiple module implementation loader (5.40) |
perl-Module-Install:540 |
Standalone, extensible module installer (5.40) |
perl-Module-Manifest:540 |
Parse Perl distribution MANIFEST file (5.40) |
perl-Module-Pluggable:540 |
Provide module ability to have plugins (5.40) |
perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts:540 |
Conflicts information for Module::Runtime (5.40) |
perl-Module-Runtime:540 |
Runtime module handling (5.40) |
perl-Module-ScanDeps:540 |
Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies (5.40) |
perl-Module-Starter:540 |
Simple starter kit for any module (5.40) |
perl-Mojo-DOM58:540 |
Minimalistic HTML/XML DOM parser (5.40) |
perl-Mojolicious:540 |
Real-time web framework (5.40) |
perl-Moo:540 |
Minimalist Object Orientation (5.40) |
perl-MooX-Locale-Passthrough:540 |
Provide API to skip translations (5.40) |
perl-MooX-Options:540 |
Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class (5.40) |
perl-MooX-StrictConstructor:540 |
Moo-based object constructor exceptions (5.40) |
perl-MooX-TypeTiny:540 |
Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny (5.40) |
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric:540 |
Moo types for numbers (5.40) |
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike:540 |
Some Moosish types and a type builder (5.40) |
perl-Moose:540 |
Postmodern object system for Perl 5 (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-FollowPBP:540 |
Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo() (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Getopt:540 |
Role for processing command line options (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-LazyRequire:540 |
Required attributes that fail only upon use (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion:540 |
Force coercion when validating constraints (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures:540 |
Deprecated method declarations (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized:540 |
Moose roles with composition parameters (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Traits:540 |
Apply roles at object creation time (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Types-Common:540 |
Library of commonly used type constraints (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured:540 |
Structured Type Constraints for Moose (5.40) |
perl-MooseX-Types:540 |
Organise your Moose types in libraries (5.40) |
perl-Mouse:540 |
Moose minus the antlers (5.40) |
perl-Mozilla-CA:540 |
Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format (5.40) |
perl-Mozilla-PublicSuffix:540 |
Search Mozilla Public Suffix List (5.40) |
perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID:540 |
Interface for MusicBrainz libdiscid library (5.40) |
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite:540 |
Merges IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses (5.40) |
perl-Net-CUPS:540 |
Common Unix Printing System Interface (5.40) |
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock:540 |
Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing (5.40) |
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable:540 |
Programmable offline emulation of DNS (5.40) |
perl-Net-DNS:540 |
Perl Interface to the Domain Name System (5.40) |
perl-Net-HTTP:540 |
Low-level HTTP connection (client) (5.40) |
perl-Net-IDN-Encode:540 |
Internationalizing Domain Names in Apps (5.40) |
perl-Net-IMAP-Simple:540 |
Simple IMAP account handling (5.40) |
perl-Net-IP:540 |
Manipulation of IPv4/IPv6 addresses (5.40) |
perl-Net-IPv4Addr:540 |
No description provided (5.40) |
perl-Net-LibIDN2:540 |
Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2 (5.40) |
perl-Net-LibIDN:540 |
Perl bindings for GNU Libidn (5.40) |
perl-Net-NBName:540 |
NetBIOS Name Service Requests (5.40) |
perl-Net-Patricia:540 |
Patricia Trie for fast IP address lookups (5.40) |
perl-Net-Pcap:540 |
Interface to the packet capture library (5.40) |
perl-Net-SMTPS:540 |
SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP (5.40) |
perl-Net-SNMP:540 |
Object oriented interface to SNMP (5.40) |
perl-Net-SSLeay:540 |
Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL (5.40) |
perl-Net-Write:540 |
Interface to open and send raw network data (5.40) |
perl-NetAddr-IP:540 |
Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets (5.40) |
perl-Number-Compare:540 |
Numeric comparisons (5.40) |
perl-Number-Format:540 |
Perl extension for formatting numbers (5.40) |
perl-Number-Misc:540 |
Number::Misc - handy utilities for numbers (5.40) |
perl-OLE-Storage_Lite:540 |
Read and write OLE storage files (5.40) |
perl-ORLite-Migrate:540 |
Nimble SQLite-specific schema migration (5.40) |
perl-ORLite:540 |
Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM (5.40) |
perl-Object-Array:540 |
Array references with accessors (5.40) |
perl-Onyphe:540 |
ONYPHE base class (5.40) |
perl-OpenGL-GLUT:540 |
Perl bindings to the GLUT/FreeGLUT toolkit (5.40) |
perl-OpenGL:540 |
Bindings to OpenGL API, GLU, GLUT/FreeGLUT (5.40) |
perl-PAR-Dist:540 |
Create and manipulate PAR distributions (5.40) |
perl-PDL:540 |
Perl Data Language (5.40) |
perl-PGPLOT:540 |
PGPLOT wrapper for perl (5.40) |
perl-POD2-Base:540 |
Base module for translations of Perl docs (5.40) |
perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler:540 |
GNU C library compatible strftime (5.40) |
perl-POSIX-strptime:540 |
POSIX date parsing strptime(3) function (5.40) |
perl-PPI:540 |
Parse and Manipulate Perl without Perl (5.40) |
perl-PPIx-EditorTools:540 |
PPI base class and utility methods (5.40) |
perl-PPIx-Regexp:540 |
Parse regular expressions (5.40) |
perl-Package-DeprecationManager:540 |
Manage deprecation warnings of distribution (5.40) |
perl-Package-Pkg:540 |
Handy package munging utilities (5.40) |
perl-Package-Stash-XS:540 |
Better implementation of Package::Stash API (5.40) |
perl-Package-Stash:540 |
Routines for manipulating stashes (5.40) |
perl-PadWalker:540 |
Play with other peoples' lexical variables (5.40) |
perl-Padre:540 |
Perl Application Dev. and Refactoring Env (5.40) |
perl-Parallel-ForkManager:540 |
Simple parallel processing fork manager (5.40) |
perl-Params-Util:540 |
Simple and compact param-checking functions (5.40) |
perl-Params-Validate:540 |
Validate method/function parameters (5.40) |
perl-Params-ValidationCompiler:540 |
Compile subroutine parameter validator (5.40) |
perl-Parse-Distname:540 |
Parse a distribution name (5.40) |
perl-Parse-EDID:540 |
Extended display identification data parser (5.40) |
perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl:540 |
Parse error messages from perl interpreter (5.40) |
perl-Parse-ExuberantCTags:540 |
Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files (5.40) |
perl-Parse-Functions:540 |
List all the functions in source code (5.40) |
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures:540 |
Perl6 like method signature parser (5.40) |
perl-Parse-RecDescent:540 |
Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers (5.40) |
perl-Path-Class:540 |
Cross-platform path specification (5.40) |
perl-Path-Iter:540 |
Simple Efficient Path Iteration (5.40) |
perl-Path-Tiny:540 |
File path utility (5.40) |
perl-Pegex:540 |
Acmeist PEG Parser Framework (5.40) |
perl-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite:540 |
Perl code prerequisite scanner (5.40) |
perl-Perl-Tidy:540 |
Indent and reformat perl scripts (5.40) |
perl-Perl6-Export-Attrs:540 |
Implement Perl 6 'is export(...) in Perl 5 (5.40) |
perl-PerlIO-Layers:540 |
Querying your filehandle's capabilities (5.40) |
perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict:540 |
Fast and correct UTF-8 IO (5.40) |
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout:540 |
Layer that adds read and write timeouts (5.40) |
perl-PkgConfig:540 |
Perl core-only replacement for pkg-config (5.40) |
perl-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect:540 |
Plack::Middleware for redirect response (5.40) |
perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody:540 |
Plack::Middleware to remove HTTP body (5.40) |
perl-Plack:540 |
Glue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Abstract:540 |
Abstract document tree for POD documents (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Coverage:540 |
Checks comprehensiveness of documentation (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Eventual:540 |
Read POD documents as trivial events (5.40) |
perl-Pod-POM:540 |
POD Object Model (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Parser:540 |
Modules for parsing POD format documents (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes:540 |
Catches common typos in POD (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Spell:540 |
Formatter for spellchecking Pod (5.40) |
perl-Pod-Strip:540 |
Remove POD from Perl code (5.40) |
perl-Probe-Perl:540 |
Information about currently running perl (5.40) |
perl-Proc-Daemon:540 |
Run Perl program(s) as a daemon process (5.40) |
perl-Proc-ProcessTable:540 |
Extension to access the unix process table (5.40) |
perl-Quantum-Superpositions:540 |
QM-like superpositions in Perl (5.40) |
perl-Razor2-Client-Agent:540 |
UI routines for razor agents (5.40) |
perl-Readonly:540 |
Create read-only scalars, arrays and hashes (5.40) |
perl-Redis:540 |
Perl binding for Redis database (5.40) |
perl-Ref-Util-XS:540 |
XS implementation for Ref::Util (5.40) |
perl-Ref-Util:540 |
Utility functions for checking references (5.40) |
perl-Regexp-Common:540 |
Commonly requested regular expressions (5.40) |
perl-Regexp-IPv4:540 |
Regular expression for IPv4 addresses (5.40) |
perl-Regexp-IPv6:540 |
Regular expression for IPv6 addresses (5.40) |
perl-Regexp-Trie:540 |
Builds trie-ized regexp (5.40) |
perl-Regexp-Util:540 |
General utility rexexp subroutines (5.40) |
perl-Return-MultiLevel:540 |
Return across multiple call levels (5.40) |
perl-Role-Tiny:540 |
Roles: small slice of Moose (5.40) |
perl-SQL-Statement:540 |
SQL parsing and processing engine (5.40) |
perl-SUPER:540 |
Control superclass method dispatch (5.40) |
perl-Safe-Isa:540 |
Safe action on potential non-objects (5.40) |
perl-Scope-Guard:540 |
Lexically-scoped resource management (5.40) |
perl-Scope-Upper:540 |
Act on upper scopes (5.40) |
perl-Sereal-Decoder:540 |
Fast and compact binary deserialization (5.40) |
perl-Sereal-Encoder:540 |
Fast and compact binary serialization (5.40) |
perl-Set-Object:540 |
Unordered collections (sets) of objects (5.40) |
perl-Set-Scalar:540 |
Basic set operations (5.40) |
perl-Shell-Config-Generate:540 |
Portably generate config for any shell (5.40) |
perl-Shell-Guess:540 |
Returns likely shell in use (5.40) |
perl-Smart-Args-TypeTiny:540 |
We are smart, smart for you (5.40) |
perl-Smart-Args:540 |
Argument validation for you (5.40) |
perl-Smart-Comments:540 |
Comments that do more than just sit there (5.40) |
perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo:540 |
Address name resolving functions (5.40) |
perl-Socket6:540 |
Provides routines to various IPv6 functions (5.40) |
perl-Software-License-CCpack:540 |
Pack of Creative Commons licenses (5.40) |
perl-Software-License:540 |
Provision of templates software licenses (5.40) |
perl-Sort-Key-Top:540 |
Select and sort top n elements (5.40) |
perl-Sort-Key:540 |
Fastest way to sort anything in Perl (5.40) |
perl-Sort-Naturally:540 |
Sort lexically but with digits numerically (5.40) |
perl-Sort-Versions:540 |
Module for sorting of revision-like numbers (5.40) |
perl-Specio:540 |
Type constraints and coercions for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Spiffy:540 |
Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You (5.40) |
perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel:540 |
Read information from an Excel file (5.40) |
perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX:540 |
Extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files (5.40) |
perl-Starlink-AST:540 |
Interface to the Starlink AST library (5.40) |
perl-Statistics-Basic:540 |
Collection of very basic statistics modules (5.40) |
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling:540 |
Resampling and calculation of medians (5.40) |
perl-Stream-Buffered:540 |
Temporary buffer to save bytes (5.40) |
perl-String-CRC32:540 |
Cyclic Redundency Check generation (5.40) |
perl-String-Random:540 |
Generate random strings based on a pattern (5.40) |
perl-String-RewritePrefix:540 |
Rewrite strings based on prefixes (5.40) |
perl-String-Tagged-Terminal:540 |
Formats terminal output (5.40) |
perl-String-Tagged:540 |
String buffers with value tags on extents (5.40) |
perl-String-Util:540 |
String processing utility functions (5.40) |
perl-Struct-Dumb:540 |
Simple, lightweight record-like structures (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods:540 |
Sub::Exporter method helper routines (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive:540 |
Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Exporter:540 |
Exporter for custom-built routines (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Identify:540 |
Retrieve names of code references (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Info:540 |
Tool for inspecting subroutines (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Install:540 |
Install subroutines into packages easily (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Name:540 |
(Re)name a sub (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Override:540 |
Extension for easily overriding subroutines (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Quote:540 |
Generation of subroutines via string eval (5.40) |
perl-Sub-Uplevel:540 |
Run function in a higher stack frame (5.40) |
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Match:540 |
Match/Case syntax for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try:540 |
Try/Catch/Finally syntax for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Sys-MemInfo:540 |
Returns free and used physical memory (5.40) |
perl-Sysadm-Install:540 |
Typical installation tasks for sysadmins (5.40) |
perl-Task-Weaken:540 |
Ensure that a platform has weaken support (5.40) |
perl-Template-Tiny:540 |
Small template toolkit (5.40) |
perl-Template-Toolkit:540 |
Comprehensive template processing system (5.40) |
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu:540 |
Extension for GNU Readline/History Library (5.40) |
perl-Term-Size-Any:540 |
Retrieve terminal size (5.40) |
perl-Term-Size-Perl:540 |
Extension for retrieving terminal size (5.40) |
perl-TermReadKey:540 |
Change terminal modes |
perl-Test-Base:540 |
Data Driven Testing Framework (5.40) |
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta:540 |
Validate your CPAN META.json files (5.40) |
perl-Test-CheckDeps:540 |
Check for presence of dependencies (5.40) |
perl-Test-Class:540 |
Create xUnit/JUnit-style test classes (5.40) |
perl-Test-ClassAPI:540 |
API for testing large class trees (5.40) |
perl-Test-Compile:540 |
Assert that your Perl files compile OK (5.40) |
perl-Test-Deep:540 |
Extremely flexible deep comparison (5.40) |
perl-Test-Differences:540 |
String and data structure comparison (5.40) |
perl-Test-Exception-LessClever:540 |
(DEPRECATED) Test::Exception simplified (5.40) |
perl-Test-Exception:540 |
Test exception-based code (5.40) |
perl-Test-Fatal:540 |
Helpers for testing code with exceptions (5.40) |
perl-Test-File-ShareDir:540 |
Creates a Fake ShareDir for testing (5.40) |
perl-Test-File:540 |
Test file attributes (5.40) |
perl-Test-Fork:540 |
Test code which forks (5.40) |
perl-Test-Kwalitee:540 |
Pre-release Kwalitee tester (5.40) |
perl-Test-LeakTrace:540 |
Memory leak tracing functions (5.40) |
perl-Test-LongString:540 |
Tests strings for equality (5.40) |
perl-Test-MemoryGrowth:540 |
Assert when code increases memory usage (5.40) |
perl-Test-MockModule:540 |
Override subroutines for unit testing (5.40) |
perl-Test-MockObject:540 |
Emulates troublesome interfaces (5.40) |
perl-Test-Most:540 |
Most commonly needed test functions (5.40) |
perl-Test-Needs:540 |
Skip tests when modules not available (5.40) |
perl-Test-NoWarnings:540 |
Prevent warning emissions during testing (5.40) |
perl-Test-Number-Delta:540 |
Compare number differences within tolerance (5.40) |
perl-Test-Pod-Coverage:540 |
Check for pod coverage in your distribution (5.40) |
perl-Test-Pod:540 |
Check for POD errors in files (5.40) |
perl-Test-Requires:540 |
Checks to see if the module can be loaded (5.40) |
perl-Test-RequiresInternet:540 |
Easily test network connectivity (5.40) |
perl-Test-Script:540 |
Basic cross-platform tests for scripts (5.40) |
perl-Test-SharedFork:540 |
Utility module for Test::Builder for forks (5.40) |
perl-Test-TCP:540 |
Testing TCP program (5.40) |
perl-Test-Taint:540 |
Checks for taintedness of variables (5.40) |
perl-Test-Toolbox:540 |
Test::Toolbox - tools for testing (5.40) |
perl-Test-UseAllModules:540 |
Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules (5.40) |
perl-Test-Warn:540 |
Perl extension to test methods for warnings (5.40) |
perl-Text-Aligner:540 |
Module to align text (5.40) |
perl-Text-CSV_XS:540 |
Comma-Separated Values handling routines (5.40) |
perl-Text-Diff:540 |
Perform diffs on files and record sets (5.40) |
perl-Text-FindIndent:540 |
Heuristically determine the indent style (5.40) |
perl-Text-Glob:540 |
Match globbing patterns against text (5.40) |
perl-Text-Patch:540 |
Patches text with given patch (5.40) |
perl-Text-SimpleTable:540 |
Simple eyecandy ASCII tables (5.40) |
perl-Text-Soundex:540 |
Implementation of the soundex algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Text-Table:540 |
Organize Data in Tables (5.40) |
perl-Text-Template:540 |
Expand template text with embedded Perl (5.40) |
perl-Text-Unidecode:540 |
ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (5.40) |
perl-Text-VisualWidth-PP:540 |
Pure-perl multi-width character functions (5.40) |
perl-Text-VisualWidth:540 |
Multi-width character trim functions (5.40) |
perl-Text-WrapI18N:540 |
Multibyte text line wrapping module (5.40) |
perl-Throwable:540 |
Role for classes that can be thrown (5.40) |
perl-Tie-Cycle:540 |
Cycle through a list of values via a scalar (5.40) |
perl-Tie-IxHash:540 |
Ordered associative arrays for Perl (5.40) |
perl-Tie-ToObject:540 |
Tie to an existing object (5.40) |
perl-Time-timegm:540 |
UTC version of mktime() (5.40) |
perl-TimeDate:540 |
Parse date strings into time values (5.40) |
perl-Tk-Zinc:540 |
Another graphics canvas (5.40) |
perl-Tk:540 |
Tk - a Graphical User Interface Toolkit (5.40) |
perl-Tree-DAG_Node:540 |
Binary N-ary tree (5.40) |
perl-Try-Tiny:540 |
Minimal try/catch with preservation of $@ (5.40) |
perl-Type-Tiny-XS:540 |
XS boost for Type::Tiny's type constraints (5.40) |
perl-Type-Tiny:540 |
Moo(se) compatible type constraint (5.40) |
perl-Types-Serialiser:540 |
Data types for common serialisation formats (5.40) |
perl-UNIVERSAL-can:540 |
Work around bad code calling UNIVERSAL::can (5.40) |
perl-UNIVERSAL-isa:540 |
Work around bad code calling UNIVERSAL::isa (5.40) |
perl-UNIVERSAL-require:540 |
Require() modules from a variable (5.40) |
perl-URI-cpan:540 |
URLs that refer to things on the CPAN (5.40) |
perl-URI:540 |
Uniform Resource Identifiers (5.40) |
perl-URL-Encode-XS:540 |
XS implementation of URL::Encode (5.40) |
perl-URL-Encode:540 |
Handles application/x-www-form-encoded (5.40) |
perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth:540 |
East Asian Width properties (5.40) |
perl-Unicode-LineBreak:540 |
UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (5.40) |
perl-Unicode-String:540 |
String of Unicode characters (UTF-16BE) (5.40) |
perl-Unicode-UTF8:540 |
Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 form (5.40) |
perl-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded:540 |
Parser of application/x-www-form-urlencoded (5.40) |
perl-WWW-RobotRules:540 |
Database of robots.txt-derived permissions (5.40) |
perl-Web-Scraper:540 |
Web Scraping Toolkit (5.40) |
perl-WebService-MusicBrainz:540 |
Web service API to MusicBrainz database (5.40) |
perl-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream:540 |
Access IO of external processes via events (5.40) |
perl-Wx-Scintilla:540 |
Scintilla source code editing for wxWidgets (5.40) |
perl-Wx:540 |
Interface to the wxWidgets GUI toolkit (5.40) |
perl-XML-DOM:540 |
Build DOM Level 1 compliant structures (5.40) |
perl-XML-LibXML:540 |
Interface to Gnome xml2 library (5.40) |
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport:540 |
Simple generic namespace processor (5.40) |
perl-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree:540 |
Parse xml to simple tree (5.40) |
perl-XML-Parser:540 |
Perl module for parsing XML documents (5.40) |
perl-XML-RegExp:540 |
Regular expressions for XML tokens (5.40) |
perl-XML-SAX-Base:540 |
Base class for SAX Drivers and Filters (5.40) |
perl-XML-SAX-Expat:540 |
SAX Driver for Expat (5.40) |
perl-XML-SAX:540 |
Simple API for XML (5.40) |
perl-XML-Simple:540 |
API for simple XML files (5.40) |
perl-XML-TreePP:540 |
XML document parser and writer (5.40) |
perl-XML-XPath:540 |
Parse and evaluate XPath statements (5.40) |
perl-XML-XPathEngine:540 |
Re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees (5.40) |
perl-XS-Parse-Keyword:540 |
XS functions for parsing keyword syntax (5.40) |
perl-XString:540 |
Isolated String helpers from B (5.40) |
perl-XXX:540 |
See Your Data in the Nude (5.40) |
perl-YAML-LibYAML:540 |
YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml (5.40) |
perl-YAML-PP:540 |
YAML 1.2 Processor (5.40) |
perl-YAML-Tiny:540 |
Read/Write YAML files efficiently (5.40) |
perl-YAML:540 |
YAML Ain't Markup Languageā¢ (5.40) |
perl-aliased:540 |
Use shorter versions of class names (5.40) |
perl-common-sense:540 |
Sane defaults for Perl programs (5.40) |
perl-enum:540 |
C style enumerated types and bitmask flags (5.40) |
perl-inc-latest:540 |
Use modules bundled in inc/ if newest (5.40) |
perl-lib-abs:540 |
Relative-to-absolate path converter (5.40) |
perl-libwww-perl:540 |
World-Wide Web library for Perl (5.40) |
perl-libxml-perl:540 |
No description provided (5.40) |
perl-meta:540 |
Meta-programming API (5.40) |
perl-mod_perl:540 |
Persistent Perl interpreter for web server (5.40) |
perl-namespace-autoclean:540 |
Keep imports out of your namespace (5.40) |
perl-namespace-clean:540 |
Keep imports and functions out of namespace (5.40) |
perl-strictures:540 |
Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal (5.40) |
perl-subversion:540 |
Perl bindings to Subversion (v540) |